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郑永唐   研究员
学  历: 博士
电  话: +86 871 65195684
传  真: +86 871 65195684
电子邮件: zhengyt@mail.kiz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 云南省昆明市教场东路32号 中国科学院昆明动物研究所    650223
  简  历

研究员 博士生导师,1962年生。1983年毕业于江西医学院并获医学学士学位分配至赣南医学院微生物学教研室任助教。1989年在中国科学院昆明动物研究所获细胞免疫学硕士学位,1997年在中国科学院昆明动物研究所获免疫生物学博士学位。1991年起历任中国科学院昆明动物研究所助理研究员、副研究员、研究员、博士生导师。1996年获日本学术振兴会特别资助赴日本北海道大学和群马大学进行HIV合作研究。1999至2005年其间在香港中文大学医学院合作开展抗病毒机制研究一年多。现为中国科学院昆明动物研究所动物模型与人类疾病机理重点实验室副主任、分子免疫药理学实验室主任,中国科学院昆明生物安全三级实验室主任、中国科学院昆明动物研究所学术委员会和学位委员会委员、中国科学院昆明动物研究所伦理学委员会主任、中国免疫学会常务理事、云南省免疫学会理事长、云南省微生物学会副理事长、云南省性病艾滋病防治协会常务理事、云南省药理学会常务理事、云南省生物医学伦理审查委员会委员Cell Mol Immunol、病毒学报、免疫学杂志、中国免疫学杂志、中国天然药物、动物学研究等刊物编委。国务院政府特殊津贴获得者、云南省中青年学术和技术带头人、云南省有突出贡献优秀专业技术人才、中组部和中科院首批西部之光人才、谈家桢生命科学创新奖获得者。 


1. 完善建立抗HIV药物药效学评价和机制研究关键实验技术平台,抗HIV药物体外药效学评价和机制研究。
建立了国内最完整从分子、细胞到动物模型整体水平的抗HIV药物药效学和机制研究关键技术平台。拥有完备的抗HIV药物检测技术平台;具有国内最完整的一套从分子、细胞水平到动物模型整体水平的抗HIV药物的药效学评价和作用机理研究技术平台体系;与国内24个省、市、自治区100多家单位和俄罗斯、印度、埃及等6家国外机构开展了抗HIV药物、疫苗和AIDS灵长类动物模型的合作研究。筛选和研究了近万种化合物或药物的抗HIV活性,发现了一系列具有显著抗HIV活性的化合物,对具有显著抗HIV活性的化合物进行了构效关系和作用机制研究。完成了11个抗HIV新药的临床前药效学评价,其中抗HIV新药重组TCS突变体(批件号:2005L00148)、西夫韦肽批件号: 2005L01088)和阿兹夫定批件号: 2013L00941)先后获得国家药品食品监督管理局(CFDA)的“药物临床研究批件”,占全国获CFDA“药物临床研究批件”的抗HIV新药的43%3/7),是我国目前抗HIV药物研究的最主要基地之一。申请和合作申请49个专利(包括2PCT专利)26个专利获得授权(1PCT专利) 。发表抗HIV药物相关SCI论文150多篇。  

2. 建立5种SIV/SHIV AIDS灵长类动物模型,进行HIV/AIDS发病机制、药物及疫苗的评价研究。
建立了SIVmacSHIV感染中国产猕猴的AIDS灵长类动物模型急性感染期的免疫特点,为抗HIV-1药物和疫苗评价以及发病机制研究奠定基础。早期研究发现天然免疫分子TRIM5α在限制HIV感染中的作用机制。发现在旧大陆猴中唯一易感HIV-1的北平顶猴中,Cyclophilin AcDNA通过逆转座机制插入至TRIM5基因座,形成了新型TRIM5-CypA融合基因,该融合基因蛋白产物不能够限制HIV-1的感染和复制,这可能是北平顶猴对HIV-1易感的重要分子机制,从而揭示了北平顶猴是一种潜在的HIV感染模型,目前正在进行HIV感染北平顶猴模型的构建。 

3. 云南省HIV/AIDS 流行病学及其在我国西南边陲的跨境传播 
中国-缅甸边境由于具有HIV-1高患病率和大的差异重组率而备受关注。我们发现缅甸北部是一个CRF01_AEB'C重组的大熔炉,CRF01_AE/ B '/ C重组率高达42.6%。我们首次对缅甸长途卡车司机的分子流行病学特征进行了研究。长卡司机可能在HIV异性传播和吸毒者传播,中国和缅甸跨境传播之间具有重要作用。HIVHCV/HBV合并感染在中国-缅甸边境地区注射吸毒者中非常普遍。 



1.  国家自然科学基金2015.1-2018.12,主持,145万,艾滋病”功能性治愈”猕猴模型创建及其病毒潜伏机制研究(81471620)

2.  国家自然科学基金2012.1-2015.12,主持,86万,新型HIV/HSIV北平顶猴模型创建及其感染与免疫保护机制研究(81172876)

3.  国家自然科学基金,2013.1-2016.12,参与,86万,基于活化针对病毒保守区T 细胞免疫反应的新型艾滋病疫苗研究(U1202228)

4.  “艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治”科技重大专项“十二五”计划课题, 2012.1-2015.12,课题主持,68万抗HIV化合物的评价 (No. 2012ZX10001-006)

5.  艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治科技重大专项十二五计划课题, 2012.1-2015.12,课题主持,87应用灵长类动物模型评价新型杀微生物剂效果 (No. 2012ZX10001-007)

6.  国家重大科学研究计划课题, 2012.1-2016.12,课题主持,100HIV-1北平顶猴模型创建及其应用(2012CBA01305)

7.  NSFC-云南联合基金2014-2017,参与,105万,中缅越老边境地区高危人群HIV-1分子流行病学、病毒进化及跨境传播动力学研究(U1302224)

8.  国家自然科学基金2014-2017,主持,70万,HLA Iα3缺失异构体在免疫调控中的作用及机制研究(81373124)                        

9.  国家自然科学基金,2013-2016,主持,70万,共感染/超感染在中缅边境注射吸毒人群HIV-1高度重组中的作用和机制研究(81271892)



1.  国家自然科学基金2007.1-2009.12,主持,28万,新型天然免疫分子mnTRIMCypHIV-1感染中作用机制研究(30671960)

2.  国家自然科学基金2009.1-2011.12,主持,30万,猕猴MamuI A剪接异构体对T细胞增殖及NK细胞杀伤能力的影响机制研究(30872317)

3.  国家自然科学基金2009.1-2012.12,主持,190万,天然免疫分子TRIM5aHIV-1感染和复制中的限制作用及机制研究(U0832601)

4.  “艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治”科技重大专项“十一五”计划课题, 2009.1-2010.12, 课题主持,170万,云南省HIV临床株的分离和毒种库建设(2009ZX10004-902)

5.  “重大新药创制”科技重大专项“十一五”计划课题2009.1-2011.12,项目主持,375万,抗HIV药物药效评价及新机理研究关键技术平台研究(2009ZX09501-029)

6.  中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目课题2011.1-2013.12, 项目主持,100万,HIV/HSIV感染北平顶猴模型的创建(2012CBA01305)



2012 第五届谈家桢生命科学创新奖
2011 中共云南省委联系专家
2009 国务院政府特殊津贴获得者 2004 云南省自然科学奖二等奖: “核糖体失活蛋白抗艾滋病病毒活性及构效关系的研究”(郑永唐、贲昆龙、王建华)
2009 云南省科技进步奖一等奖:“抗HIV药物研发关键技术建立及其应用”(郑永唐、杨柳萌、王睿睿、张高红、王云华、欧阳东云、王媛媛)
2009 云南省自然科学奖一等奖:“两栖动物活性多肽的结构与功能研究”(赖 仞、张 云、李建许、张亚平、郑永唐、徐学清、杨海龙、李文辉)
2009 云南省科技进步奖三等奖:“云南省HIV毒种库建设及分子流行病学研究”(马艳玲、张勇、陆林、贾曼红、郑永唐、杨莉、施玉华)
2007 中华预防医学会科学技术奖三等奖: “云南省艾滋病综合防治研究”(陆林、郑永唐、周曾全、贾曼红、李建华、李庆生、李燕、马艳玲)
2004 云南省有突出贡献的优秀专业技术人才   
2002 云南省中青年学术与技术学科带头人
1996 中国科学院“地奥”奖学金一等奖
1996 中国科学院“方树泉”奖学金
1996 中国科学院“西部之光”人才
1996 云南省中青年学术与技术学科带头人后备人才
1995 云南省科技进步奖三等奖:“猴艾滋病的诊断和国产猴群感染状况的调查”(贲昆龙、陈志斌、田保平、郑永唐)
1995 中国科学院院长优秀奖学金

Liu JK, Zheng YT, Qin XD, Yang LM, Dong ZJ, Wang RR, Tan JW. Concentricolide from the Ascomycete Daldinia concentrica, its derivatives and their use. 国际专利申请号:PCT/CN2004/001188(国际分类号:C07D 493/04,A61K31/365, A61P31/18;优先权:200310110784.5;美国发明专利申请号:10/576,758,公开号为US-2007-0155830-A1。专利号为US7,659,308 B2 

[1]郑永唐、贲昆龙、金善炜、周俊、曹伯巽、汪猷。栝楼蛋白,其制备方法和在制药中的应用。专利号:ZL97115693.X。国际专利主分类号:C07K 14/415。证书号:第58074号。授权公告日:2000812日。
[2]陈纪军,王易芬,郑永唐,罗士德,曹建新,唐绍宗,王惠英,刘广杰,来国防。抗艾滋病药物及其应用。专利号:ZL00132008.4。国际专利主分类号:A61K 31/10。证书号:第129028号。授权公告日:20031122日。 
[3]陈纪军,王易芬,郑永唐,罗士德,曹建新,唐绍宗,王惠英,刘广杰,来国防。一种治疗艾滋病药物组合物及其用途。专利号:ZL00132010.6。国际专利主分类号:A61K 31/12。证书号:第124178号。授权公告日:2003101日。 
[5]张云,赖仞,郑永唐,唐绍宗,李文辉。大蹼铃蟾蛋白酶抑制剂及其制备方法和在制药中的应用。专利号:ZL00122416.6;国际专利主分类号:C07K 14/435。证书号:第147276号。授权公告日:2004317日。 
[6]张云 赖仞 郑永唐 刘广杰 李文辉 唐绍宗。大蹼铃蟾多肽在制备抗肿瘤和艾滋病药物中的应用。专利号:ZL00122417.4;国际专利主分类号:C07K 14/435。证书号:第147277号。授权公告日:2004317日。 
[7]张云,赖仞,郑永唐,李文辉.大蹼铃蟾抗精子多肽及其制备方法和在制药中的应用。专利号:ZL00130617.0;国际专利主分类号:C07K 14/435。证书号:第147541号。授权公告日:2004317日。 
[8]张云 赖仞 郑永唐 唐绍宗 李文辉。2000,大蹼铃蟾皮肤肽及其制备方法和在制药中的应用。专利号:ZL00122415.8;国际专利主分类号:C07K 14/435。证书号:第166925号。授权公告日:2004811日。 
[9]张云,赖仞,郑永唐,李文辉,刘衡,刘广杰。2001,大蹼铃蟾抗肿瘤蛋白及其制备方法和其基因。专利号:ZL01107253.9;国际专利主分类号:C07K 14/435。证书号:第176614号。授权公告日:20041013日。 
[10]普绍平,郑永唐,王玉天,王茜,刘伟平,刘祝东,高文桂,余尧。黄芩甙锌配合物药物用途。专利号:ZL02122501.X;国际专利主分类号:A61K 31/7048。证书号:第195312号。授权公告日:2005216日。 
[11]陈纪军,郑永唐,王茜,张雪梅,顾琼,江志勇.5,6-二羟基2-(4-羟苯基)-4--4H-1-苯并吡喃基-7-羟基-b-D-葡萄糖醛酸在制药中的应用.申请号:03117878.2; 公开号:CN 1491660A;专利号:ZL03 1 17878.2;国际专利主分类号:A61K 31/7048。证书号:第200823号。授权公告日:2005323日。 
[12]刘吉开,郑永唐,丁智慧,王茜,瞿燕,董泽军。一种预防或治疗艾滋病的药物及其制备方法和应用。申请号:02113777.3;公告号:CN 1459281A。专利号:ZL02113777.3;国际专利主分类号:A61K 31/122A61P31/18。证书号:第204312号。授权公告日:20050420日。 
[13]刘吉开,郑永唐,秦向东,杨柳萌,董泽军,王睿睿,谭建文.炭球菌素及其制备方法和应用。申请号:200310110784.5.公告号:CN 1238357A。专利号:ZL200310110784.5;国际专利主分类号:C07D 493/04A61K 31/365A61P 31/18C07D 307/00。证书号:第247028号。授权公告日:20060125日。
[14]李伟、郑永唐、王建华、赵小明、李曙光、白雪芳、杜昱光。一种具有抗HIV活性的蛋白和糖结合蛋白。申请号:200410087654.9. 专利号:ZL2004 1 0087654.9。证书号:第333472号。授权公告日:200774日。 
[15]李蓉涛、孙汉董、郑永唐、王睿睿、杨柳萌、林中文、赵勤实。抗艾滋病化合物,其制备方法和以该类化合物为活性成分的药物组合物及其应用。专利申请号:200410040750.8;专利公开号:1634922。专利号:ZL 200410040750.8, 授权公告号:CN 100338067C,授权公告日:20070919。 
[16]陈纪军、顾琼、郑永唐、王睿睿、张雪梅、周俊. 盐肤木内脂A, 其制备方法和其在制药中的应用.申请号: 200610048715.X;公开号:CN1995028A. 专利号:ZL 200610048715.X, 授权公告日:20081119,证书号:444158号。
[17]靳艳、郑永唐、王建华、张卫。一种多皱软磺酸在抗HIV-1病毒中的药物中应用。专利申请号:200410082873.8;专利号:ZL200410082873.8, 授权公告号:CN 100358516C,授权公告日:20080102。 
[18]李蓉涛、孙汉董、郑永唐、杨柳萌、王睿睿、林中文、赵勤实。治疗艾滋病的药物及其应用.专利申请号:200410079515.1;专利公开号: 1634031。授权公告号: CN 100430053C,授权公告日:20081105。专利号:ZL200410079515.1,证书号:439464号。
[19]何严萍、郑永唐、李聪、龙晶、饶之坤、张虽栓、欧灵澄。S-DABO类化合物、其合成方法及用途。申请号:200710065605.9;公开号:CN101037415A. 专利号:ZL200710065605.9, 授权公告号:CN 100100519540C,授权公告日:2009729日。证书号:第530603号。
[20]何严萍、郑永唐、李聪、张虽栓、龙晶、欧灵澄。6-环己甲基取代S-DABO类化合物、其合成方法和用途.申请号:200710066433.7;专利公开号:CN101177413A. 专利号:ZL200710066433.7, 授权公告号:CN 101177413B,授权公告日:20101117日。证书号:第700796号。 
[22]刘靖平、孙汉董、张洪彬、郑永唐、肖伟烈、普建新、王睿睿、杨柳萌。含氮类联苯化合物,含其的药物组合物,其制备方法及其在抗HIV-1中的应用.申请号:201010512452.X,专利公开号: CN102010398A;专利号: ZL201010512452.X。授权公告日:20111130日。 
[23]郝小江、郑永唐、何红平、黄宁、谭承建、李春燕、邸迎彤、王睿睿。三宝木内酯A-D,其药物组合物,制备方法和应用.申请号: 200910218391.3; 专利公开号: CN102101864A。专利号:ZL2009 1 0218391.3。证书号:第1039787号。授权公告日:20120918日。 
[24]邵鹏柱、郑永唐、黄锦波、罗嘉懿、王睿睿、麦雅丝。修饰的玉米核糖体失活蛋白前体及其应用和蛋白纯化方法.申请号:201010159724.2。专利号:ZL2010 1 0159724.23。证书号:第1163315号。授权公告号:CN 102234638B, 授权公告日:20130327日。 
[25]刘吉开、郑永唐、赵金华、吴明一、黄宁、李姿、高娜、文丹丹、连武、何江波。低分子量岩藻糖化糖胺聚糖的羧基还原衍生物及其制备方法与用途.申请号:201110435559.3. 专利公开号: CN102558389A. 专利号:ZL 2011 1 0435559.3。证书号:第1280419号。授权公告日:20131002日。 
[26]胡英杰,邱声祥,符林春,郑永唐。一种治疗艾滋病的药物组合物及其制备方法、质量控制方法和用途. 申请号: CN201210210017.0,专利号: ZL 2012 1 0210017.0. 授权公告号: CN102727850B. 授权公告日:20140521日。专利证书号:1406221


Publications as Corresponding author: (Selected from 89 papers) 

 [1]  Mu D, Yang H, Zhu JW, Liu FL, Tian RR, Zheng HY, Han JB, Shi P*, Zheng YT*. (2014) Independent birth of a novel TRIMCyp in Tupaia belangeri with a divergent function from its paralog TRIM5. Mol Biol Evol, 2014 Aug 18. pii: msu238. [Epub ahead of print]  

 [2]  Zhou YH, Liang YB, Pang W, Qing WH, Yao ZH, Chen X, Zhang CY*, Zheng YT*. (2014) Diverse forms of HIV-1 among Burmese long-distance truck drivers implies their contribution to HIV-1 cross-border transmission. BMC Infect Dis, 2014, 14(1):463. 

[3]  Au KY, Wang RR, Wong YT, Wong KB, Zheng YT*, Shaw PC*. (2014) Engineering a switch-on peptide to ricin A chain for increasing its specificity towards HIV-infected cells. BBA Gen Subjects, 1840(3):958-963. 

[4]  Dai ZX, Zhang GH, Zhang XH, Zhu JW, Zheng YT*. (2014) A splice variant of HLA-A with a deletion of exon 3 expressed as nonmature cell-surface glycoprotein forms a heterodimeric structure with full-length HLA-A. Hum Immunol, 75:234-238. 

[5]  Zhang X, Huang SZ, Gu WG, Yang LM, Chen H, Zheng CB, Zhao YX, Wan DC, Zheng YT*. (2014) Wikstroelide M potently inhibits HIV replication by targeting reverse transcriptase and integrase nuclear translocation. Chin J Nat Med, 12(3):186-193. 

[6]  Zheng HY, Zhang MX, Pang W, Zheng YT*.  (2014) Aged Chinese rhesus macaques suffer severe phenotypic T and B-cell aging accompanied with sex differences. Exp Gerontol, 55:113-119.  

[7]  Wang RR, Yang QH, Luo RH, Peng YM, Dai SX, Zhang XJ , Chen H, Cui XQ, Liu YJ, Huang JF, Chang JB*, Zheng YT*.  (2014) Azvudine, a novel nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor showed good drug combination features and better inhibition on drug-resistant strains than lamivudine in Vitro. PLoS One, 9(8):e105617. 

[8]  Dai ZX, Zhang GH, Zhang XH, Zheng YT*. (2013) Identification and characterization of a novel splice variant of rhesus macaque MHC IA. Mol Immunol, 53:206-213.  

[9]  Zhang XH, Dai ZX, Zhang GH, Han JB, Zheng YT*. (2013) Molecular characterization, balancing selection, and genomic organization of the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri) MHC class I gene. Gene, 522(2):147-155.  

[10]  Lian W, Wu MY, Huang N, Gao N, Xiao C, Li Z, Zhang ZG, Zheng YT*, Peng WL*, Zhao JH*. (2013) Anti-HIV-1 activity and structureactivity-relationship study of a fucosylated glycosaminoglycan from an echinoderm by targeting the conserved CD4 induced epitope. BBA-Gen Subjects, 1830(10): 4681-4691.  

[11]  Huang N, Wu MY, Zheng CB, Zhu L, Zhao JH*, Zheng YT*. (2013) The depolymerized fucosylated chondroitin sulfate from sea cucumber potently inhibits HIV replication via interfering with virus entry. Carbohyd Res, 380:64-69. 

[12]  Cheng YY, Chen H, He HP, Zhang Y, Li SF, Tang GH, Guo LL, Yang W, Zhu F, Zheng YT*, Li SL*, Hao XJ*. (2013) Anti-HIV active daphnane diterpenoids from Trigonostemon thyrsoideum. Phytochemistry. 96:360-369. 

[13]  Zhang XJ, Lu LH, Wang RR, Wang YP, Luo RH, Lai CC, Yang LM, He YP*, Zheng YT*.(2013) DB-02, a C-6-cyclohexylmethyl substituted pyrimidinone HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitor with nanomolar activity, displays an improved sensitivity against K103N or Y181C than S-DABOs. PLoS One, 8(11):e81489. 

[14]  Li SY, Xia HJ, Zhang GH, Dai ZX, Fan B, Li MH, Wang RR, Zheng YT*. (2012) Dynamics and functions of CD4+CD25high regulatory T lymphocytes in Chinese rhesus macaques during their early stage infection with SIVmac239. Arch Virol, 157(5):961-967.  

[15]  Zhang X, Yang LM, Liu GM, Liu YJ, Zheng CB, Lv YJ, Li HZ, Zheng YT*. (2012) Potent anti-HIV activities and mechanisms of a pine cone extract from Pinus yunnanensis. Molecules, 17(6):6916-6929. 

[16]  Zhou YH, Yao ZH, Liu FL, Li H, Jiang L, Zhu JW, Zheng YT*. (2012) High prevalence of HIV, HCV, HBV and co-infection and associated risk factors among injecting drug users in Yunnan province, China. PLoS One, 7(8): e42937. 

[17]  Ma JP, Xia HJ, Zhang GH, Han JB, Zhang LG, Zheng YT*. (2012) Inhibitory effect of chloroquine on the activation of plasmacytoid dendritic cells in SIVmac239 infected Chinese rhesus macaques. Cell Mol Immunol, 9(5):410-416.

[18]  Hu GP, Li X, Zhang X, Li YZ, Ma L, Yang LM, Liu GX, Li WH, Huang J, Shen X, Hu LH*, Zheng YT*, Tang Y*. (2012) Discovery of inhibitors to block interactions of HIV-1 integrase with human LEDGF/p75 via structure-based virtual screening and bioassays. J Med Chem, 55(22):10108-10117. 

[19]  Pang W, Zhang CY, Duo L, Zhou YH, Yao ZH, Liu FL, Li H, Tu YQ, Zheng YT*. (2012) Extensive and complex HIV-1 recombination between B, C and CRF01_AE among IDUs in Northern Myanmar. AIDS, 26(9):1121-1129. 

[20]  Dai ZX, Zhang GH, Zhang XH, Xia HJ, Li SY, Zheng YT*. (2012) The β2-microglobulin-free heterodimerization of rhesus monkey MHCA with its normally spliced variant reduces the ubiquitin-dependent degradation of MHCIA. J Immunol, 188(5): 2285-2296.  

[21]  Wang RR, Gao YD, Ma CH, Zhang XJ, Huang CG, Huang JF, Zheng YT*. (2011) Mangiferin, an anti-HIV agent targeting protease effective against resistant strains. Molecules, 16:4264-4277. 

[22]  Liu FL, Qiu YQ, Li H, Kuang YQ, Tang X, Cao G, Tang NLS, Zheng YT*.(2011) An HIV-1 resistance polymorphism in TRIM5α gene among Chinese intravenous drug users. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr, 56(4):306-311. 

[23]  Pang W, Wang RR, Gao YD, Yang LM, Sun Y, Huang JF, Tien P, Zheng YT*.(2011) A novel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for screening HIV-1 fusion inhibitors targeting HIV-1 Gp41 core structure. J Biomol Screen, 16(2):221-229.  

[24]  Zhou YH, Liu FL, Yao ZH, Duo L, Li H, Sun Y, Zheng YT*. (2011) Comparison of HIV-, HBV-, HCV- and -co-infection prevalence between Chinese and Burmese intravenous drug users of the China-Myanmar border region. PLoS One, 6(1):e16349.

[25]  He YP, Long J, Zhang SS, Li C, Lai CC, Zhang CS, Li DX, Zhang DH, Wang H, Cai QQ, Zheng YT*. (2011) Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel dihydro-aryl/alkylsulfanyl-cyclohexylmethyl oxopyrimidines (S-DACOs) as high active anti-HIV agents. Bioorg Med Chem Lett, 21:694-697. 

[26]  Xia HJ, Zhang GH, Ma JP, Dai ZX, Li SY, Han JB, Zheng YT*.(2010) Dendritic cell subsets dynamics and cytokine productions in SIVmac239 infected Chinese rhesus macaques. Retrovirology, 7:102. 

[27]  Law SK, Wang RR, Mak AN, Wong KB, Zheng YT*, Shaw PC*. (2010) A switch-on mechanism to activate maize ribosome-inactivating protein for targeting HIV-infected cells. Nucleic Acids Res, 38(19):6803-6812.  

[28]  Sun Y, Ouyang DY, Pang W, Tu YQ, Li YY, Shen XM, Tam SC, Yang HY, Zheng YT*. (2010) Expression of syncytin in leukemia and lymphoma cells. Leukemia Res, 34:1195-1202. 

[29]  Lin HW, Sun MX, Wang YH, Yang LM, Yang YR, Huang N, Xuan LJ, Xu YM, Bai DL, Zheng YT*, Xiao K*. (2010) Anti-HIV activities of the compounds isolated from Polygonum cuspidatum and Polygonum multiflorum. Planta Med, 76:889-892. 

[30]  Xia HJ, Zhang GH, Wang RR, Zheng YT*. (2009) The influence of age and sex on the cell counts of peripheral blood leukocyte subpopulations in Chinese rhesus macaques. Cell Mol Immunol, 6(6):433-440. 

[31]  Pang W, Tam SC, Zheng YT*. (2009) Current peptide HIV type-1 fusion inhibitors. Antivir Chem Chemoth, 20(1):1-18. 

[32]  Tu YQ, Wang MJ, Yao J, Zhu XM,  Pan PL, Xing WG, Zhang GH, Yang RG,  Zheng YT*, Jiang Y*. (2009) Human immunodeficiency virus-1 genotypic drug resistance among volunteer blood donors in Yunnan, China. Transfusion, 49(9):1865-1873. 

[33]  Xia HJ, Liu HL, Zhang GH, Zheng YT*. (2009) Phenotype and function of myeloid dendritic cells derived from Chinese rhesus macaque blood monocytes. Cell Mol Immunol, 6(3):159-165. 

[34]  Kuang YQ, Tang X, Liu FL, Jiang XL, Zhang YP, Gao GX, Zheng YT*.(2009) Genotyping of TRIM5 locus in Northern pig-tailed macaques (Macaca leonina), a primate species susceptible to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection. Retrovirology, 6(1):58. 

[35]  Wang RR, Yang LM, Wang YH, Pang W, Tam SC, Tien P, Zheng YT*. (2009) Sifuvirtide, a potent HIV fusion inhibitor peptide. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 382:540-544.  

[36]  Ouyang DY, Xu LH, Dai ZX, Shi HJ, Zhang GH, Zheng YT*, He XH*. (2008) Identification of major histocompatibility complex class I alleles in Chinese rhesus macaques. Acta Bioch Bioph Sin, 40(11):919-927. 

[37]  Pang W, Wang RR, Yang LM, Liu CM, Tien P, Zheng YT*.(2008) Recombinant protein of Heptad-repeat HR212, a stable fusion inhibitor with potent anti-HIV action in vitro. Virology, 377(1):80-87.  

[38]  Wang RR, Gu Q, Wang YH, Zhang XM, Yang LM, Zhou J, Chen JJ, Zheng YT*. (2008) Anti-HIV-1 activities of compounds isolated from the medicinal plant Rhus chinensis. J Ethnopharmacol, 117(2):249-256. 

[39]  Liao CH, Kuang YQ, Liu HL, Zheng YT*, Su B*. (2007) A novel fusion gene mnTRIMCyp in pig-tailed macaque determines its susceptibility to HIV-1 infection. AIDS, 21(Suppl 8):S19-S26. 

[40]  Liu GJ, Wang JP, Xiao JC, Zhao ZW, Zheng YT*. (2007) Preparation and characterization of three monoclonal antibodies against HIV-1 p24 capsid protein. Cell Mol Immunol, 4(3): 203-8. 

[41]  Wang YH, Tang JG, Wang RR, Yang LM, Dong ZJ, Du L, Shen X, Liu JK, Zheng YT*.  (2007) Flazinamide, a novel β-carboline compound with anti-HIV actions. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 355:1091-1095. 

[42]  Wang RR, Gu Q, Yang LM, Chen JJ, Li SY, Zheng YT*. (2006) Anti-HIV-1 activities of extracts from the medicinal plant Rhus chinensis. J Ethnopharmacol, 105(1-2):269-273. 

[43]  Wang JH, Kong J, Li W, Molchanova V, Chikalovets I, Belogorseva N, Luk'Yabov P,. Zheng YT*. (2006) A β-galactose-specific lectin isolated from the marine worm Chaetopterus variopedatus possesses anti-HIV-1 activity. Comp Biochem Phys C Toxicol Pharmacol, 142(1-2):111-117. 

[44]  Ouyang DY, Chan H, Wang YY, Huang H, Tam SC, Zheng YT*.(2006) An inhibitor of c-Jun N-terminal kinases (CEP-11004) counteracts the anti-HIV-1 action of trichosanthin. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 339(1):25-29.

[45]  Ouyang DY, Wang YY, Zheng YT*. (2005)Activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinases by ribotoxic stresses. Cell Mol Immunol, 2(6):419-25.  

[46]  Liu HL, Wang YQ, Liao CH, Kuang YQ, Zheng YT*, Su B*. (2005) Adaptive evolution of primate TRIM5α, a gene restricting HIV-1 infection. Gene, 362:109-116. 

[47]  Zhao Y, Jin Y, Wang JH, Wang RR, Yang LM, Zheng YT*, Zhang Y*.(2005) A novel heme-containing protein with anti-HIV-1 activity from Bufo andrewsi skin. Toxicon, 46:619-624. 

[48]  Zhang GH, Wang Q, Chen JJ, Zhang XM, Tam SC, Zheng YT*.(2005) Anti-HIV-1 effect of scutellarin. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 334:812-816. 

[49]  Wang YY, Ouyang DY, Huang H, Chan H, Tam SC, Zheng YT*. (2005) Enhanced apoptotic action of trichosanthin in HIV-1 infected cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 331:1075-1080. 

[50]  Liu GJ, Yang LM, Wang JH, Zhang GH, Chen XM, Zheng YT*. (2005) Immune responses to six synthetic peptides of capsid protein with sera from HIV-1 infected individuals. Cell Mol Immunol. 2(4):289-93. 

[51]  Wang Q, Ding ZH, Liu JK, Zheng YT*. (2004) Xanthohumol, a novel anti-HIV-1 agent purified from Hop Humulus lupulus. Antiviral Res, 64(3): 189-194. 

[52]  Wang Q, Wang YT, Pu SP, Zheng YT*. (2004)Zinc coupling potentiate anti-HIV-1 activity of baicalin. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 324:605-610. 

[53]  Wang JH, Tam SC, Huang H, Ouyang DY, Wang YY, Zheng YT. (2004) Site-directed PEGylation of trichosanthin retained its anti-HIV activity with reduced potency in vitro. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 317(4):965-971. 

[54]  Zhang YJ, Wang JH, Li WH, Wang Q, Liu H, Zheng YT*, Zhang Y*. (2003) Molecular characterization of Trimeresurus stejnegeri venom L-amino acid oxidase with potential anti-HIV activity Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 309:598-604. 

[55]  Wang JH, Nie HL, Huang H, Tam SC, Zheng YT*. (2003) Independency of anti-HIV-1 activity from ribosome inactivating activity of trichosanthin. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 302(1):89-94.  

[56]  Wang JH, Nie HL, Tam SC, Huang H, Zheng YT*. (2002) Anti-HIV-1 property of trichosanthin correlates with its ribosome inactivating activity. FEBS Lett, 531(2):295-298.  

[57]  Zheng YT, Chan WL, Chan P, Huang H, Tam SC. (2001) Enhancement of the anti-herpetic effects of trichosanthin by acyclovir and interferon. FEBS Lett, 496(2-3):139-142. 


  Publications as co-author (Selected from 121 papers) 

[1]  Liu R, Huang L, Li JY, Zhou XZ, Zhang HY, Zhang T, Lei YL, Wang K, Xie N, Zheng YT, Wang FS, Nice EC, Rong LJ, Huang CH, Wei YQ. (2013) HIV infection in gastric epithelial cells. J Infect Dis, 208(8):1221-30. 

[2]  Fan Y, Huang ZY, Cao CC, Chen CS, Chen YX, Fan DD, He J, Hou HL, Hu L, Hu XT, Jiang XT, Lai R, Lang YS, Liang B, Liao SG, Mu D, Ma YY, Niu YY, Sun XQ, Xia JQ, Xiao J, Xiong ZQ, Xu L, Yang L, Zhang Y, Zhao W, Zhao XD, Zheng YT, Zhou JM, Zhu YB, Zhang GJ, Wang J, Yao YG. (2013)  Genome of the Chinese tree shrew. Nat Commun, 4:1426. 

[3]  Liang CQ, Shi YM, Luo RH, Li XY, Gao ZH, Li XN, Yang LM, Shang SZ, Li Y, Zheng YT, Zhang HB, Xiao WL, Sun HD. (2012) Kadcoccitones A and B, two new 6/6/5/5-fused tetracyclic triterpenoids from Kadsura coccinea. Org Lett. 14(24):6362-6365. 

[4]  Zeng LF, Wang Y, Kazemi R, Xu S, Xu ZL, Sanchez TW, Yang LM, Debnath B, Odde S, Xie H, Zheng YT, Ding J, Beamati N, Long YQ. (2012) Repositioning HIV1 integrase inhibitors for cancer therapeutics: 1, 6-naphthyridine-7-carboxamide as a promising scaffold with drug-like properties. J Med Chem, 55(22):9492-9509. 

[5]  Ma XD, He QQ, Zhang X, Yang SQ, Yang LM, Gu SX, Zheng YT, Chen FE, Dai HF. (2012) Synthesis, structure-activity relationships, and docking studies of N-phenylarylformamide derivatives (PAFAs) as non-nucleoside HIV reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Eur J Med Chem. 58C:504-512. 

[6]  Liu J, Jia YH, Xu Q, Zheng YT, Zhang C. (2012) Phylodynamics of HIV-1 unique recombinant forms in China-Myanmar border: implication for HIV-1 transmission to Myanmar from Dehong, China. Infect Genet Evol, 12:1944-1948.  

[7]  Liu YY, Liu HL, He YQ, Li SL, Zheng YT, Wang HY, Gong XH. (2012) The genetic variation and association study of CCR5, CXCR4 and SDF-1 in different Chinese ethnic populations. Infect Genet Evol, 12(5):1072-1078.  

[8]  Luo X, Shi YM, Luo RH, Luo SH, Li XN, Wang RR, Li SH, Zheng YT, Du X, Xiao WL, Pu JX, Sun HD. (2012) Schilancitrilactones A-C: three unique nortriterpenoids from Schisandra lancifolia. Org Lett. 14(5):1286-1289.  

[9]  Kuang YQ, Pang W, Zheng YT, Dupre DJ. (2012) NHERF1 regulates gp120-induced internalization and signaling by CCR5, and HIV-1 production. Eur J Immunol, 42(2):299-310 

[10]  Zhu YP, Chen GF, Lv FX, Wang XL, Ji X, Xu YH, Sun J, Wu L, Zheng YT, Gao GX. (2011) Zinc-finger antiviral protein inhibits HIV-1 infection by selectively targeting multiply-spliced viral mRNAs for degradation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 108(38):15834-9. 

[11]  Beall CM, Cavalleri GL, Deng LB, Elston RC, Gao Y, Knight J, Li CH, Li JC, Liang Y, McCormack M, Montgomery HE, Pan H, Robbins PA, Shianna KV, Tam SC, Tsering N, Veeramah K, Wang W, Wangdui P, Weale ME, Xu YM, Xu Z, Yang L, Zaman MJ, Zeng CQ, Zhang L, Zhang XL, Zhaxi P, Zheng YT. (2010) Natural selection on EPAS1 (HIF2α) associated with low hemoglobin concentration in Tibetan highlanders. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 107(25):11459-11464. 

[12]  Zhang L, Luo RH, Wang F, Jiang MY, Dong ZJ, Yang LM, Zheng YT, Liu JK. (2010) High functionallized daphnane diterppenoids from Trigonostemon thyrsoideum. Org Lett, 12(1):152-155.  

[13]  He J, Chen XQ, Li MM, Zhao Y, Xu G, Cheng X, Peng LY, Xie MJ, Zheng YT, Wang YP, Zhao QS. (2009) Lycojapodine A, a novel alkaloid from Lycopodium japonicum. Org Lett, 11(6):1397-400. 

[14]  Xiao WL, Lei C, Ren J, Liao TG, Pu JX, Pittman CU Jr, Lu Y, Zheng YT, Zhu HJ, Sun HD. (2008) Structure elucidation and theoretical investigation of key steps in the biogenetic pathway of schisanartane nortriterpenoids by using DFT methods. Chemistry, 14(36):11584-11592. 

[15]  Du L, Zhao YX, Chen J, Yang LM, Zheng YT, Tang Y, Shen X, Jiang HL. (2008) D77, one benzoic acid derivative, functions as a novel anti-HIV-1 inhibitor targeting the interaction between integrase and cellular LEDGF/p75. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 375(1):139-44.  

[16]  Liu JF, Jiang ZY, Wang RR, Zheng YT, Chen JJ, Zhang XM, Ma YB. (2007) Isatisine A, a novel alkaloid with an unprecedented skeleton from leaves of Isatis indigotica. Org Lett, 9(21):4127-4129. 

[17]  Li J, Xu X, Xu C, Zhou W, Zhang K, Yu H, Zhang Y, Zheng YT, Rees HH, Lai R, Yang D, Wu J. (2007) Anti-infection peptidomics of amphibian skin. Mol Cell Proteomics, 6(5):882-894. 

[18]  Xu G, Hou AJ, Zheng YT, Zhao Y, Li XL, Peng LY, Zhao QS. (2007) Przewalskin B, a novel diterpenoid with an unprecedented skeleton from Salvia przewalskii Maxim. Org Lett, 9(2): 291-293. 

[19]  Xu G, Hou AJ, Wang RR, Liang GY, Zheng YT, Liu ZY, Li XL, Zhao Y, Huang SX, Peng LY, Zhao QS. (2006) Przewalskin A: a new C (23) terpenoid with a 6/6/7 carbon ring skeleton from Salvia przewalskii Maxim. Org Lett, 8(20):4453-4456. 

[20]  Li XL, Cheng X, Yang LM, Wang RR, Zheng YT, Xiao WL, Zhao Y, Xu G, Lu Y, Chang Y, Zheng QT, Zhao QS, Sun HD. (2006) Dichotomains A and B: two new highly oxygenated phenolic derivatives from Dicranopteris dichotoma. Org Lett, 8(9):1937-1940. 

[21]  Xiao WL, Pu JX, Chang YLi XL, Huang SX, Yang LM,  Li LM, Lu Y, Zheng YT, Li RT, Zheng QT, Sun HD. (2006) Sphenadilactones A and B, two novel nortriterpenoids from Schisandra sphenanthera. Org Lett, 8(7):1475-1478. 

[22]  Xiao WL, Yang LM, Gong NB, Wu L, Wang RR, Pu JX, Li XL, Huang SX, Zheng YT, Li RT,  Lu Y, Zheng QT, Sun HD. (2006) Rubriflordilactones A and B, two novel bisnortriterpenoids from Schisandra rubriflora and their biological activities. Org Lett, 8(5):991-994. 

[23]  Xiao WL, Li RT, Li SH, Li XL, Sun HD, Zheng YT, Wang RR, Lu Y, Wang C, Zheng QT. (2005) Lancifodilactone F: a novel nortriterpenoid possessing a unique skeleton from Schisandra lancifolia and its anti-HIV activity. Org Lett, 7(7):1263-1266.  

[24]  Xiao WL, Zhu HJ, Shen YH, Li RT, Li SH, Sun HD, Zheng YT, Wang RR, Lu Y, Wang C, Zheng QT. (2005) Lancifodilactone G: a unique nortriterpenoid isolated from Schisandra lancifolia and its anti-HIV activity. Org Lett, 7(11):2145-2148.  

[25]  Li RT, Han QB, Zheng YT, Wang RR, Yang LM, Lu Y, Sang SQ, Zheng QT, Zhao QS , Sun HD. (2005) Structure and anti-HIV activity of micrandilactones B and C, new nortriterpenoids possessing a unique skeleton from Schisandra micrantha. Chem Commun, 23:2936-2938. 




  杨柳萌  硕士  副研究员, lmyang@mail.kiz.ac.cn 

      博士  副研究员, pangw@mail.kiz.ac.cn 

  张高红  博士  助理研究员, zhanggh@mail.kiz.ac.cn 

  罗荣华  本科  实验师, luorh@mail.kiz.ac.cn  


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