端刺果蝇Drosophila (Sophophora) apicespinata Zhang et Gan, 1986
鉴别特征:此种属索果蝇亚属(Sophophora),黑尾果蝇种群(melanogaster species group),铃木果蝇亚群(suzukii species subgroup),似日本种大岛果蝇Drosophila (Sophophora) oshimai Choo & Nakamura, 1973。但此种性梳占基跗节全长,齿多于20个,而D. oshimai仅9齿,着生于基跗节的中央;此种肛板下端具二粗大黑鬃,而D. oshimai仅一鬃。另该种阳茎内侧呈穗状分枝。
文献:张文霞,甘运兴,1986,昆明果蝇八新种描述,动物学研究,7(4): 851-865
Remark: This species belongs to melanogaster species group, suzukii species subgroup, closely related to the Japanese species Drosophila (Sophophora) oshimai Choo & Nakamura, 1973 in the shape of male genitalia and having a single longitudinal sex comb, but differs from it in having the teeth more than 20, extending entire fore metatarsus; anal plate having two stout brownish black bristles ventrally; apically and innerlaterally conical aedeagus.
Distribution: Yunnan.
Reference: Wenxia Zhang, Yunxing Gan, 1986, Descriptions of eight new species of Drosophilid flies from Kunming (Diptera: Drosophilidae), Zoological Research, 7 (4): 851–865.