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姚永刚   研究员
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电  话: +86 871 68125440
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电子邮件: yaoyg@mail.kiz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 云南省昆明市盘龙区龙欣路17号 中国科学院昆明动物研究所 遗传进化与动物模型重点实验室    650201
其他主页: http://mitotool.kiz.ac.cn/lab/index.html
  简  历

姚永刚博士,研究员,博士生导师。1997年毕业于安徽师范大学生物系获学士学位,2003年于中国科学院昆明动物研究所/中国科学院研究生院获博士学位。2003年2月-2004年9月在约翰霍普金斯大学医学院(Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine)从事博士后研究工作,2004年10月-2008年1月在美国国家健康研究院心脏、肺、血液研究所(National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH)从事博士后研究工作。2007年12月回昆明动物研究所工作,现为疾病机理遗传学与进化医学团队负责人。已在Am J Hum Genet、Autophagy、PNAS、Alzheimers Dement、Redox Biol等SCI期刊发表论文和评述300余篇,被SCI引用11200余次,h指数=53(截止2024年7月31日),入选2020-2023年度ELSEVIER中国高被引学者。先后获得朱李月华优秀教师奖、国家自然科学奖二等奖(第二获奖人)、新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选、云南省有突出贡献优秀专业技术人才奖等奖项与荣誉称号。2009年获得国家杰出青年基金和云南省高端科技人才计划资助,先后承担中国科学院战略性科技专项(B类)课题和重点部署项目、国家基金委重点项目等。领衔模式动物(灵长类)表型与遗传研究国家重大科技基础设施筹划、建设与运行。现任动物学领域知名SCI期刊 Zool Res 主编和3种SCI期刊(J Genet Genomics、Cell Mol Neurobiol、J Hum Genet)副主编或编委,新创办Zool Res子刊Zool Res Divers Conserv。









2014年    云南省科学技术奖励二等奖(自然科学奖); 项目名称: Leber遗传性视神经病遗传易感分析; 获奖人员: 姚永刚、张阿梅、余丹丹、毕蕊.

2012年    中国科学院 朱李月华优秀教师奖

2010年    云南省有突出贡献优秀专业技术人才奖 二等奖 (一等奖空缺)

2009年    新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选

2006年    国家自然科学奖二等奖; 项目名称: 线粒体基因组多样性与东亚人群历史的研究; 获奖人员: 张亚平、姚永刚、孔庆鹏、丁远春、孙昌.


1.    Yao Y-G*, Lu L, Ni R-J, Bi R, Chen C, Chen J-Q, Fuchs E, Gorbatyuk M, Lei H, Li H, Liu C, Lv L-B, Tsukiyama-Kohara K, Kohara M, Perez-Cruz C, Rainer G, Shan BC, Shen F, Tang A-Z, Wang J, Xia W, Xia X, Xu L, Yu D, Zhang F, Zheng P, Zheng Y-T, Zhou J, Zhou J-N. 2024. Study of tree shrew biology and models: A booming and prosperous field for biomedical research. Zoological Research, 45(4): 877-909

2.    Su L-Y, Jiao L, Liu Q, Qiao X, Xie T, Ma Z, Xu M, Ye M-S, Yang LX, Chen C*, Yao Y-G*. 2024. S-nitrosoglutathione reductase alleviates morphine analgesic tolerance by restricting PKCα S-nitrosation. Redox Biology, 75: 103239

3.    Liu Q*, Jiao L, Ye MS, Ma Z, Yu J, Su LY, Zou WY, Yang LX, Chen C, Yao Y-G*. 2024. GSNOR negatively regulates the NLRP3 inflammasome via S-nitrosation of MAPK14. Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 21(6): 561-574

4.    Wu L, Gao Y, Yu D, Liu S, Zhao R, Liu D, Xu L, Liu H, Wang X, Qi J, Chai Y, Wei L, Yao Y-G*, Gao GF*, Wang Q*. 2023. VH-CH1 switch region-inserting multispecific antibody designs and their efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and in vivo. Cell Discovery, 9(1): 113

5.    Xu M, Liu Q, Bi R, Li Y, Li H, Kang W-B, Yan Z, Zheng Q, Sun C, Ye M, Xiang B-L, Luo X-J, Li M, Zhang D-F*, Yao Y-G*. 2023. Co-existence of multiple functional variants and genes underlie genetic risk locus 11p11.2 of Alzheimer's disease. Biological Psychiatry, 94(9): 743-759

6.    Zhu X, Yan H, Zhan Y, Feng F, Wei C, Yao Y-G*, Liu C*. 2023. An anatomical and connectivity atlas of the marmoset cerebellum. Cell Reports, 42(5): 112480

7.    Li Y, Xu M, Xiang BL, Li X, Zhang D-F, Zhao H, Bi R*, Yao Y-G*. 2023. Functional genomics identify causal variant underlying the protective CTSH locus for Alzheimer's disease. Neuropsychopharmacology, 48(11): 1555-1566

8.    Li X, Zhang D-F, Bi R, Tan L-W, Chen X, Xu M*, Yao Y-G*. 2023. Convergent transcriptomic and genomic evidence supporting a dysregulation of CXCL16 and CCL5 in Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy, 15(1): 17

9.    Bi R*, Li Y, Xu M, Zheng Q, Zhang D-F, Li X, Ma G, Xiang B, Zhu X, Zhao H, Huang X, Zheng P, Yao Y-G*. 2022. Direct evidence of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mitochondrial genome editing. The Innovation, 3(6): 100329

10.  Shi R, Zeng J, Xu L, Wang F, Duan X, Wang Y, Wu Z, Yu D, Huang Q*, Yao Y-G*, Yan J*. 2022. A combination vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 and H1N1 influenza based on receptor binding domain trimerized by six-helix bundle fusion core. EBioMedicine, 85: 104297

11.  Ma G, Zhang DF, Zou QC, Xie X, Xu L, Feng XL, Li X, Han JB, Yu D, Deng ZH, Qu W, Long J, Li M-H*, Yao Y-G*, Zeng J*. 2022. SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein S2 subunit modulates γ-secretase and enhances amyloid-β production in COVID-19 neuropathy. Cell Discovery, 8(1): 99 (doi: 10.1038/s41421-022-00458-3)

12.  Zeng J*, Xie X, Feng X-L, Xu L, Han J-B, Yu D, Zou Q-C, Liu Q, Li X, Ma G, Li M-H*, Yao Y-G*. 2022. Specific inhibition of the NLRP3 inflammasome suppresses immune overactivation and alleviates COVID-19 like pathology in mice. EBioMedicine, 75: 103803

13.  Qin D-D, Zhou J-K, He X-C, Shen X-Y, Li C, Chen H-Z, Yan L-Z, Hu Z-F, Li X, Lv L-B, Yao Y-G*, Wang Z*, Huang X-X*, Hu X-T*, Zheng P*. 2021. Depletion of giant ANK2 in monkeys causes drastic brain volume loss. Cell Discovery, 7: 113

14.  Gu T, Yu D, Xu L, Yao Y-L, Yao Y-G*. 2021. Tupaia GBP1 interacts with STING to initiate autophagy and restrict herpes simplex virus type 1 infection. Journal of Immunology, 207: 2673-2680

15.  Liu Q, Gu T, Su L-Y, Jiao L, Qiao X, Xu M, Xie T, Yang LX, Yu D, Xu L, Chen C*, Yao Y-G*. 2021. GSNOR facilitates antiviral innate immunity by restricting TBK1 cysteine S-nitrosation. Redox Biology, 47: 102172

16.  Ye M-S, Zhang J-Y, Yu D-D, Xu M, Xu L, Lv L-B, Zhu Q-Y, Fan Y, Yao Y-G*. 2021. Comprehensive annotation of the Chinese tree shrew genome by large-scale RNA sequencing and long-read isoform sequencing. Zoological Research, 42: 692-709

17.  Luo R*, Fan Y, Yang J, Ye M, Zhang D-F, Guo K, Li X, Bi R, Xu M, Yang LX, Li Y, Ran X, Jiang H-Y, Zhang C, Tan L, Sheng N, Yao Y-G*. 2021. A novel missense variant in ACAA1 contributes to early-onset Alzheimer's disease, impairs lysosomal function, and facilitates amyloid-β pathology and cognitive decline. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, 6: 325

18.  Li H, Su L-Y, Yang L, Li M, Liu Q, Li Z, Hu Y, Li H, Wu S, Wang W, Hu Y, Wang Z, Rizak JD, Huang B, Xu M, Wu J, Lv L-B, Turck CW*, Yin Y*, Yao Y-G*, Su B*, Hu X*. 2021. A cynomolgus monkey with naturally occurring Parkinson's disease. National Science Review, 8: nwaa292

19.  Tang X-H, Luo R-C, Ye M-S, Tang H-Y, Ma Y-L, Chen Y-N, Wang X-M, Lu Q-Y, Liu S, Li X-N, Yan Y, Yang J, Ran X-Q, Fang X, Zhou Y, Yao Y-G*, Di Y-T*, Hao X-J*. 2021. Harpertrioate A, an A,B,D-seco-Limonoid with promising biological activity against Alzheimer's disease from twigs of Harrisonia perforata (Blanco) Merr. Organic Letters, 23: 262-267

20.  Zheng H-Y, Xu M, Yang C-X, Tian R-R, Zhang M, Li JJ, Wang X-C, Ding Z-L, Li G-M, Li X-L, He Y-Q, Dong X-Q*, Yao Y-G*, Zheng Y-T*. 2020. Longitudinal transcriptome analyses show robust T cell immunity during recovery from COVID-19. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, 5(1): 294

21.  Yao Y-L, Yu D, Xu L, Gu T, Li Y, Zheng X, Bi R, Yao Y-G*. 2020. Tupaia OASL1 promotes cellular antiviral immune responses by recruiting MDA5 to MAVS. Journal of Immunology, 205: 3419-3428

22.  Xu L, Yu D-D, Ma Y-H, Yao Y-L, Luo R-H, Feng X-L, Cai H-R, Han J-B, Wang X-H, Li M-H, Ke C-W, Zheng Y-T*, Yao Y-G*. 2020. COVID-19-like symptoms observed in Chinese tree shrews infected with SARS-CoV-2. Zoological Research, 41: 517-526

23.  Xu L, Yu D, Yao YL, Gu T, Zheng X, Wu Y, Luo R-H, Zheng Y-T, Zhong J, Yao Y-G*. 2020. Tupaia MAVS is a dual target during hepatitis C virus infection for innate immune evasion and viral replication via NF-κB. Journal of Immunology, 205: 2091-2099

24.  Wu Y, Li X, Liu J, Luo X-J*, Yao Y-G*. 2020. SZDB2.0: an updated comprehensive resource for schizophrenia research. Human Genetics, 139: 1285-1297

25.  Xu L, Yu D, Peng L, Wu Y, Fan Y, Gu T, Yao Y-L, Zhong J, Chen X, Yao Y-G*. 2020. An alternative splicing of Tupaia STING modulated anti-RNA virus responses by targeting MDA5-LGP2 and IRF3. The Journal of Immunology, 204: 3191-3204

26.  Liu Q, Su L-Y*, Sun C, Jiao L, Miao Y, Xu M, Luo R, Zuo X, Zhou R, Zheng P, Xiong W, Xue T, Yao Y-G*. 2020. Melatonin alleviates morphine analgesic tolerance in mice by decreasing NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Redox Biology, 34: 101560

27.  Luo R, Su L-Y, Li G, Yang J, Liu Q, Yang L-X, Zhang D-F, Zhou H, Xu M, Fan Y, Li J, Yao Y-G*. 2020. Activation of PPARA-mediated autophagy reduces Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology and cognitive decline in a murine model. Autophagy, 16: 52-69

28.  Fan Y, Ye M-S, Zhang J-Y, Xu L, Yu D-D, Gu T-L, Yao Y-L, Chen J-Q, Lv L-B, Zheng P, Wu D-D, Zhang G-J, Yao Y-G*. 2019. Chromosomal level assembly and population sequencing of the Chinese tree shrew genome. Zoological Research, 40: 506-521

29.  Wu Y, Bi R, Zeng C, Ma C, Sun C, Li J, Xiao X, Li M, Zhang D-F, Zheng P, Sheng N*, Luo X-J*, Yao Y-G*. 2019. Identification of the primate-specific gene BTN3A2 as an additional schizophrenia risk gene in the MHC loci. EBioMedicine, 44: 530-541

30.  Zhang D-F, Fan Y, Xu M, Wang G, Wang D, Li J, Kong L-L, Zhou H, Luo R, Bi R, Wu Y, Li G-D, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Li M, Luo X-J, Jiang H-Y, Tan L, Zhong C, Fang Y, Zhang C, Sheng N, Jiang T, Yao Y-G*. 2019. Complement C7 is a novel risk gene for Alzheimer's disease in Han Chinese. National Science Review, 6: 257-274

31.  Xu L, Peng L, Gu T, Yu D, Yao Y-G*. 2019. The 3'UTR of human MAVS mRNA contains multiple regulatory elements for the control of protein expression and subcellular localization. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, 1862: 47-57

32.  Bi R*, Zhang W, Zhang D-F, Xu M, Fan Y, Hu Q-X, Jiang H-Y, Tan L, Li T, Fang Y, Zhang C, Yao Y-G*. 2018. Genetic association of the cytochrome c oxidase-related genes with Alzheimer’s disease in Han Chinese. Neuropsychopharmacology, 43: 2264-2276

33.  Wang D, Fan Y, Malhi M, Bi R, Wu Y, Xu M, Yu X-F, Long H, Li Y-Y, Zhang D-F*, Yao Y-G*. 2018. Missense variants in HIF1A and LACC1 contribute to leprosy risk in Han Chinese. American Journal of Human Genetics, 102: 794-805

34.  Fan Y, Luo R, Su L-Y, Xiang Q, Yu D, Xu L, Chen J-Q, Bi R, Wu D-D, Zheng P*, Yao Y-G*. 2018. Does the genetic feature of the Chinese tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri chinensis) support its potential as a viable model for Alzheimer’s disease research? Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 61: 1015-1028

35.  Wang D*, Zhang D-F, Li GD, Bi R, Fan Y, Wu Y, Yu X-F, Long H, Li Y-Y, Yao Y-G*. 2018. A pleiotropic effect of the APOE gene: association of APOE polymorphisms with multibacillary leprosy in Han Chinese from Southwest China. British Journal of Dermatology, 178: 931-939

36.  Xu M, Zhang D-F*, Luo R, Wu Y, Zhou H, Kong L-L, Bi R, Yao Y-G*. 2018. A systematic integrated analysis of brain expression profiles reveals YAP1 and other prioritized hub genes as important upstream regulators in Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 14: 215-229

37.  Su L-Y, Luo R, Liu Q, Su J-R, Yang L-X, Ding Y-Q, Xu L*, Yao Y-G*. 2017. Atg5- and Atg7-dependent autophagy in dopaminergic neurons regulates cellular and behavioral responses to morphine. Autophagy, 13: 1496-1511

38.  Tang J, Fan Y, Li H, Xiang Q, Zhang D-F, Li Z, He Y, Liao Y, Wang Y, He F, Zhang F, Shugart YY, Liu C, Tang Y*, Chan RCK*, Wang C-Y*, Yao Y-G*, Chen X*. 2017. Whole-genome sequencing of monozygotic twins discordant for schizophrenia indicates multiple genetic risk factors for schizophrenia. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 44: 295-306

39.  Yao Y-G*. 2017. Creating animal models, why not use the Chinese tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri chinensis)? Zoological Research, 38: 118-126

40.  Li G-D, Bi R, Zhang D-F, Xu M, Luo R, Wang D; Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI)., Fang Y, Li T, Zhang C, Yao Y-G*. 2017. Female-specific effect of the BDNF gene on Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 53: 192.e11 - 192.e19

41.  Li C-H, Yan L-Z, Ban W-Z, Tu Q, Wu Y, Wang L, Bi R, Ji S, Ma Y-H, Nie W-H, Lv L-B, Yao Y-G*, Zhao X-D*, Zheng P*. 2017. Long-term propagation of tree shrew spermatogonial stem cells in culture and successful generation of transgenic offspring. Cell Research, 27: 241-252

42.  Wu Y, Yao Y-G*, Luo X-J*. 2017. SZDB: a database for schizophrenia genetic research. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 43: 459-471

43.  Xu L, Yu D, Fan Y, Peng L, Wu Y, Yao Y-G*. 2016. Loss of RIG-I leads to a functional replacement with MDA5 in the Chinese tree shrew. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113: 10950-10955

44.  Zhang C, Zhang D-F, Wu Z-G, Peng D-H, Chen J, Ni J, Tang W, Xu L, Yao Y-G*, Fang Y-R*. 2016. Complement factor H and susceptibility to major depressive disorder in Han Chinese. British Journal of Psychiatry, 208: 446-452

45.  Bi R, Tang J, Zhang W, Li X, Chen S-Y, Yu D, Chen X, Yao Y-G*. 2016. Mitochondrial genome variations and functional characterization in Han Chinese families with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 171: 200-206

46.  Zhang D-F*, Wang D, Li Y-Y, Yao Y-G*. 2016. Integrative analyses of leprosy susceptibility genes indicate a common autoimmune profile. Journal of Dermatological Science, 82: 18-27

47.  Zhang D-F, Li J, Wu H, Cui Y, Bi R, Zhou H-J, Wang H-Z, Zhang C, Wang D; Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), Kong Q-P, Li T, Fang Y, Jiang T*, Yao Y-G*. 2016. CFH variants affect structural and functional brain changes and genetic risk of Alzheimer's disease. Neuropsychopharmacology, 41: 1034-1045

48.  Su L-Y, Li H, Lv L, Feng Y-M, Li G-D, Luo R, Zhou H-J, Lei X-G, Ma L, Li J-L, Xu L, Hu X-T*, Yao Y-G*. 2015. Melatonin attenuates MPTP-induced neurotoxicity via preventing CDK5-mediated autophagy and SNCA/α-synuclein aggregation. Autophagy, 11: 1745-1759

49.  Bi R, Zhang W, Yu D, Li X, Wang H-Z, Hu Q-X, Zhang C, Lu W, Ni J, Fang Y, Li T, Yao Y-G*. 2015. Mitochondrial DNA haplogroup B5 confers genetic susceptibility to Alzheimer's disease in Han Chinese. Neurobiology of Aging, 36: 1604.e7-1604.e16

50.  Wang D, Xu L, Lv L, Su L-Y, Zhang D-F, Bi R, Yu D, Zhang W, Fan Y, Li X-A, Li Y-Y, Yao Y-G*. 2015. Association of the LRRK2 genetic polymorphisms with leprosy in Han Chinese from Southwest China. Genes and Immunity, 16: 112-119

51.  Zhang W, Xiao MS, Ji S, Tang J, Xu L, Li X, Li M, Wang HZ, Jiang HY, Zhang DF, Wang J, Zhang S, Xu XF, Yu L, Zheng P, Chen X, Yao Y-G*. 2014. Promoter variant rs2301228 on the neural cell adhesion molecule 1 gene conferring risk of schizophrenia in Han Chinese. Schizophrenia Research, 160: 88-96

52.  Zhang W, Tang J, Zhang A-M, Peng M-S, Xie H-B, Tan L, Xu L, Zhang Y-P, Chen X*, Yao Y-G*. 2014. A matrilineal genetic legacy from the last glacial maximum confers susceptibility to schizophrenia in Han Chinese. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 41: 397-407

53.  Feng Y-M, Jia Y-F, Su L-Y, Wang D, Lv L, Xu L*, Yao Y-G*. 2013. Decreased mitochondrial DNA copy number in the hippocampus and peripheral blood during opiate addiction is mediated by autophagy and can be salvaged by melatonin. Autophagy, 9: 1395-1406

54.  Fan L, Yao Y-G*. 2013. An update to MitoTool: Using a new scoring system for faster mtDNA haplogroup determination. Mitochondrion, 13: 360-363

55.  Zhang D-F, Huang X-Q, Wang D, Li Y-Y, Yao Y-G*. 2013. Genetic variants of complement genes Ficolin-2, Mannose-binding lectin and Complement factor H are associated with leprosy in Han Chinese from Southwest China. Human Genetics, 132: 629-640

56.  Fan Y, Huang Z-Y, Cao C-C, Chen C-S, Chen Y-X, Fan D-D, He J, Hou H-L, Hu L, Hu X-T, Jiang X-T, Lai R, Lang Y-S, Liang B, Liao S-G, Mu D, Ma Y-Y, Niu Y-Y, Sun X-Q, Xia J-Q, Xiao J, Xiong Z-Q, Xu L, Yang L, Zhang Y, Zhao W, Zhao X-D, Zheng Y-T, Zhou J-M, Zhu Y-B, Zhang G-J*, Wang J*, Yao Y-G*. 2013. Genome of the Chinese tree shrew. Nature Communications, 4:1426

57.  Yao Y-G*, Kajigaya S, Feng X, Samsel L, McCoy JP, Jr, Torelli G, Young NS. 2013. Accumulation of mtDNA variations in human single CD34+ cells from maternally related individuals: effects of aging and family genetic background. Stem Cell Research, 10: 361-370

58.  Guo H, Zhuang X-Y, Zhang A-M, Zhang W, Yuan Y, Guo L, Yu D-D, Liu J, Yang D-K, Yao Y-G*. 2012. Presence of mutation m.14484T>C in a Chinese family with maternally inherited essential hypertension but no expression of LHON. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1822: 1535-1543

59.  Zhang A-M, Jia X, Guo X, Zhang Q*, Yao Y-G*. 2012. Mitochondrial DNA mutation m.10680G>A is associated with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy in Chinese patients. Journal of Translational Medicine, 10(1): 43

60.  Fan L, Yao Y-G*. 2011. MitoTool: A web server for the analysis and retrieval of human mitochondrial DNA sequence variations. Mitochondrion, 11: 351-356

61.  Bi R, Zhang A-M, Zhang W, Kong Q-P, Wu B-L, Yang X-H, Wang D, Zou Y, Zhang Y-P, Yao Y-G*. 2010. The acquisition of an inheritable 50-bp deletion in the human mtDNA control region does not affect the mtDNA copy number in peripheral blood cells. Human Mutation, 31: 538-543

62.  Yao Y-G, Salas A, Logan I, Bandelt H-J. 2009. mtDNA data-mining in GenBank needs surveying. American Journal of Human Genetics, 85: 929-933

63.  Bandelt H-J, Salas A, Taylor RW, Yao Y-G*. 2009. The exaggerated status of "novel" and "pathogenic" mtDNA sequence variants due to inadequate database searches. Human Mutation, 30: 191-196

64.  Ji Y, Zhang A-M, Jia X, Zhang Y-P, Xiao X, Li S, Guo X, Bandelt H-J, Zhang Q, Yao Y-G*. 2008. Mitochondrial DNA haplogroups M7b1'2 and M8a affect clinical expression of Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy in Chinese families with the m.11778GA mutation. American Journal of Human Genetics, 83: 760-768

65.  Yao Y-G*, Kong Q-P, Salas A, Bandelt H-J. 2008. Pseudo-mitochondrial genome haunts disease studies. Journal of Medical Genetics, 45: 769-772

66.  Yao Y-G*, Childs RW, Kajigaya S, McCoy JP, Jr, Young NS. 2007. Mitochondrial DNA sequence heterogeneity of single CD34+ cells after nonmyeloablative allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Stem Cells, 25: 2670-2676

67.  Yao Y-G*, Ogasawara Y, Kajigaya S, Molldrem JJ, Falcao RP, Pintao MC, McCoy JC, Jr, Rizzatti EG, Young NS*. 2007. Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation in single cells from leukemia patients. Blood, 109: 756-762

68.  Yao Y-G*, Ellison FM, McCoy JP, Jr, Chen J, Young NS. 2007. Age-dependent accumulation of mtDNA mutations in murine hematopoietic stem cells is modulated by the nuclear genetic background. Human Molecular Genetics, 16: 286-294

69.  Yao Y-G*, Salas A, Bravi CM, Bandelt H-J. 2006. A reappraisal of complete mtDNA variation in East Asian families with hearing impairment. Human Genetics, 119: 505-515

70.  Yao Y-G, Yang HS, Cao Z, Danielsson J, Duh EJ. 2005. Upregulation of placental growth factor by vascular endothelial growth factor via a post-transcriptional mechanism. FEBS Letters, 579: 1227-1234

71.  Yao Y-G#, Kong Q-P#, Wang C-Y, Zhu C-L, Zhang Y-P. 2004. Different matrilineal contributions to genetic structure of ethnic populations in Silk-Road region in China. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 21: 2265-2280

72.  Yao Y-G, Duh EJ. 2004. VEGF selectively induces Down syndrome critical region 1 gene expression in endothelial cells: a mechanism for feedback regulation of angiogenesis? Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 321: 648-656

73.  Yao Y-G, Kong Q-P, Man X-Y, Bandelt H-J, Zhang Y-P. 2003. Reconstructing the evolutionary history of China: a caveat about inferences drawn from ancient DNA. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 20: 214-219

74.  Yao Y-G, Kong Q-P, Bandelt H-J, Kivisild T, Zhang Y-P. 2002. Phylogeographic differentiation of mitochondrial DNA in Han Chinese. American Journal of Human Genetics, 70: 635-651

75.  Yao Y-G, Nie L, Harpending H, Fu Y-X, Yuan Z-G, Zhang Y-P. 2002. Genetic relationship of Chinese ethnic populations revealed by mtDNA sequence diversity. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 118: 63-76



毕  蕊  博士  副研究员,birui@mail.kiz.ac.cn

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徐  敏  博士  副研究员,xumin@mail.kiz.ac.cn

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