长鬃果蝇Drosophila (Drosophila) longisetae Zhang, Ling et Gan, 1989
鉴别特征:本种属伊米果蝇种团(immigrans species group),似Drosophila (Drosophila) chamundiensis Sajjan & Krishnamurthy, 1972,在第9背板上均具长鬃,但本种长鬃的着生位置不同、第9背板下部另具1丛鬃、侧尾叶除1列齿外,还具上倾的密集鬃毛。触角芒分枝毛数亦不同,本种上侧有3个分枝毛,下侧有1个分枝毛、而D. chamundiensis上侧有6个分枝毛,下侧有3个分枝毛。核型亦不同,D. chamundiensis具2对棒状染色体,而本种仅具1对。
文献:张文霞,凌发瑶,甘运兴,1989,昆明果蝇属一新种,昆虫分类学报,11 (4): 368-390
Remark: This species is closely related to Drosophila (Drosophila) chamundiensis Sajjan & Krishnamurthy, 1972. It differs from the latter in shape of periphallic organs. There are a cluster of bristles at the end of the genital arch, and the clasper is decorated with a row of teeth, 19 or 20 in number, and many bristles. In this species, the arista is provided with 3 branches above, 1 below, plus the large terminal fork, but in Dr. chamundiensis with 6 branches above, 3 below. The male metaphase plate consists of a pair V’s, a pair of rods, a pair of dots and a J-shaped X chromosome and an equal Y chromosome.
Distribution: Yunnan.
Reference: Wenxia Zhang, Fayao Lin and Yunxing Gan, 1989, A new species of
Drosophila from Kunming, China (Diptera: Drosophilidae), Entomotaxonomia, 11 (4): 368–390.