丽零叶蝉 Limassolla unica Zhang et Xiao, 2000
鉴别特征:本种独特的颜色斑纹和特大型的阳茎腔复体不同于零叶蝉属Limassolla的所有已知种。本种有些相似于L. bengalensis (Ahmed),阳茎干侧扁、具侧基突,尾节突特征明显可鉴,阳基侧突端部足状,下生殖板端半部狭长。
文献:张雅林,肖宁年 2000,云南玉溪灯诱小叶蝉种类记述,昆虫分类学报,22(2):107-115
Remark: The unique colouration and exceptionally large atrium of penis differs L. unica from all known species of the genus Limassolla. It is similar to a certain degree to L. bengalensis (Ahmed) viz: penis stem laterally compressed and provided with lateral basal appendages, almost identical form of pygofer process, apical part of paramere foot-shaped and the caudal part of subgenital plate long and narrow.
Distribution: Yunnan.
Reference: Yalin Zhang, Ningnian Xiao 2000, Typhlocybinae (Auchenorryncha: Cicadellidae) Collected by a Light Trap in Yuxi, Yunnan, Entomotaxonomia, 22 (2): 107-115.