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石磊   研究员
职  务: 神经基因组学学科组负责人
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电  话: +86 871 65190167
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电子邮件: shilei@mail.kiz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 云南省昆明市盘龙区龙欣路17号 中国科学院昆明动物研究所    650201
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2020.10-至今        研究员, 博士生导师,中国科学院昆明动物研究所神经基因组学学科组负责人

2019.03-2020.10     美国Salk生物研究所, 博士后 (Postdoctoral Fellow,Salk Institute for Biological Studies,La Jolla,导师:Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte)

2015.07-2019.03     美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校, 博士后 (Postdoctoral Research Fellow,University of Michigan,Ann Arbor,导师:Kenneth Y. Kwan)

2012.07-2015.07     中国科学院昆明动物研究所, 助理研究员

2014.04-2014.04     德国马克斯·普朗克进化人类学研究所, 短期访问学者 (Visiting Scholar,Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology,Leipzig,导师:Svante Pääbo)

2013.01-2013.07     美国北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校, 访问学者 (Visiting Scholar,University of North Carolina,Chapel Hill,导师:Martin Styner)

2007.09-2012.07     中国科学院昆明动物研究所, 遗传学 理学博士(导师:宿兵)

2003.09-2007.07     西南大学生命科学学院, 生物技术 理学学士








1. 中国科学院率先行动计划择优支持 2024.01-2026.12,在研 主持;

2. 云南省“兴滇英才支持计划” 项目:探索细胞外基质(ECM)基因在动物衰老过程中调节脑内寡突胶质前体细胞(OPC)活性变化的分子机制研究,2023.01-2027.12, 在研 主持;

3. 云南省科学技术厅重点项目:大脑发育过程中人类特异性表达基因的功能机制研究,2022.06至2025.05, 50万元 在研 主持;

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:人类特异性DNA甲基化区域在灵长类大脑进化中的功能研究,2022.01-2025.12, 58万元 在研 主持;

5. 国家重点研发计划:非人灵长类脑疾病模型研制与评价, 2021.12-2024.11, 子课题负责人, 在研 主持;

6. 中国科学院青年促进会 2015.01-2018.12 80万元 已结题;

7. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:人类大脑进化关键基因MCPH1调控和功能研究, 2014.01-2016.12, 23万元 已结题;

8. 中国科学院西部之光博士项目:小头症基因MCPH1的进化和功能研究, 2012-2014, 20万元 已结题;


1.  Son, D. R.#, Y. Kong#, Y. Tan, T. Hu, Shi,L.& and S. V. Yi& (2024). Whole-genome DNA methylomes of tree shrew brains reveal conserved and divergent roles of DNA methylation on sex chromosome regulation. BMC Biology 22(1): 277.

2.  Shao, H., J. Huang, H. Wang, G. Wang, X. Yang, M. Cheng, C. Sun, L. Zou, Q. Yang, D. Zhang, Z. Liu, X. Jiang, Shi,L.P. Shi, B. Han and B. Jiao (2024). Fused in sarcoma (FUS) inhibits milk production efficiency in mammals.Nature Communications 15(1): 3953.

3.   Hernandez-Benitez, R., Wang, C., Shi, L., Ouchi, Y., Zhong, C., Hishida, T., Liao, H.K., Magill, E.A., Memczak, S., Soligalla, R.D., et al. (2024). Intervention with metabolites emulating endogenous cell transitions accelerates muscle regeneration in young and aged mice. Cell Rep Med 5, 101449.

4.  Browder, K. C., Reddy, P., Yamamoto, M., Haghani, A., Guillen, I. G., Sahu, S., Wang, C., Luque, Y., Prieto, J., Shi, L., Shojima, K., Hishida, T., Lai, Z., Li, Q., Choudhury, F. K., Wong, W. R., Liang, Y., Sangaraju, D., Sandoval, W., Esteban, C. R., Delicado, E. N., Garcia, P. G., Pawlak, M., Vander Heiden, J. A., Horvath, S., Jasper, H. & Izpisua Belmonte, J. C. (2022). In vivo partial reprogramming alters age-associated molecular changes during physiological aging in mice. Nature Aging.2, 243-253.

5.   Liu, H., Li, R., Liao, H.-K., Min, Z., Wang, C., Yu, Y., Shi, L., Dan, J., Hayek, A., Martinez Martinez, L., Nuñez Delicado, E. & Izpisua Belmonte, J. C. (2021) Chemical combinations potentiate human pluripotent stem cell-derived 3D pancreatic progenitor clusters toward functional β cells. Nature Communications. 12, 3330.

6.  Wang, C., Rabadan Ros, R., Martinez-Redondo, P., Ma, Z., Shi, L., Xue, Y., Guillen-Guillen, I., Huang, L., Hishida, T., Liao, H.-K., Nuñez Delicado, E., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Guillen-Garcia, P., Reddy, P. & Izpisua Belmonte, J. C. (2021) In vivo partial reprogramming of myofibers promotes muscle regeneration by remodeling the stem cell niche. Nature Communications 12, 3094.

7.  Keil, J.M., Doyle, D.Z., Qalieh, A., Lam, M.M., Funk, O.H., Qalieh, Y., Shi, L., Mohan, N., Sorel, A., and Kwan, K.Y. (2020). Symmetric neural progenitor divisions require chromatin-mediated homologous recombination DNA repair by Ino80. Nature Communications 11, 3839.

8.  Li, R., Zhong, C., Yu, Y., Liu, H., Sakurai, M., Yu, L., Min, Z., Shi, L., Wei, Y., Takahashi, Y., Liao, H. K., Qiao, J., Deng, H., Nunez-Delicado, E., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Wu, J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J. C. (2019). Generation of Blastocyst-like Structures from Mouse Embryonic and Adult Cell Cultures. Cell 179 (3), 687-702.

9.  Shi, L., Qalieh, A., Lam, M. M., Keil, J. M., and Kwan, K. Y. (2019). Robust elimination of genome-damaged cells safeguards against brain somatic aneuploidy following Knl1 deletion. Nature Communications 10 (1):2588

10. Shi, L., and Su, B. (2019). A transgenic monkey model for the study of human brain evolution. Zoological Research 40 (3):236-38

11. Shi, L#., Luo, X#., Jiang, J#., Chen, Y#., Liu, C#., Hu, T., Li, M., Lin, Q., Li, Y., Huang, J., Wang, H., Niu, Y., Shi, Y., Styner, M., Wang, J., Lu, Y., Sun, X., Yu, H., Ji, W., and Su, B. (2019). Transgenic rhesus monkeys carrying the human MCPH1 gene copies show human-like neoteny of brain development. National Science Review 6 (3):480-93

12. Shi, L#., Hu, E. Z#., Wang, Z. B#., Liu, J. W., Li, J., Li, M., Chen, H., Yu, C. S., Jiang, T. Z., and Su, B. (2017). Regional selection of the brain size regulating gene CASC5 provides new insight into human brain evolution. Human Genetics 136 (2):193-204

13. #Mendizabal, I., #Shi, L., Keller, T. E., Konopka, G., Preuss, T. M., Hsieh, T. F., Hu, E. Z., Zhang, Z., Su, B., and Yi, S. V. (2016). Comparative Methylome Analyses Identify Epigenetic Regulatory Loci of Human Brain Evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution 33 (11):2947-59

14. Shi, L#., Zhang, Z#., and Su, B. (2016). Sex Biased Gene Expression Profiling of Human Brains at Major Developmental Stages. Scientific Reports 6

15. Shi, L., Lin, Q., and Su, B. (2015). Estrogen regulation of microcephaly genes and evolution of brain sexual dimorphism in primates. BMC Evol Biol 15:127

16. Shi, L#., Lin, Q#., and Su, B. (2014). Human-Specific Hypomethylation of CENPJ, a Key Brain Size Regulator. Molecular Biology and Evolution 31 (3):594-604

17. Li, M., Luo, X. J., Rietschel, M., Lewis, C. M., Mattheisen, M., Muller-Myhsok, B., Jamain, S., Leboyer, M., Landen, M., Thompson, P. M., Cichon, S., Nothen, M. M., Schulze, T. G., Sullivan, P. F., Bergen, S. E., Donohoe, G., Morris, D. W., Hargreaves, A., Gill, M., Corvin, A., Hultman, C., Toga, A. W., Shi, L., et al. (2014). Allelic differences between Europeans and Chinese for CREB1 SNPs and their implications in gene expression regulation, hippocampal structure and function, and bipolar disorder susceptibility. Molecular Psychiatry 19 (4):452-61

18. Shi, L., Li, M., Lin, Q., Qi, X. B., and Su, B. (2013). Functional divergence of the brain-size regulating gene MCPH1 during primate evolution and the origin of humans. BMC Biology 11

19. Li, M., Luo, X. J., Xiao, X., Shi, L., Liu, X. Y., Yin, L. D., Ma, X. Y., Yang, S. Y., Pu, X. F., Yu, J., Diao, H. B., Shi, H., and Su, B. (2013). Analysis of common genetic variants identifies RELN as a risk gene for schizophrenia in Chinese population. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 14 (2):91-99

20. Shi, L., and Su, B. (2012). Identification and functional characterization of a primate-specific E2F1 binding motif regulating MCPH1 expression. FEBS Journal 279 (3):491-503

21. Shi, L., Li, M., and Su, B. (2012). MCPH1/BRIT1 represses transcription of the human telomerase reverse transcriptase gene. Gene 495 (1):1-9

22. Li, M., Luo, X. J., Xiao, X., Shi, L., Liu, X. Y., Yin, L. D., Diao, H. B., and Su, B. (2011). Allelic Differences Between Han Chinese and Europeans for Functional Variants in ZNF804A and Their Association with Schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry 168 (12):1318-25

23. Li, M., Mo, Y., Luo, X. J., Xiao, X., Shi, L., Peng, Y. M., Qi, X. B., Liu, X. Y., Yin, L. D., Diao, H. B., and Su, B. (2011). Genetic association and identification of a functional SNP at GSK3 beta for schizophrenia susceptibility. Schizophrenia Research 133 (1-3):165-71

24. Niu, Y. Y., Yu, Y., Bernat, A., Yang, S. H., He, X. C., Guo, X. Y., Chen, D. L., Chen, Y. C., Ji, S. H., Si, W., Lv, Y. Q., Tan, T., Wei, Q. A., Wang, H., Shi, L., Guan, J. A., Zhu, X. M., Afanassieff, M., Savatier, P., Zhang, K., Zhou, Q., and Ji, W. Z. (2010). Transgenic rhesus monkeys produced by gene transfer into early-cleavage-stage embryos using a simian immunodeficiency virus-based vector. PNAS 107 (41):17663-67


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