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2020-04-22 | 作者: | 来源: 【打印】【关闭】

173. He, Y., Luo, X., Zhou, B., Hu, T., Meng, X., Audano, P.A., Kronenberg, Z.N., Eichler, E.E., Jin, J., Guo, Y., Yang, Y., Qi, X. & Su, B.* Long-read assembly of the Chinese rhesus macaque genome and identification of ape-specific structural variants. Nat Commun 10, 4233 (2019).

172. Luo, X., He, Y., Zhang, C., He, X., Yan, L., Li, M., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Jiang, J., Meng, X., Ji, W., Zhao, X., Zheng, P., Xu, S. & Su, B.* Trio deep-sequencing does not reveal unexpected off-target and on-target mutations in Cas9-edited rhesus monkeys. Nat Commun 10, 5525 (2019).

171. Qi, X., Zhang, Q., He, Y., Yang, L., Zhang, X., Shi, P., Yang, L., Liu, Z., Zhang, F., Liu, F., Liu, S., Wu, T., Cui, C., Ouzhuluobu, Bai, C., Baimakangzhuo, Han, J., Zhao, S., Liang, C. & Su, B.* The Transcriptomic Landscape of Yaks Reveals Molecular Pathways for High Altitude Adaptation. Genome Biol Evol 11, 72-85 (2019).

170. Shi, L., Luo, X., Jiang, J., Chen, Y.C., Liu, C.R., Hu, T., Li, M., Lin, Q., Li, Y.J., Huang, J., Wang, H., Niu, Y.Y., Shi, Y.D., Styner, M., Wang, J.H., Lu, Y., Sun, X.J., Yu, H.L., Ji, W.Z. & Su, B.* Transgenic rhesus monkeys carrying the human MCPH1 gene copies show human-like neoteny of brain development. National Science Review 6, 480-493 (2019).

169. Yang, L., Yang, Y., Yuan, J., Sun, Y., Dai, J. & Su, B.* Transcriptomic Landscape of von Economo Neurons in Human Anterior Cingulate Cortex Revealed by Microdissected-Cell RNA Sequencing. Cereb Cortex 29, 838-851 (2019).

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