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2015-08-17 | 作者: | 来源: |【小  大】【打印】【关闭】


  报告人:吴强 教授








  1994/9 - 1998/12,纽约州立大学石溪分校和冷泉港实验室,细胞发育生物学

  1990/8 - 1993/7,复旦大学,病毒学,硕士

  1986/8 - 1990/7,复旦大学,微生物学和微生物工程,学士


  2008/09 - 至今,上海交通大学,系统生物医学研究院,教授

  2008/01 - 2008/08,中国科学院,生物物理所,研究员

  2002/01 - 2007/12,犹他大学医学院,人类遗传系,助理教授

  1998/09-2001/12,哈佛大学,分子与细胞生物学系,博士后,Damon Runyon Research Fellow;




  国家自然科学基金面上项目,31171015、钙粘蛋白Celsr 亚家族的功能研究2012/1-2015/12、66万、在研、主持

  国家自然科学基金(国际合作),81261120390、单等位基因表达调控在剪接因子SR蛋白驱动的肿瘤发生中的作用、2013/01-2013/12 30万已结题主持









  2006年,American Cancer Society Research Scholar,全美国癌症学会学者奖

  2003年,Prestigious March of Dimes Basil O’Connor Scholar,美国出生缺陷基金会青年学者奖

  1999年,Amersham Pharmacia Biotech & Science Prize for Young Scientist,Certificate of Merit,1999年Science杂志年轻科学家奖,提名奖

  1999年,Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell Cancer Research Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship,美国Damon Runyon癌症研究博士后基金获得者

  1998年,RPI/RNA Prize for Young Scientists, the International RNA Society,国际RNA学会青年科学家奖

  1997年,美国纽约州立大学石溪分校优异研究奖(Excellence Research Recognition Award of the SUNY at Stony Brook)


  Li J, Shou J,Guo Y, Tang Y, Wu Y, Jia Z, Zhai Y, Chen Z, Xu Q, Wu, Q. (2015). Efficient inversions and duplications of mammalian regulatory DNA elements and gene clusters by CRISPR/Cas9. J. Mol. Cell. Biol. doi:10.1093 /jmcb /mjv016. Epub 2015 March 11

  Jia Z, Guo Y, Tang Y, Xu Q, Li B, Wu Q.* (2014) Regulation of the protocadherin Celsr3 gene and its role in globus pallidus development and connectivity. Mol. Cell. Biol. 34: 3895-3910.

  Wang Y., Huang H., Wu Q.* (2014) Characterization of the zebrafish Ugt repertoire reveals a new class of drug-metabolizing UDP glucuronosyltransferases. Mol. Pharmacol. 86: 62-75.

  Suo L., Lu H., Ying G., Capecchi M.R., Wu, Q.* (2012) Protocadherin clusters and cell adhesion kinase regulate dendrite complexity through Rho GTPase. J. Mol. Cell. Biol.4: 362-376. Cover Article

  Guo Y., Monahan K., Wu H., Varley KE., Gertz J., Li W., Myers RM., Maniatis T.*, Wu Q.* (2012) CTCF/Cohesin-mediated DNA Looping is required for protocadherin alpha promoter choice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 109:21081-21086.

  Yang J., Cai L., Huang H., Liu B., Wu, Q.* (2012) Genetic variations and haplotype diversity of the UGT1 gene cluster in the Chinese population. PLoS One 7: e33988.

  Li W., Ni G., Zhang P., Zhang Z., Li W., Wu, Q.* (2010). Characterization of E2F3a function in HepG2 liver cancer cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 111: 1244-1251.

  Huang, HY; Wu, Q.* (2010). Cloning and comparative analyses of the zebrafish Ugt repertoire reveal Its evolutionary diversity. PLoS One 5:e9144.

  Ying, G., Wu, S., Hou, R., Huang, W., Capecchi, M., Wu, Q.* (2009). Protocadherin Celsr3 is required for interneuron migration in the mouse forebrain. Molecular and Cellular Biology 29: 3045-3061.

  Zou, C., Huang, W., Ying, G., and Wu, Q.* (2007). Sequence analysis and expression mapping of the rat clustered protocadherin gene repertoires. Neuroscience 144: 579-603.

  Wu, S., Ying, G., Wu, Q., and Capecchi, M.R. (2007). Towards simpler and faster genome-wide mutagenesis in mice. Nature Genetics 39: 922-930.

  Li, C. and Wu, Q.* (2007). Evolution of vertebrate multiple variable first exons and structural diversity of drug metabolizing enzymes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 7: 69.

  Wu, Q.* (2005). Comparative genomics and diversifying selection of the clustered vertebrate protocadherin genes. Genetics 169:2179-2188.

  Zhang, T., Haws, P., and Wu, Q.* (2004) Multiple variable first exons:a mechanism for cell- and tissue- specific gene regulation. Genome Research 14: 70-89.

  Wu, Q., Zhang, T., Cheng, J.-F., Kim, Y., Grimwood, J., Schmutz, J., Dickson, M., Noonan, J.P., Zhang, M.Q., Myers, R.M., and Maniatis, T.(2001). Comparative DNA sequence analysis of mouse and human protocadherin gene clusters. Genome Research 11: 389-404.

  Wu, Q. and Maniatis, T. (2000). Large exons encoding multiple ectodomains are a characteristic feature of protocadherin genes. Proc Natl Acad Sci 97:3124-3129.

  Wu, Q. and Maniatis, T. (1999) A striking organization of a large family of human neural cadherin-like cell adhesion genes. Cell 97:779-790.

  Wu, Q. and Krainer, A.R. (1996) U1-mediated exon definition interactions between AT-AC and GT-AG introns. Science 274: 1005-1008.

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