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2013-01-16 | 作者: | 来源: |【小  大】【打印】【关闭】

生态学与环境保护中心与生命条形码南方中心共同邀请到澳大利亚Griffith UniversityAkihiro Nakamura和Chris Burwell两位博士,于2013年1月16日(周三)早上为我所研究人员及研究生介绍他们关于昆虫对气候变化适应性的相关研究进展。


报告 一、

题目:Forest biodiversity as a key to monitoring responses to climate change and other human disturbance – cross continental collaborations

报告人:Akihiro Nakamura博士




Climate change is one of the most serious environmental threats currently facing humanity. Changes in temperature and humidity regimes are predicted to cause shifts in species’ geographical range which may result in potentially destructive changes in ecosystem services. The need to develop networks of sites in which biodiversity can be monitored to quantify the impacts of future climate change has long been recognized. As part of Queensland and Chinese Academy of Sciences Joint Biotechnology Projects, we established a series of elevational transects across latitudes of Yunnan province and Queensland (south eastern Australia) to generate a baseline dataset that describes the elevational distribution of invertebrates and plants. Using a number of different methods, we collected a range of invertebrate groups, with primary focus on moths, ants and beetles, and plants from spatially replicated plots along the elevational gradients. Here we present the results from one of the Australian altitudinal transects where we conducted intensive survey between 2006 and 2010. We then compare the results obtained from Chinese and Australian transects. We also present the results obtained from mass-PCR amplification of COI barcode genes of Lepidoptera to demonstrate the potential of this emerging new technology that could provide ecological, taxonomic and phylogenetic information from bulk samples of arthropods without, often costly, taxonomic assistance. Finally we present the new collaborative project to monitor and mitigate the ecological impacts of rubber plantation on a range of vertebrates and invertebrates across various locations within southern Yunnan Province.


题目:Ants and altitude – the potential of ants as bio-indicators of climate change

报告人:Chris Burwell博士




Altitudinal gradients are excellent study systems to examine how climate affects the distribution of organisms. Local climate changes predictably with increasing altitude; most notably temperature decreases and precipitation increases. Altitudinal gradients, therefore, encompass a range of climates in close geographic proximity and can be used as a surrogate for global climate change. Changes in ant assemblages (abundance, species richness and species composition) along an altitudinal transect (300 to 1100 metres above sea level) in subtropical rainforest in eastern Australia are presented. In addition, the potential of ant species as bio-indicators of climate change was assessed by rigorously identifying ant species characteristic of particular altitudinal ranges and then ‘testing’ the consistency of their altitudinal responses along a second, nearby gradient. The QCAS Project (Queensland – Chinese Academy of Sciences Biodiversity Project) has expanded this work by studying ants along an additional altitudinal transect in tropical rainforest in the Wet Tropics or far north-eastern Australia, and three altitudinal transects in Yunnan Province, China; tropical rainforest in Mengla, subtropical evergreen forest in Ailao Shan and conifer forest in Lijiang). Preliminary results from the QCAS Project are presented.

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