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2013-05-27 | 作者: | 来源: |【小  大】【打印】【关闭】

报告题目:Basic and application of bioluminescent system

报告人:Yoshihiro Ohmiya(National Institute of AIST, Biomedical Research Institute, Director,Japan)

时间:2013年6月7日(星期五)上午09:30 — 10:30


【简介】Yoshihiro Ohmiya is Director of Biomedical Research Institute (http://unit.aist.go.jp/biomed-ri/cie/),National Institute of Advanced and Industrial Science and Technology, Japan. He has long been focusing on “Basic and application of Bioluminescence system”, and “Basic and application of Bioluminescence system for imaging”. Many of his research results are patented and some of related products are commercially available (eg. MultiReporter Assay System-TriplucR®, Toyobo). He has published about 130 papers, including in Nature Methods, FEBS Lett., PNAS, Biochemistry, etc.

Professor Ohmiya got his Ph.D. Degree (Biochemistry) in Gunma (群马) University,Japan in 1990.

【报告内容】In the entire world, there are many kinds of bioluminescent livings; firefly, railroad-worm, jellyfish, and ostracod. In general, bioluminescence is a simple reaction that is triggered by the addition of luciferin solution. Luciferin is oxidized by oxygen, converted to excited oxyluciferin and finally emits a light catalyzed by luciferase enzyme. But the structures for luciferin and luciferases show the diversity, that is, different luciferin catalyzed by corresponded luciferases resulted in the production of different color lights. All applications of bioluminescence systems are based on the principle of the chemical reaction; that is, the light intensity as the measurable product depends on the amounts of luciferase, luciferin, and cofactor(s). Luciferase assay as a reporter enzyme are used widely in promoter analysis. In general, the luciferase gene containing the target promoter region of interest in the plasmid is transfected into target cells, and 1–2 days later, the amount of luciferase protein expressed can be estimated from the light intensity. So, luciferases are suitable reporter enzymes for the quantitative measurement of gene expression. In this section, I introduce our creating system using multiple bioluminescence assays. The multicolored reporter assay using beetle luciferases that emit various colors with a luciferin can observe the dynamics of three gene expressions in the cells. Namely, our tricolor reporter in vitro assay system in which three gene expressions are monitored simultaneously using green-, orange- and red-emitting beetle luciferases for gene expression analysis. The multicolored reporter cell line reveals the expressions change of two or three genes under the target chemicals or products simultaneously. Our technique is a unique and a powerful tool for the drug screening or toxicity test.





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