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蒋学龙   研究员
职  务:
学  历: 博士
电  话: +86 871 65125226
传  真: +86 871 65125226
电子邮件: jiangxl@mail.kiz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 云南省昆明市盘龙区龙欣路17号    650201
  简  历




1986年:安徽师范大学生物系 学士     








1. 以中国西南横断山地区和东喜马拉雅地区哺乳动物为研究对象,基于野外考察与采集的标本和样品,通过比较形态学、分子系统学、生态学及群落生态学等原理和研究方法开展哺乳动物分类、区系、系统进化、生物地理研究,以揭示该地区丰富的生物多样性、特有性与特殊的地质历史和环境与气候变化的关系,描述该地区丰富但在某种程度上被忽略的生物多样性,探索生物多样性的形成、维持与动态变化;  

2. 基于珍稀濒危物种,以比较行为生态学研究方法重点开展西黑冠长臂猿的行为生态与适应研究,探讨长臂猿对严酷生活环境的生态适应及其社会结构的形成与维持;  

3. 基于资源动物,以种群生态学与保护生物学研究方法开展资源动物(特别是大中型偶蹄类动物)种群动态及其影响因子的研究,探讨环境变化、人为干扰对种群动态的影响,探索适合不同物种、不同地区的保护策略。


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:白腹鼠属分类、系统发育与谱系地理及生物地理分析(20132016 (主持) 

2. 中国科学院重点布置项目专题:青藏高原小型兽类物种形成与分化(20132015 (主持) 

3. 中国科学院海外科教基地建设计划:东非脊椎动物多样性格局及形成机制(2013?2015)(主持) 

4. 云南省生物多样性调查与保护专项:高黎贡山羚牛种群数量及栖息地调查与保护研究(20132015 (主持) 

5. 云南省林业厅陆生脊椎动物资源调查专项:保山市与临沧市陆生脊椎动物资源调查(20132015)(主持) 

6. 云南省联合支持国家支撑项目专题:三江并流区哺乳动物分布调查与数据库构建(20132015)(主持) 

7. 国家林业局第二次陆生脊椎动物调查-物种调查专项: 长臂猿种群数量与分布及栖息地调查(20132014)(主持)  

8. 云南省林业厅陆生脊椎动物资源调查专项:怒江州与德宏州陆生脊椎动物资源调查(20132015)(参加) 

9. 国家林业局第二次陆生脊椎动物调查:高黎贡山地理小区常规调查(20132015)(参加)


  (近5年, *为通讯作者): 

  1. He K, Jiang XL*. 2014. Mitochondrial phylogeny reveals cryptic genetic diversity in the genus Niviventer (Rodentia, Muroidea). Mitochondrial DNA (On line) 

  2. He K, Jiang XL*. 2014. Sky islands in southwest China. I. an overview of phylogeographic patterns. Chinese Science Bulletin59: 585-597. 

  3. Ni QY, Huang B, Liang ZL, Wang XW, Jiang XL*. 2014. Diet adaptation of the western black crested gibbon (Nomascus concolor) in an isolated and disturbed forest patch in southern Yunnan, China. American Journal of Primatology, 76:217229 

  4. Hu NQ, Orkin J, Huang B, He K, Jiang XL*. 2014. Isolation and characterization of Thirteen microsatellite loci for the western black crested gibbon (Nomascus concolor) by high-throughput sequencing. Conservation Genetics Resources, 6:179–181. 

  5. He K, Shinohara A, Jiang XL*, Campbell KL*. 2014. Multilocus phylogeny of talpine moles (Talpini, Talpidae, Eulipotyphla) and its implications for systematics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 70:513–521. 

  6. Li XY, Buzzard P, Jiang XL*. 2014. Validity of the camera trapping method for abundance estimate and its application to a habitat association analysis for four ungulate species in mountain forests. Population Ecology, 56:251–256 

  7. Wan T, He K, Jiang XL*. 2013. Multilocus phylogeny and cryptic diversity in Asian shrew-like moles (Uropsilus, Talpidae): implications for taxonomy and conservation. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 13:232. 

  8. Li XY, Buzzard P, Chen YC, Jiang XL*. 2013. Patterns of Livestock Predation by Carnivores: Human–Wildlife Conflict in Northwest Yunnan, China. Environmental Management, 52:1334–1340.  

  9. Huang B, Guan ZH, Ni QY, Orkin J, Fan PF, Jiang XL*. 2013. Observation of intra- and extra-group copulation and reproductive characters in free ranging groups of western black crested gibbon (Nomascus concolor jingdongensis). Integrative Zoology, 8:427-440. 

  10. Guan ZH, Huang B, Ning WH, Ni QY, Sun GZ, Jiang XL*. 2013. Significance of grooming behavior in two polygynous groups of western black crested gibbons: implications for understanding social relationships among immigrant and resident group members. American Journal of Primatology, 75:1165–1173. 

  11.Yuan SL, Jiang XL, Li ZJ, He K, Harada M, Oshida1 T, Lin Lk, 2013. A Mitochondrial Phylogeny and Biogeographical Scenario for Asiatic Water Shrews of the Genus Chimarrogale: Implications for Taxonomy and Low-Latitude Migration Routes. PLoS ONE, 8(10): e77156.  

  12. 邓可,张利周,李权,李学友,蒋学龙*2013. 云南天池自然保护区兽类资源调查. 四川动物,33(3):458-463 

  13.  , , 蒋学龙, 姚永刚,2013. 进化分类地位的分子证据. 动物学研究34(2): 70-76 

  14.何锴王文智李 权罗培鹏孙悦华蒋学龙*2013. DNA条形码技术在小型兽类鉴定中的探索以甘肃莲花山为例.生物多样性, 21:19-205 

  15.何锴, 白明, 万韬, 李权, 王应祥, 蒋学龙*, 2013. 白尾鼹(鼹科: 哺乳纲)下颌骨几何形态测量分析及地理分化研究. 兽类学报, 33:7 -17. 

  16.   Guan ZH, Huang B, Ning WH, Ni QY, Jiang XL*, 2013. Proximity association in polygynous western black crested gibbons (Nomascus concolor jingdongensis): network structure and seasonality. Zoological Research, 34 (E1): E1?E8. 2013.  

  17. 蒋学龙, 2013. 猕猴属动物概况.见:《猕猴繁殖生物学》(季维智 主编),p.1-26, 北京:科学出版社. 

  18. He K, Wang JH, Su WT, Li Q, Nie WH, Jiang XL*. 2012. Karyotype of the Gansu mole (Scapanulus oweni): further evidence for karyotypic stability in talpid. Mammal Study, 37: 341–348. 

  19. He K, Hu NQ, Orkin JO, Nyein DT, Ma C, Xiao W, Fan PF, Jiang XL*. 2012. Molecular phylogeny and divergence time of Trachypithecus: with implications for the taxonomy of T. phayrei. Zoological Research, 33(E5-6): 104-110. 

  20. He K, Chen JH, Gould GC, Yamaguchi N, Ai HS, Wang YX, Zhang YP, Jiang XL*. 2012. An Estimation of Erinaceidae Phylogeny: A Combined Analysis Approach. PLoS ONE, 7(6): e39304.  

  21. Liu Q, Chen P, He K, Kilpatrick CW, Liu SY, Yu FH*, Jiang XL*. 2012. Phylogeographic Study of Apodemus ilex (Rodentia: Muridae) in Southwest China. PLoS ONE, 7(2): e31453.  

  22. Vakurin1 AA, Korablev VP, Jiang XL, Grigor'eva TV. 2012. The chromosomes of Tsing-Ling pika, Ochotona huangensis Matschie, 1908 (Lagomorpha, Ochotonidae). Comparative Cytogenetics, 6: 347–358. 

  23. 何锴, 邓可, 蒋学龙*. 2012. 中国兽类鼩鼱科一新纪录——高氏缺齿. 动物学研究,33(5): 542?544. 

  24. 蒋学龙, 王应祥, 李亚杰, , 普昌哲, 黄乐田. 2012. 哺乳动物. 见:吴霞, 施永宏主编,《驮娘江自然保护区》, 昆明:云南民族出版社. p.139-157.  

  25. Xu L, S Chen SY, W Nie WH, Jiang XL, Yao YG. 2012. Evaluating the Phylogenetic Position of Chinese Tree Shrew (Tupaia belangeri chinensis) Based on Complete Mitochondrial Genome: Implication for Using Tree Shrew as an Alternative Experimental Animal to Primates in Biomedical Research. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 39: 131-137. 

  26. 蒋学龙. 2011. 关注松鼠对核桃产业的危害.大自然,624-27. 

  27. Engesser B, Jiang XL. 2011. Odontological and craniological comparisons of the recent hedgehog Neotetracus with Hylomys and Neohylomys (Erinaceidae, Insectivora, Mammalia).古脊椎动物学报,49406422. 

  28. Chang SW, Oshida T, Endo H, Nguyen ST, Dang CN, Nguyen DX, Jiang XL, Lin LK, 2011. Ancient hybridization and underestimated species diversity in Asian striped squirrels (genus Tamiops): inference from paternal, maternal and biparental markers. Journal of Zoology, 285:128-138. 

  29. Liu J, Chen P, Yu L, Wu SF, Zhang YP*, Jiang XL*. 2011. The taxonomic status of Lepus melainus (Lagomorpha: Leporidae) based on nuclear DNA and morphological analyses. Zootaxa, 3010:47-57. 

  30. Sun GZ, Huang B, Guan ZH, Geissmann T, Jiang XL*. 2011. Individuality in Male Songs of Wild Black Crested Gibbons (Nomascus concolor). American Journal of Primatology , 73:431-438.  

  31. Fan PF, Jiang XL. 2010. Altitudinal Ranging of Black-Crested Gibbons at Mt. Wuliang, Yunnan: Effects of Food Distribution, Temperature and Human Disturbance. Folia Primatologica, 81:1-9.  

  32. Fan PF, Jiang XL*. 2010. Maintenance of Multifemale Social Organization in a Group of Nomascus concolor at Wuliang Mountain, Yunnan, China. International Journal of Primatology, 31:1-13.  

  33. He K, Li YJ, Brandley MC, Lin LK, Wang YX, Zhang YP, Jiang XL*. 2010. A multi-locus phylogeny of Nectogalini shrews and influences of the paleoclimate on speciation and evolution. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 56: 734-746. 

  34. 范朋飞,蒋学龙*,刘长铭,罗文寿. 2010. 无量山西黑冠长臂猿二重唱的声谱结构和时间特征. 动物学研究,31 (3)293?302. 

  35. 范朋飞,黄蓓,管振华,蒋学龙*. 2010. 西黑冠长臂猿雄性取代前后鸣叫行为的变化.兽类学报,30 ( 2) : 139- 143. 

  36. Zhang MX, Fellowes JR, Jiang XL, Wang W, Chan BPL, Ren GP, Zhu JG. 2010. Degradation of tropical forest in Hainan, China, 1991–2008: Conservation implications for Hainan Gibbon (Nomascus hainanus). Biological Conservation, 143: 1397-1404. 



饶定齐  副研究员 

黄蓓 助理研究员 

何锴 助理研究员 

李学友 助理研究员 

张栋儒 助理研究员 

林苏  助理实验师 

宁文鹤 研究实习员     


胡遒清, 2009;万  , 2010;刘  , 2011;张斌, 2012;陈中正, 2012;戴  , 2012 

  , 2012;赵启龙, 2012;黄 程, 2013Narayan Kaju 

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