裂叶隐势瓢虫Cryptogonus lobules Xiao, 1992
鉴别特征:本种与五指山隐势瓢虫Cryptogonus wuzhishanus Pang et Mao 外形相近,但该种的雄性外生殖器中叶深裂,弯管端形状特殊,而易区别。
文献:肖宁年,李鸿兴 1992,鞘翅目:瓢虫科,西南武陵山昆虫,368-390
Remark: This species is allied to Cryptogonus wuzhishanus Pang et Mao, but can be distinguished by the male genitalia, the apex of sipho of this species with 3 processes. Median lobe deeply split from apex up to near the 1/2.
Distribution: Sichuan.
Reference: Ningnian Xiao, Hongxing Li, 1992, Coleoptera: Coccinellidae, Insects of Wuling Mountains area, Southwestern China, 368-390