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郑萍   研究员
职  务:
学  历: 博士
电  话: +86 871 65197853
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电子邮件: zhengp@mail.kiz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 昆明市盘龙区茨坝青松路21号    650201
  简  历

2009.06 至今,中国科学院昆明动物研究所研究员,组建哺乳动物胚胎发育课题组,担任课题组长。

2005.06 — 2009.03,美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)博士后。

2003.03 — 2005.06,美国Fels Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Biology, Temple University School of Medicine博士后。

2001.08 — 2003.03,中国科学院昆明动物研究所助理研究员。

1995.09 — 2001.08,中国科学院昆明动物研究所,获博士学位。

1990.09 — 1994.07,重庆师范学院生物系获学士学位。


1. 干细胞维持基因组稳定性的特征和分子调控研究


2. 生殖干细胞的基础和应用研究



3. 灵长类早期胚胎发育



1.国家自然科学基金重点项目,多能干细胞高效调控DNA复制压力反应的关键lncRNA鉴定与功能分析, 31930027,2020.01-2024.12,项目主持人


3.国家“干细胞研究与器官修复”重点专项,灵长类多能干细胞基因组稳态调控网络及增强策略,2021YFA1102000,2021/12-2026/06, 项目主持人(首席科学家)




1.     Jiang F#, Wang L#, Dong Y, Nie W, Zhou H, Gao J, Zheng P*. DPPA5A suppresses the mutagenic TLS and MMEJ pathways by modulating the cryptic splicing of Rev1 and Polq in mouse embryonic stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2023, 120(30):e2305187120.

2.     Gong D, Wang L, Zhou H, Gao J, Zhang W, Zheng P*. Long noncoding RNA Lnc530 localizes on R-loops and regulates R-loop formation and genomic stability in mouse embryonic stem cells. Stem Cell Reports, 2023, 18(4):952-968.

3.     Ma H#, Ning Y#, Wang L#, Zhang W, Zheng P*. Lnc956 regulates mouse embryonic stem cell differentiation in response to DNA damage in a p53-independent pathway. Science Advances, 2023, 9(3):eade9742.

4.     Zhang W#, Tang M#, Wang L, Zhou H, Gao J, Chen Z, Zhao B*, Zheng P*. Lnc956-TRIM28-HSP90B1 complex on replication forks promotes CMG helicase retention to ensure stem cell genomic stability and embryogenesis. Science Advances, 2023, 9(4):eadf6277.

5.     Zheng P. Current understanding of genomic stability maintenance in pluripotent stem cells. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica, 2022, 54(6), 858-863. (invited review)

6.     Qin DD#, Zhou JK#, He XC#, Shen XY#, Li C, Chen HZ, Yan LZ, Hu ZF, Li X, Lv LB, Yao YG*, Wang Z*, Huang XX*, Hu XT*, Zheng P*. Depletion of giant ANK2 in monkeys causes drastic brain volume loss. Cell Discovery, 2021, 7(1):113.

7.     Wang L#, Li J#, Zhou H, Zhang W, Gao J, Zheng P*. A novel lncRNA Discn fine-tunes replication protein A (RPA) availability to promote genomic stability. Nature Communications, 2021,12(1):5572.

8.     Li JZ, Shang YF, Wang L, Zhao B, Sun CL, Li JL, Liu SL, Li C, Tang M, Meng FL*, Zheng P*. Genome integrity and neurogenesis of postnatal hippocampal neural stem/progenitor cells require a unique regulator Filia. Science Advances, 2020, 6(44):eaba0682.

9.     Ma H#, Zhai J#, Wan H#, Jiang X#, Wang X, Wang L, Xiang Y, He X, Zhao ZA, Zhao B, Zheng P*, Li L*, Wang H*. In vitro culture of cynomolgus monkey embryos beyond early gastrulation. Science, 2019, 366(6467):eaax7890.

10.   Zhang WD#, Chen ZL#, Zhang DF, Zhao B, Liu L, Xie ZY, Yao YG, Zheng P*. KHDC3L mutation causes recurrent pregnancy loss by inducing genomic instability of human early embryonic cells. PLoS Biology, 2019, 17(10):e3000468.

11.   Luo X#, He Y#, Zhang C#, He X#, Yan L#, Li M, Hu T, Hu Y, Jiang J, Meng X, Ji W, Zhao X, Zheng P*, Xu S*, Su B*. Trio deep-sequencing does not reveal unexpected off-target and on-target mutations in Cas9-edited rhesus monkeys. Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1):5525.

12.   Liu D#, Wang X#, He D#, Sun C#, He X, Yan L, Li Y, Han JJ*, Zheng P*. Single-cell RNA-sequencing reveals the existence of naive and primed pluripotency in pre-implantation rhesus monkey embryos. Genome Research, 2018, 28 (10):1481–1493. (封面论文)

13.   Zhao B#, Zhang WD#, Cun YX, Li JZ, Liu Y, Gao J, Zhu HW, Zhou H, Zhang RG, Zheng P*. Mouse embryonic stem cells have increased capacity for replication fork restart driven by the specific Filia-Floped protein complex. Cell Research, 2018, 28(1):69-89.

14.   Fan Y#, Luo R#, Su L-Y, Xiang Q, Yu D, Xu L, Chen J-Q, Bi R, Wu D-D, Zheng P*, Yao Y-G*. Does the genetic feature of the Chinese tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri chinensis) support its potential as a viable model for Alzheimer’s disease research?Journal of Alzheimers Disease, 2018, 61(3):1015-1028.

15.   Wang XY#, Liu DH#, He DJ, Suo SB, Xia X, He XC, Han JJ*, Zheng P*. Transcriptome analyses of rhesus monkey pre-implantation embryos reveal a reduced capacity for DNA double strand break (DSB) repair in primate oocytes and early embryos. Genome Research, 2017, 27(4):567-579.

16.   Li CH, Yan LZ, Ban WZ, Tu Q, Wu Y, Wang L, Bi R, Ji S, Ma YH, Nie WH, Lv LB, Yao YG*, Zhao XD*, Zheng P*. Long-term propagation of tree shrew spermatogonial stem cells in culture and successful generation of transgenic offspring. Cell Research, 2017, 27(2):241-252.

17.   Guo K#, Li CH#, Wang XY, He DJ, Zheng P*. Germ stem cells are active in postnatal mouse ovary under physiological conditions. Molecular Human Reproduction, 2016, 22(5):316-328 (该工作受到杂志同期特邀评论, Mol Hum Reprod, 2016, 22:313-315).

18.   Lu YQ, He XC, Zheng P*. Decrease in expression of maternal effect gene Mater is associated with maternal ageing in mice. Molecular Human Reproduction, 2016, 22(4):252-260.

19.   Zhao B, Zhang WD, Duan YL, Lu YQ, Cun YX, Li CH, Guo K, Nie WH, Li L, Zhang R, Zheng P*. Filia is an ESC-specific regulator of DNA damage response and safeguards genomic stability. Cell Stem Cell, 2015, 16(6):684-698.

20.   Zhao YQ#, Ji S#, Wang JK#, Huang JF*, ZhengP*. mRNA-Seq and microRNA-Seq whole-transcriptome analysis of rhesus monkey ESC neural differentiation revealed the potential regulators of rosette neural stem cells. DNA Research, 2014, 21(5):541-54.

21.   Zheng P*, Baibakov B, Wang XH, Dean J*. PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 is constitutively synthesized and required for spindle translocation during meiosis in mouse oocytes. Journal of Cell Science, 2013, 126(Pt 3):715-21.

22.   Li L, Zheng P, Dean J*. Maternal control of early mouse development. Development, 2010, 137:859-870. (review)

23.   Zheng P, Dean J*. Role of Filia, a maternal effect gene, in maintaining euploidy during cleavage stage mouse embryogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2009, 106(18):7473-8.

24.   Zheng P, Vassena R, Latham KE*. Effects of in vitro oocyte maturation and embryo culture on the expression of glucose transporters, glucose metabolism and insulin signaling genes in rhesus monkey oocytes and preimplantation embryos. Molecular Human Reproduction, 2007, 13:361-371.

25.   Zheng P*, Dean J. Oocyte-specific genes affect folliculogenesis, fertilization, and early development. Seminars in Reproductive Medicine, 2007, 25(4):243-251. (Invited review)

26.   Zheng P*. Effects of in vitro maturation of monkey oocytes on their developmental capacity. Animal Reproduction Science, 2007, 98:56-71. (Invited review)

27.   Zheng P, Vassena R, Latham KE*. Expression and downregulation of WNT signaling pathway genes in rhesus monkey oocytes and embryos. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 2006, 73:667-677.

28.   Zheng P, Patel B, McMenamin M, Moran E, Paprocki AM, Kihara M, Schramm RD, Latham KE*. Effects of follicle size and oocyte maturation conditions on maternal message RNA regulation and gene expression in rhesus monkey oocytes and embryos. Biology of Reproduction, 2005, 72:890-897. 

29.   Zheng P, Schramm RD, Latham KE*. Developmental regulation and in vitro culture effects on expression of DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint control genes in rhesus monkey oocytes and embryos. Biology of Reproduction, 2005, 72:1359-1369.  

30.   Zheng P, Patel B, McMenamin M, Reddy, S, Paprocki AM, Schramm RD, Latham KE*. The primate embryo gene expression resource:  A novel resource to facilitate rapid analysis of gene expression patterns in non-human primate oocytes and preimplantation stage embryos. Biology of Reproduction, 2004, 70:1411-1418.

31.   Zheng P, Patel B, McMenamin M, Paprocki AM, Schramm RD, Nagl N, Wilsker D, Wang G, Moran E, Latham KE*. Expression of genes encoding chromatin regulatory factors in developing rhesus monkey oocytes and preimplantation stage embryos: Possible roles in genome activation. Biology of Reproduction, 2004, 70:1419-1427.

32.   Zheng P, Si W, Bavister BD, Yang JF, Ding CH, Ji WZ*. 17-b Estradiol and progesterone improve in-vitro cytoplasmic maturation of oocytes from unstimulated prepubertal and adult rhesus monkeys. Human Reproduction, 2003, 18(10):2137-2144.

33.   Zheng P, Bavistser BD, Ji WZ*.  Amino acid requirements for maturation of rhesus monkey oocytes in culture. Reproduction, 2002, 124, 515-525. 

34.   Zheng P, Wang H, Bavister BD, Ji WZ*. Maturation of rhesus monkey oocytes in chemically defined culture media and their functional assessmental by IVF and embryo development. Human Reproduction, 2001, 16(2):300-305.

35.   Zheng P, Bavister BD, Ji WZ*. Energy substrate requirement for in vitro maturation of oocytes from unstimulated adult rhesus monkeys. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 2001, 58: 348-355. 

36.   Zheng P, Si W, Wang H, Zou RJ, Bavister BD, Ji WZ*. Effect of age and breeding season on the developmental capacity of oocytes from unstimulated and FSH-stimulated rhesus monkeys. Biology of Reproduction, 2001, 64:1417-1421.






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