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徐林   研究员
职  务: 中国科学院动物模型与人类疾病机理重点实验室主任
学  历: 博士
电  话: +86 871 65195402
传  真: +86 871 65195402
电子邮件: lxu@mail.kiz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 云南省昆明市教场东路32号 中国科学院昆明动物研究所    650223
其他主页: http://xxjy.kiz.ac.cn:8080/
  简  历


1987-1990中国科学院昆明动物所硕士;1994-1995年英国伦敦大学药学院药理系访问学者;1995-1998年爱尔兰都柏林三一学院药理治疗系博士;1998-迄今中国科学院昆明动物所学习记忆实验室负责人,研究员。1999年获得国家基金委杰出青年基金。现兼任云南大学神经行为学、中国科技大学博士生导师;中国神经科学学会“精神病学基础与临床专业委员会”副主任委员,中国生理学会“生理心理学专业委员会”副主任委员;国际期刊《Neural Plasticity》、《Behavioural Brain Research》杂志编辑,以及《动物学研究》编辑委员会委员。在Nature, PNAS ,Cell, Neuron, J of Neurosci, Hippocampus, Biol Psychiatry等学术杂志发表SCI论文80余篇,参编专著2部,其中1998年发表的Nature论文被Thomas Donaldson(1998)列入了近代记忆研究目录28篇论文之一(Bibliography on Memory自1950年)。




1. 记忆与突触可塑性:发现新颖探索学习逆转海马突触效能长时程增强(LTP)(Nature, 1998)。光-电刺激恐惧记忆的建立和提取,可级量化地反映在海马LTP/LTD上(Hippocampus, 2005)。单氨类5-HT和dopamine调控恐惧记忆的持续性(PNAS 2008;Hippocampus 2009)。首次发现了输入通路间相互作用导致的突触可塑性(input time dependent plasticity, ITDP)(PLos ONE, 2008)。 

2. 应激与突触可塑性:发现应激易化海马突触效能长时程降低(LTD) (Nature, 1997),其效应依赖于糖皮质激素受体介导的翻译和转录(PNAS, 1998)。应激增强幼年,但损伤成年和中老年动物的记忆能力(J Endocinol, 2003)。海马神经细胞辣椒素受体具有很好的抗应激效果,可能是一个很好的抗应激、治疗焦虑和抑郁症的新药物靶点(Biol Psychiat, 2008)。 

3.成瘾与突触可塑性:单独吗啡注射导致LTP,但吗啡注射和应激共同作用导致LTD;同时吗啡和应激共同作用导致强烈的、不消退的毒品寻求行为(J Neurosci, 2004);长期慢性吗啡注射还可通过损伤腺苷转运体的转运功能,导致突触间隙内腺苷含量升高而损伤LTP,并且导致正常记忆功能受损(J Neurosci, 2010);抑郁症和毒品成瘾可能存在着共同的神经通路 (Physiol Behav, 2011)。 

4. 创建新型的动物模型:建立了Morris水迷宫的延缓逃避任务用于研究吗啡介导的强迫性毒品寻求行为;利用灵长类近亲树鼩,建立了一次性被捕获学习记忆模型;慢性社会竞争失败病因学抑郁症模型。利用大鼠建立了睡眠剥夺、持续黑暗病因学抑郁症模型。










9.国家自然科学基金面上项目(30470549) ,应激异常记忆的突触可塑性机理研究, 2005.1-2007.12(280,000元)1.




13.国家“杰出青年基金”,应激在痴呆症中的作用及机理1999.3-2002.12(1000,000元) 14.国家973项目,海马突触可塑性与学习记忆的关系,2000.3-2005.3(1000,000元)



[1]郝小江,杨小生,周俊,蔡景霞,徐林,胡新天。N-取代基-4-取代苯基-5-烷基-5-取代苄基吡咯烷酮-2,其中间体其合成方法及其应用。公开号:ZL94 1 04879.9 



[4]陈纪军、徐林、周俊、吕俊、毛榕榕、 田孟、张雪梅、沈勇、顾燕华、马云保、左爱学、程辟、江志勇。 5-甲基-13苯二酚及其衍生物在制备抗抑郁药物和功能食品中的应用。国内专利申请号:200710066098.1 

[5]陈纪军,徐林,周俊,吕俊,毛榕榕, 田孟,张雪梅,沈勇,顾燕华, 马云保,左爱学,程辟,江志勇。 25-二羟基苯甲醇衍生物在制备抗抑郁药物和功能食品中的应用。国内专利申请号:200710066088.7 



[8] 陈纪军、徐林、周俊、吕俊、毛榕榕、田孟、沈勇。一种抗抑郁药物。中国专利号:ZL 2007 1 0066088.7 2010年);澳大利亚专利号:20082860962011年);日本专利号:47143042010年);南非专利号:2010/01117     


2013   国家百千万人才工程“有突出贡献中青年专家” 

2011   湖南省芙蓉学者贡献奖 

2008  谈家桢生命科学创新奖 

2007  国务院政府特殊津贴 

2002  云南省科技进步一等奖恒河猴工作记忆的儿茶酚胺受体机制研究 


1. Tian M, Mao RR, Wang LP, Zhou QX, Cao J, Xu L. Interaction between behavioral despair and addictive behaviors in rats. Physiol Behav 2011; 102(1): 7-12. 

2. Cheng YQ, Xu J, Chai P et al. Brain volume alteration and the correlations with the clinical characteristics in drug-naive first-episode MDD patients: a voxel-based morphometry study. Neurosci Lett 2010; 480(1): 30-34. 

3. Dong Z, Han H, Cao J, Xu L. Opioid withdrawal for 4 days prevents synaptic depression induced by low dose of morphine or naloxone in rat hippocampal CA1 area in vivo. Hippocampus 2010; 20(2): 335-343. 

4. Lu G, Zhou QX, Kang S et al. Chronic morphine treatment impaired hippocampal long-term potentiation and spatial memory via accumulation of extracellular adenosine acting on adenosine A1 receptors. J Neurosci 2010; 30(14): 5058-5070. 

5. Wen F, Xu L. Effects of isolation after sexual experience on anxiety-like, depressive-like behaviors and affective states in male rats. Chinese Science Bulletin 2010; 55: 4136-4142. 

6. Xu J, Cheng Y, Chai P et al. White-matter volume reduction and the protective effect of immunosuppressive therapy in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with normal appearance by conventional magnetic resonance imaging. J Rheumatol 2010; 37(5): 974-986. 

7. Yang T, Cheng Y, Li H et al. Abnormal regional homogeneity of drug-naive obsessive-compulsive patients. Neuroreport 2010; 21(11): 786-790. 

8. Zhou QX, Mao RR, Duan TT et al. Stress within the postseizure time window inhibits seizure recurrence. Epilepsy Behav 2010; 18(3): 201-206. 

9. Zhao L, Zhu Y, Wang D, Chen M, Gao P, Xiao W, Rao G, Wang X, Jin H, Xu L, Sui N, Chen Q. Morphine induces Beclin 1- and ATG5-dependent autophagy in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells and in the rat hippocampus. Autophagy 2010; 6: 386-394. 

10. Bai HY, Cao J, Liu N, Xu L, Luo JH. Sexual behavior modulates contextual fear memory through dopamine D1/D5 receptors. Hippocampus 2009; 19(3): 289-298. 

11. Mao RR, Tian M, Yang YX, Zhou QX, Xu L, Cao J. Effects of pentylenetetrazol-induced brief convulsive seizures on spatial memory and fear memory. Epilepsy Behav 2009; 15(4): 441-444. 

12. Hao YH, Yan Q, Liu HH, Xu L, Xue ZM, Song XQ, Kaneko Y, Jiang TZ, Liu ZN, Shan BC. Schizophrenia patients and their healthy siblings share disruption of white matter integrity in the left prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus but not the anterior cingulate cortex. Schizophrenia Research 2009; 114: 128-135 

13. Liu HH, Hao YH, Kaneko Y, Ouyang X, Zhang Y, Xu L, Xue ZM, Liu ZN. Frontal and cingulate gray matter volume reduction in heroin dependence: Optimized voxel-based morphometry. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2009; 63: 563-568 

14. Wang K, Yu C, Xu L, Qin W, Li K, Jiang T. Offline memory reprocessing: involvement of the brain's default network in spontaneous thought processes. PLoS One 2009; 4: e4867 

15. Dai JX, Han HL, Tian M et al. Enhanced contextual fear memory in central serotonin-deficient mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2008; 105(33): 11981-11986. 

16. Dong Z, Han H, Cao J, Zhang X, Xu L. Coincident activity of converging pathways enables simultaneous long-term potentiation and long-term depression in hippocampal CA1 network in vivo. PLoS One 2008; 3(8): e2848. 

17. Dong Z, Zhong W, Tian M et al. Morphine withdrawal affects both delayed-escape behaviour in Morris water maze and hippocampal NR2A/2B expression ratio. Brain Res 2008; 1207: 164-173. 

18. Li HB, Mao RR, Zhang JC, Yang Y, Cao J, Xu L. Antistress effect of TRPV1 channel on synaptic plasticity and spatial memory. Biol Psychiatry 2008; 64(4): 286-292. 

19. Liu H, Li L, Hao Y et al. Disrupted White Matter Integrity in Heroin Dependence: A Controlled Study Utilizing Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 2008;1. 

20. Gao Y, Han H, Xu R, Cao J, Luo J, Xu L. Effects of prolonged exposure to context following contextual fear conditioning on synaptic properties in rat hippocampal slices. Neurosci Res 2008; 61(4): 385-389. 

21. Xu L. [Neural plasticity mechanism of depression]. Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban 2008; 33(4): 326-330. 

22. Zhang LH, Gong N, Fei D, Xu L, Xu TL. Glycine uptake regulates hippocampal network activity via glycine receptor-mediated tonic inhibition. Neuropsychopharmacology 2008; 33(3): 701-711. 

23. Zhang Z, Gong N, Wang W, Xu L, Xu TL. Bell-shaped D-serine actions on hippocampal long-term depression and spatial memory retrieval. Cereb Cortex 2008; 18(10): 2391-2401. 

24. Duan B, Wu LJ, Yu YQ et al. Upregulation of acid-sensing ion channel ASIC1a in spinal dorsal horn neurons contributes to inflammatory pain hypersensitivity. J Neurosci 2007; 27(41): 11139-11148. 

25. Dong Z, Cao J, Xu L. Opiate withdrawal modifies synaptic plasticity in subicular-nucleus accumbens pathway in vivo. Neuroscience 2007; 144(3): 845-854. 

26. Li L, Ma N, Li Z et al. Prefrontal white matter abnormalities in young adult with major depressive disorder: A diffusion tensor imaging study. Brain Res 2007; 1168: 124-128. 

27. Ma N, Li L, Shu N et al. White matter abnormalities in first-episode, treatment-naive young adults with major depressive disorder. Am J Psychiatry 2007; 164(5): 823-826. 

28. Ma WP, Cao J, Tian M et al. Exposure to chronic constant light impairs spatial memory and influences long-term depression in rats. Neurosci Res 2007; 59(2): 224-230. 

29. Yang J, Hou C, Ma N et al. Enriched environment treatment restores impaired hippocampal synaptic plasticity and cognitive deficits induced by prenatal chronic stress. Neurobiol Learn Mem 2007; 87(2): 257-263. 


1. 《神经科学原理》第8章,行为学方法,北京医科大学出版社。 

2. 《神经科学进展》 3 王晓民、徐晓明、陈军、梅林、高天明、范明、徐林 高等教育出版社。 

3. 《神经科学进展》 4)王晓民、徐晓明、陈军、梅林、高天明、范明、徐林 高等教育出版社。









  Juan Carlos Toledo Salas 




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