2019-04-26 | 作者: 张世华研究员 | 来源: 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 【打印】

  哺乳动物的染色体折叠缠绕在细胞核中,并形成丰富的层次结构。从MB尺度的激活或者非激活的染色体子室(compartments A/B),到百kb尺度的拓扑关联结构(topologically associated domains, TADs) 或者子拓扑关联结构 (sub-TADs),再到更为精细的染色体环(chromatin loops)。这些结构已经被认为是影响基因调控、细胞内生物过程、细胞分化、进化等的重要因素。 

  随着染色质构象捕获技术(3C) 以及其衍生技术的迅速发展,三维基因组图谱数据正在大量累积,这为进一步揭示哺乳动物染色体的折叠机制提供了机遇和挑战。该研究旨在提出一个通用且高效的多尺度拓扑结构域识别方法MSTD,以从多种类型的三维基因组数据中鉴定多尺度的拓扑结构,其中包括顺式的 (cis) 和反式 (trans) 的交互结构。该方法不仅能够鉴定多尺度的拓扑关联结构 (TADs),而且首次提出鉴定启动子锚定的交互结构域 (promoter-anchored

interacting domainsPADs) 和成对的拓扑关联交互结构域 (pairwise topologically associating domains, PTADs) 

Figure 1. Illustration of MSTD for detecting TADs and PTADs in a symmetric and asymmetric matrix respectively.

 (A, B) Examples of TADs and PTADs. The color depth represents the density of domains. (C) MSTD computes two indexes including local density and minimum distance of higher density (MDHD) for each diagonal element in the symmetric matrix. The value of heatmap represents normalized interacting scores. (D) The decision graph of clustering results for (C). Clustering centres are marked by big dots with different colors. Starting with the centres, the remaining elements are assigned to the same cluster as its nearest neighbor element of higher density layer by layer. The clustering boundaries are defined to be the outermost elements of the same cluster in the two directions. (E) MSTD computes two indexes similar to (C) for each non-zero element in the asymmetric matrix. (F) The decision graph of clustering results for (E). For the asymmetric matrix, MSTD employs all non-zero elements and defines the clustering boundaries in four directions. Noise elements were colored by black.   

  该方法被用于17个人类血液细胞promoter-capture Hi-C图谱。结果发现,鉴定出的PADs边界显著富集一种或几种表观因子组合,并且功能相似细胞之间的PADs更加保守,细胞类型特异的PADs通过动态的染色质交互参与细胞特异的激活或者调控事件。MSTD同样适用于常见地对称Hi-C数据,相较于已有方法,MSTD在准确性和计算效率方面都表现出明显的优越性。    

  201943日国际学术期刊《Nucleic Acids Research》在线发表了中心张世华研究员与西安电子科技大学高琳教授课题组合作完成的题为"MSTD: an efficient method for detecting multi-scale topological domains from symmetric and asymmetric 3D genomic maps”的最新研究成果。到张世华课题组访问的研究生叶育森为该工作的第一作者。该工作受到中国科学院先导专项、国家自然科学基金等的支持。 

   原文链接: https://academic.oup.com/nar/advance-article/doi/10.1093/nar/gkz201/5426476 


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