2019-04-16 | 作者: 何舜平 | 来源: 水生生物研究所 【打印】

  中国科学院水生生物研究所(中心参建单位)和深海科学与技术研究所与西北工业大学联合攻关, 对生活在马里亚纳海沟7000米以下的狮子鱼开展了多方面的深入研究,  在分类学上厘清了其系统地位,首次在形态上发现了适应深渊的变化,在多组学大数据分析的基础上揭示了深渊适应的遗传基础。416日(北京时间凌晨),该研究结果在线发表于英国自然杂志子刊Nature Ecology & Evolution(自然-生态与进化),题为"Morphology and genome of a snailfish from the Mariana Trench provide insights into deep-sea adaptation"。共同通讯作者何舜平和王文研究员皆为我中心成员. 


Fig. 1 | Sampling information and morphological characteristics of the MHS.

 a, ArcGIS Online map (left; Map data, 2019 Esri) and topographic base map (right; plotted using Generic Mapping Tools software (see Methods) of the collection locations within the Mariana Trench. b, RV Tan Suo Yi Hao. c, The deep-sea lander Tianya. d,e, In situ observations of the MHS (P. swirei). f, Fresh MHS specimen (holotype; Liparidae sp. 2 MT-2016; female). g, A Tanaka’s snailfish caught off the coast of Matsue city, Shimane Prefecture, Japan. Credit: photo of Tanaka’s snailfish taken by Takuya Morihisa in 2003.


Fig. 3 | The incomplete skull of the MHS is associated with premature termination of the bone Gla protein (bglap) gene.

a,b, Morphometric scans of the whole skeleton (a) and cranial bones (b) of the MHS holotype using micro-computed tomography. c, Gene structure (top), alignment of nucleotide and amino acid sequences (middle) and sequencing read depth (bottom; the numbers along the x-axis represent the position of the base at the scaffold)for the bglap gene. The premature termination (coloured red) of bglap is due to a single nucleotide insertion (coloured orange). The complete amino acid alignments of bglap are shown in Supplementary Fig. 23. d–f, Phenotypic differences in skeletal development between control-MO-injected zebrafish embryos (d) and embryos injected with bglap-e1i1-MO (e) and bglap-ATG-MO (f) at 5 days post-fertilization. In vivo visualization of the skeleton was achieved by adding a fluorescent dye (calcein) to the water housing the fish. Dyes that bind to calcified matrices can be used to label the entire skeleton.5ba, fifth branchial arch; e, ethmoid plate; ec, ectopterygoid; m, Meckel’s cartilage; op, opercular bone; pq, palatoquadrate. Scale bars: 200 μm.g, Quantification of the relative fluorescence intensity (RFI) of the head skeleton bone mass. Columns heights and bars represent means ± s.e.m. (unpaired Student’s t-test, n = 10), ***P < 0.0001.



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