十二斑新红瓢虫Singhikalia duodecimguttata Xiao, 1992
鉴别特征:本种与Singhikalia ornata Kapur 及S. subfasciata Miyatake 近似,但前胸背板及雄性外生殖器的弯管端的特征方面区别明显,而易于区分。
文献:肖宁年,李鸿兴 1992,鞘翅目:瓢虫科,西南武陵山昆虫,368-390
Remark: This species is allied to Singhikalia ornata Kapur and S. subfasciata Miyatake, but can be readily differentiated by the marks on pronotum and on elytra and the shape of the male genitalia.
Distribution: Sichuan, Hubei.
Reference: Ningnian Xiao, Hongxing Li, 1992, Coleoptera: Coccinellidae, Insects of Wuling Mountains area, Southwestern China, 368-390