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陈小勇   研究员
职  务:
学  历: 博士
电  话: +86 871 65194464
传  真: +86 871 65194464
电子邮件: chenxy@mail.kiz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 云南省昆明市盘龙区龙欣路17号    650201
  简  历

1999年在中国科学院昆明动物研究所获博士学位,留所担任助理研究员,2005年担任副研究员,2015年担任研究员。主要从事鱼类分类、进化、生态与保护生物学研究。已描述鱼类新属2个、新种57个。主持和参加过多项国家级、省部级项目、国际合作项目和企业委托项目。已发表专著5章节,发表研究论文100余篇,其中在ScienceZoological Journal of the Linnean SocietyZoologica ScriptaBiological InvasionJournal of Fish Biology等刊物上发表SCI论文70余篇。  


  1999年:中国科学院昆明动物研究所 动物学专业 博士  

  1996年:兰州大学生物系 动物学专业 硕士  

  1993年:西北师范大学生物系 生物学专业 学士      







1. 动物资源调查与生物多样性评估。以中国东喜马拉雅地区和东南亚鱼类和水生生物为主要研究对象,系统调查和评估具有重要经济、科研和保护价值的鱼类、甲壳动物的分布现状、资源量、资源利用方式,系统总结鱼类资源现状;评估水电开发等人类活动对重要经济鱼类、洄游性、保护鱼类物种存活、资源量、遗传多样性和产卵场的影响,提出保护建议; 开展重要湖泊的调查和监测,掌握热带湖泊生态系统变化规律,完善湖泊资源保护和利用的优化模式,为当地政府提供合理利用及保护建议; 识别生物多样性热点地区和生物多样性调查空白区域;识别重点保护物种,评估物种濒危等级; 

2. 动物分类与进化研究。以中国东喜马拉雅地区和东南亚鱼类、甲壳动物、软体动物、两栖爬行类、鸟类、兽类为主要研究对象,基于野外考察与采集的标本和样品,通过形态、生态与DNA条形码相结合等方法,发现隐存物种,揭示区域生物多样性,进行分子进化和谱系地理学研究,揭示亚洲重大地质历史事件对中国南部-东南亚物种分布格局形成的影响,揭示不同类群物种多样性的分布格局,探讨生态因子、气候变化对物种和现代区系形成的作用及影响;   

3. 重要经济鱼类资源的保护与利用。基于对云南珍稀濒危鱼类人工繁殖成功的经验和积累,进行东南亚珍稀、濒危、特有、有重要经济价值鱼类的引种、人工繁育和放流;优良品种的选育和新品种开发。 


1.    国家自然科学基金面上项目:条鳅科鱼类系统分类整理、生物地理及形态演化研究(2019-2022) (主持)

2.    国家自然科学基金面上项目:中国南鳅属鱼类的系统分类及其与相近属种的分子系统学研究(20132016) (主持)  

3.    国家自然科学基金面上项目:鲈鲤属鱼类的谱系地理分化与区域地史关系研究(20092011)(主持)

4.    国家科技支撑计划:重要湿地物种资源监测技术与示范 高寒湿地专题(20082011)(主持)

5.    中国科学院海外科教基地建设计划:东南亚野生动物调查与保护(20182021)(主持)

6.    中国科学院海外科教基地建设计划:东南亚野生动物调查与保护(20152017)(主持) 

7.    中国科学院委托研究与专项咨询服务计划:怒江河谷重要鱼类多样性精细评估(20152016) (主持)  

8.    国家环保部:西双版纳麻栗坡、马关县水生生物多样性调查(2016-2018) (主持)

9.    中水顾问集团昆明设计院委托项目:滇中引水工程水生生态影响评价专题(输水线路及受退水区)(20142015)(主持)  

中国鱼类学会 理事;云南省动物学会 常务理事;云南省水产学会 常务理事。



陈小勇2000. 物种和种群的保护 Primack、季维智主编,保护生物学基础北京:中国林业出版社:94145.


陈小勇2010. 第十二章云南的湿地脊椎动物 第二节湿地鱼类杨岚,李恒,杨晓君 编著云南湿地北京:中国林业出版社: 479-521  


陈小勇潘晓赋杨君兴. 2010. 13 鱼类王娟,杜凡,杨宇明等中国云南澜沧江自然保护区科学考察研究科学出版社:373-407 


陈小勇杜丽娜江艳娥杨君兴. 2012. 第十章 鱼类吴霞,施永宏 主编驮娘江自然保护区云南民族出版社:183-208.


陈小勇,王剑伟,杨剑,高欣. 2013. 徐海根,孙红英,陈小勇,曹铭昌,崔鹏,房丽君 主编生物物种资源监测概论科学出版社. 304pp. 


陈小勇,陈枳颖,秦涛. 鱼类. 见:孙航,高正文. 主编. 2017.10. 云南省生物物种名录 2016. 云南科技出版社:511-530.


黄艺,曹晓峰,陈小勇 等著. 2018. 滇池流域水生态系统状态与健康评价. 科学出版社



1. Du Li-Na, Hou Mian, Chen Xiao-Yong*, Yang Jun-Xing*. 2018. A new species of Yunnanilus (Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae) from Sichuan, southwest China. Zootaxa 4532 (1): 137–144

2. Qiu Ren, Jun-Xing Yang*, Xiao-Yong Chen*. 2018. Phylogeographical and Morphological Analyses of Triplophysa stenura (Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae) from the Three Parallel Rivers Region, China. Zoological Studies, 57: 26.

3. Zheng, L.-P., Qin, T., Chen, X.-Y*. 2018. Altigena malihkaia, a new species of Labeonini (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from the Irrawaddy River basin in Myanmar. Zootaxa, 4476(1): 087–093.

4. Shu S-S, Rogers CD, Chen X-Y*, Sanoamuang L*. 2018. Streptocephalus diversity in Myanmar, with description of a new species (Branchiopoda, Anostraca). ZooKeys 734: 1–12

5. Xiao-Yong Chen*, William J. Poly, David Catania, Wan-Sheng Jiang. 2017. A new species of sisorid catfish of the genus Exostoma from the Salween drainage, Yunnan, China. Zoological Research 38(5): 291-299

6. Tao Qin, Zhi-Ying Chen, Lu-Lu Xu, Paing Zaw, Yunn Mi Mi Kyaw, Kyaw Win Maung, Xiao-Yong Chen*. 2017. Five newly recorded Cyprinid fish (Teleostei: Cypriniformes) in Myanmar. Zoological Research 38(5): 300-309

7. Xiao-Yong Chen*, Tao Qin, Zhi-Ying Chen. 2017. Oreoglanis hponkanensis, a new sisorid catfish from north Myanmar (Actinopterygii, Sisoridae). Zookeys 646: 95-108

8. Shusen Shu, La-Orsri Sanoamuang*, Xiaoyong Chen*. 2017. Mesocyclops putaoensis n. sp., a new species of freshwater copepod (Copepoda, Cyclopidae) from Northern Myanmar (Copepoda, Cyclopidae). Crustaceana 4290 (1): 192–200

9. Shusen Shu, Feizhou Chen, Anton Brancelj, Junxing Yang, Xiaoyong Chen*. 2017. Karstodiaptomus sheni n. gen., n. sp., a new freshwater stygobiotic calanoid (Crustacea: Copepoda: Calanoida) and the first record of Speodiaptominae from Yunnan, China. Zootaxa 4290(1): 192–200

10.  Liu SW, XF Pan, JX Yang*, XY Chen*. 2017. A new cave-dwelling loach, Triplophysa xichouensis sp. nov., (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae), from Yunnan, China. Journal of Fish Biology 90: 834846

11.  Lan-Ping Zheng, Jun-Xing Yang*, Xiao-Yong Chen*. 2016. Garra incisorbis, a new species of labeonines from Pearl River basin in Guangxi, China (Teleostei: Cyprinidae).  Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 26(4): 299-303

12.  Shu-wei Liu, Jun-Xing Yang*, Xiao-Yong Chen*. 2016. Paralepidocephalus translucens, a new cave species of loach from a cave in Yunnan, China (Teleostei Cobitidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 27(1): 61-66

13.  Zheng L-P, Chen X-Y*, Yang J-X*. 2016. Molecular systematics of the Labeonini inhabiting the karst regions in southwest China (Teleostei, Cypriniformes). ZooKeys 612: 133–148.

14.  Lan-Ping Zheng, Jun-Xing Yang*, Xiao-Yong Chen*. 2016. Molecular phylogeny and systematics of the Barbinae (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in China inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 68 (2016): 250-259

15.  Wan-Sheng Jiang, Tao Qin, Wei-Ying Wang, Ya-Peng Zhao, Shu-Sen Shu, Wei-Hong SONG, Jun-Xing Yang*, Xiao-Yong Chen*. 2016. What is the destiny of a threatened fish, Ptychobarbuschungtienensis, now that non-native weatherfishes have been introduced into Bita Lake, Shangri-La? Zoological Research 37 (5): 275-280

16.  Shusen Shu, A.M.Maeda-Martínez, D.C. Rogers, Junxing Yang*, Xiaoyong Chen*. 2015.  Morphological characterization of Streptocephalus sirindhornae (Branchiopoda: Anostraca) from South East Asia: First record of the Streptocephalidae from China. Zootaxa. 3911 (3): 447–450

17.  Du LN,  Lu YF, Chen XY*. 2015. Yunnanilus qujinensis, a new  species  of  loach  from Yunnan, southwest China (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 26(3): 249-254

18.  Yanfei Huang, Junxing Yang*, Xiaoyong Chen*. 2014. Stenorynchoacrum xijiangensis, a new genus and a new species of Labeoninae fish from Guangxi, China (Teleostei: Cyprinidae).  Zootaxa  3793 (3): 379–386

19.  Mo Wang, Jun-Xing Yang*, Xiao-Yong Chen*. 2013. Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Percocypris (Cyprinidae, Teleostei). PlosOne 8(6): e61827

20.  Shu-Sen Shu, Wan-Sheng Jiang, Tony Whitten, Jun-Xing Yang*, Xiao-Yong Chen*. 2013. Drought and China’s Cave Species. Science 340: 272

21.  Jiang W. S., Zhao Y. P., Wang W. Y., Yang J.X., Chen X. Y.*. 2013. Length-weight relationship and biological data of a threatened fish, Ptychobarbus chungtienensis (Tsao, 1964) in Bita Lake of Shangri-La, Yunnan, China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 28(4): 1-4.

22.  Min Rui, Jun-Xing Yang*, Xiao-Yong Chen*, Richard Winterbottom, Richard Mayden. 2012. Phylogenetic Relationships of the Genus Homatula (Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae), with Special Reference to the Biogeographic History around the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. Zootaxa 3586: 78–94

23.  Jiang Wan-Sheng, Heok Hee Ng, Jun-Xing Yang*, Xiao-Yong Chen*. 2012. A taxonomic review of the catfish identified as Glyptothorax zanaensis (Teleostei: Siluriformes: Sisoridae), with the descriptions of two new species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 165 363–389

24.  Yang Jian, Jun Xing Yang*, Xiao Yong Chen*. 2012. A re-examination of the molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the genus Schizothorax (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) through enhanced sampling, with emphasis on the species in the Yunnan–Guizhou Plateau, China. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 50(3): 184-191

25.  Zheng, L. P., J. X. Yang, X. Y. Chen*. 2012. A new species of Triplophysa (Nemacheilidae: Cypriniformes), from Guangxi, southern China. Journal of Fish Biology 80, 831–841

26.  Chen Xiao-Yong, David A. Neely*. 2012. Schistura albirostris, a new nemacheiline loach (Teleostei: Balitoridae) from the Irrawaddy River drainage of Yunnan Province, China. Zootaxa 3586: 222–227

27.  Yang Jian, Jun Xing Yang*, Xiao Yong Chen*. 2012. A re-examination of the molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the genus Schizothorax (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) through enhanced sampling, with emphasis on the species in the Yunnan–Guizhou Plateau, China. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research50(3): 184-191

28.  Zheng Lan–Ping, Jun–Xing Yang*, Xiao–Yong Chen*. 2012. Phylogeny of the Labeoninae(Teleostei, Cypriniformes) based on nuclear DNA sequences and implications on character evolution and biogeography. Current Zoology 58 (6): 837-850

29.  Yang Jian, Maurice Kottelat, Yang Junxing*, Chen Xiaoyong*. 2012. Yaoshania and Erromyzon kalotaenia, a new genus and a new species of balitorid loaches from Guangxi, China (Teleostei: Cypriniformes). Zootaxa 3586: 173–186

30.  Min Rui, Jun-Xing Yang*, Xiao-Yong Chen*, Richard Winterbottom, Richard Mayden. 2012. Phylogenetic Relationships of the Genus Homatula (Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae), with Special Reference to the Biogeographic History around the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. Zootaxa 3586: 78–94

31.  Xiao-Yong Chen, Maurice Kottelat, David A. Neely. 2011. Physoschistura yunnaniloides, a new species of loach from Myanmar (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 22 (2): 169-178

32.  Lan–Ping Zheng, Jun–Xing Yang*, Xiao–Yong Chen*, Wei–Ying Wang. 2010. Phylogenetic relationship of the Chinese Labeoninae (Teleostei, Cypriniformes) derived from two nuclear and three mitochondrial genes. Zoologica Scripta 39(6): 559–571

33.  Bo Yang, Xiao-Yong Chen*, Jun-Xing Yang*. 2011. Non-native carp of the genus Cyprinus in Lake Xingyun, China, as revealed by morphology and mitochondrial DNA analysis. Biological Invasions13(1): 105-114

34.  Yang Jian, Chen Xiaoyong*, Yang Junxing*. 2010. Molecular and morphological analysis of endangered species Gymnodiptychus integrigymnatus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 88(2): 189 – 199

35.  Yang Jian, Chen Xiaoyong*, Yang Junxing*. 2009. The identity of Schizothorax griseus Pellegrin, 1931, with descriptions of three new species of schizothoracine fishes (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) fromChina.Zootaxa2006: 23–40.

36.  Yan-E Jiang, Xiao-Yong Chen*, Jun-Xing Yang. 2008. Microrasbora Annandale, a new genus record in China, with descriptions of a new species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) Environmental Biology of Fishes 83(3): 299 - 304

37.  Li-Na Du, Xiao-Yong Chen*, Jun-Xing Yang*. 2008. A Review of the Nemacheilinae Genus Oreonectes Günther with Descriptions of two New Species (Teleostei: Balitoridae). Zootaxa 1729: 23–36

38.  X. Y. CHEN, J. X. YANG . 2005. A New Blind Loach of Genus Triplophysafrom China . Journal of Fish Biology66 (3): 599-608.

39.  Chen X Y, Yang J X. 2003. A Systematic Revision of “Barbodes” Fishes in China . Zoological Research, 24(5): 377-386.

40.  Chen X Y, Yang J X. 2002. Cladistic analysis of the cyprinind subgenus Cyprinus (Mesocyprinus) Fang (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Zoological Research23(3): 185-194.

41. Chen Xiao-Yong, Jun-Xing Yang, Yin-Rui Chen. 1999. A review of the cyprinoid fish genus BarbodesBleeker, 1859, from Yunnan, China, with descriptions of two new species. Zoological Studies38(1): 8288.陈小勇. 2013. 云南鱼类名录动物学研究 34 (4): 281-343 




舒树森 助理研究员  

秦涛 研究实习员      


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