Euos (Synaptops) jingguensis Liang et Sakurai, 2005
Remarks: This species is similar to E. indigenus and E. yingjiangensis in the dorso-apical projection on the middle tibiae, but the projection is characteristically formed. It is easily distinguished from the other congeners by the metallic red elytra. The present species is also similar to E. cuprifulgens in color, but the latter belongs to the splendidus group.
Distribution: Yunnan.
Reference: Xingcai Liang, Xueyan Li 2005 Study on the Genus Euops Schoenherr (Coleoptera: Attelabidae) from China, with Descriptions of a New Subgenus and Six New Species, Zoological Scinence, 22: 257–268.