1. Xenia Gofman*; Gilad Tocker*; Shahaf Weiss; Charlotte N. Boccara; Li Lu; May-Britt Moser; Edvard I. Moser; Genela Morris; Dori Derdikman#, Dissociation between postrhinal cortex and downstream parahippocampal regions in the representation of egocentric boundaries, Current Biology, 2019 Jul 31. pii: S0960-9822(19)30852-8. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.07.007. [Epub ahead of print].
2. Richard J. Gardner#*; Li Lu; Tanja Wernle; May-Britt Moser; Edvard I. Moser#, Correlation structure of grid cells is preserved during sleep, Nature Neuroscience, 2019 Apr;22(4):598-608. doi: 10.1038/s41593-019-0360-0. Epub 2019 Mar 25.
3. Albert Tsao#*; JΦrgen Sugar; Li Lu; Cheng Wang; James J. Knierim; May-Britt Moser; Edvard I. Moser#, Integrating time from experience in the lateral entorhinal cortex, Nature, 2018.9, 561(7721):57-62.
4. Li Lu#*; Briana Popeney; J. David Dickman; Dora E. Angelaki, Construction of an improved multi-tetrode hyperdrive for large-scale neural recording in behaving rats, Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2018.5.9, (135).
5. Li Lu#*; Kei M. Igarashi; Menno P. Witter; Edvard I. Moser; May-Britt Moser#, Topography of place maps along the CA3-to-CA2 axis of the hippocampus, Neuron, 2015.9.2, 87(5):1078-1092.
6. Kei M. Igarashi#*; Li Lu; Laura L. Colgin; May-Britt Moser; Edvard I. Moser#, Coordination of entorhinal–hippocampal ensemble activity during associative learning, Nature, 2014.6.5, 510(7503):143-147.
7. Li Lu#*; Jill K. Leutgeb#*; Albert Tsao; Espen J. Henriksen; Stefan Leutgeb; Carol A. Barnes; Menno P. Witter; May-Britt Moser; Edvard I. Moser#, Impaired hippocampal rate coding after lesions of the lateral entorhinal cortex, Nature Neuroscience, 2013.7.14, 16(8):1085-1093.
8. Sheng-jia Zhang*; Ming Zou; Li Lu; David Lau; Desiree A. W. Ditzel; Celine Delucinge-Vivier; Yoshinori Aso; Patrick Descombes; Hilmar Bading#, Nuclear calcium signaling controls expression of a large gene pool: identification of a gene program for acquired neuroprotection induced by synaptic activity, PLoS Genetics, 2009.8.14, 5(8).