球端食植瓢虫Epilachna globiera Xiao, 1992
鉴别特征:本种与茜草食植瓢虫Epilachna rubiacis Cao et Xiao 近似,但该种与后种的雄性外生殖器区别明显,而易于区分。本种阳基从侧面看,基部最厚,中部较窄,端部急尖,侧叶短于中叶,仅及中叶的2/3;从正面看,中叶近端部最宽,端部急尖。弯管囊内外突不明显,端半部弧形弯曲,端部圆球形。
文献:肖宁年,李鸿兴 1992,鞘翅目:瓢虫科,西南武陵山昆虫,368-390
Remark: This species is similar to Epilachna rubiacis Cao et Xiao, but is easily distinguished by the sipho with circular bend base, and the median lobe wider at near base with acute apex.
Distribution: Sichuan, Guizhou.
Reference: Ningnian Xiao, Hongxing Li, 1992, Coleoptera: Coccinellidae, Insects of Wuling Mountains area, Southwestern China, 368-390