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张国捷   研究员
职  务:
学  历: 理学博士
电  话: +86 871 68125417
传  真:
通讯地址: 云南省昆明市盘龙区茨坝镇青松路21号    650203
其他主页: http://zhanggjlab.cn/en/pages/our_lab.html
  简  历

博士,研究员。现任浙江大学求是讲席教授,兼任中国科学院昆明动物研究所特聘客座研究员。曾任丹麦哥本哈根大学生物系终身教授,中国国家基因库副主任。2004年毕业于厦门大学,2010年在中国科学院昆明动物研究所获得博士学位。2012年受欧盟玛丽居里青年基金资助赴哥本哈根大学担任助理教授,2015年成为哥本哈根大学终身序列助理教授,并于2017年3月获得终身副教授职位,同年7月被授予终身教授职位。2020年,在哥本哈根大学成立生物多样性基因组研究中心。2022年全职加入浙江大学后,成立生命演化研究中心。2023年获科学探索奖。2024年入选丹麦皇家文理科学院院士。2024年获“谈家桢生命科学创新奖”。张国捷教授在国际上较早提出并开展生物多样性基因组研究,课题研究主要围绕物种起源和适应机制,动物宏观水平大尺度演化过程及内在分子动力,复杂生物学性状的演化和发育机制。张国捷课题组综合比较基因组学、功能基因组学及比较形态学研究,厘清了多个代表性物种类群的起源及演化之谜,阐述了演化历史上辐射性物种大爆发过程中的基本规律,并揭示调控多种生物复杂性状的遗传机制,丰富了我们对物种形成、自然选择学说、和物种适应性遗传创新的理解,并为人类组织器官和功能的溯源及发育调控机制提供了演化视角下的新见解,相关研究成果于2019、2021、2023年入选“中国十大生命科学研究进展”。此外研究团队结合计算生物学和大数据信息处理,开发了一系列基因组学和演化基因组学的新方法,为未来健康大数据分析和多学科交叉研究奠定了基础。研究团队在国际顶级期刊发表270多篇研究论文,以第一或通讯作者在NatureScienceCell主刊发表研究论文20篇。多篇文章被选为封面文章,多个研究成果受到CNN、BBC、纽约时报、华盛顿邮报、国家地理等主流媒体广泛报道。论文总引用率超4.3万次,h-index 90。2018起多次入选全球高被引学者。张国捷及其合作团队的多篇成果曾三次在Science上以专刊(special issue)形式发表。张国捷教授组织和领导了多项国际基因组学协作计划,包括万种鸟类基因组研究计划(B10K),灵长类基因组计划(PGP),脊椎动物基因组研究联盟(VGP),及地球生命基因组计划(EBP)等,极大地推动了生物多样性基因组研究领域的发展。曾任首届亚洲演化生物学会议主席,先后担任美国、丹麦、中国、瑞士、瑞典、法国、英国、以色列、加拿大等十多个国家基金委员会的评委,常年受邀为NatureScienceCell等高水平杂志开展审稿工作。


2022.02-至今       浙江大学求是讲席教授

2017.09-2022.01    哥本哈根大学生物系终身正教授(Full Professor)

2017.03-2017.08    哥本哈根大学生物系终身副教授(Associate Professor)

2015.01-2017.02    大学生物系终身序列助理教授(Tenure-track Assis tant professor)

2015.01-至今       中国科学院昆明动物研究所特聘客座研究员

2012.08-2014.12    哥本哈根大学助理教授(Assistant Professor)

2010.06-2012.05    深圳华大生命科学研究院研究员





4.B10k 主页:https://b10k.com/

5.Global Ant Genomics Alliance: http://ant.genomics.dk/








1)社会性昆虫的社会行为和社会组织基因组演化机制(Science 2010 Science 2015);

2)蚂蚁行为和形态等级分化的遗传和神经生物学基础(Nature Communications 2014);

3)蚂蚁等级分化的表观遗传基础(Current Biology 2012);

4)蚂蚁与其他物种的共生及共同演化机制(Genome Research 2011 Nature Communications 2016)

5)个体发育过程中的发育限制现象推动蚁后-工蚁之间的分工 Nature Ecology and Evolution 2022a);

6)蚂蚁等级特异大脑特化现象是个体之间大脑功能分化的原因 Nature Ecology and Evolution 2018 Nature Ecology and Evolution 2022b);

7保守的分子细胞机制调控蚂蚁生殖表型可塑性 (Science Advance 2020;PLOS Bio 2024);

8)蚂蚁个体发育分化的内激素核心作用机制 (PNAS 2024)。


1)全球蚂蚁基因组联盟计划(The Global Ant Genomics Alliance, GAGA

全球蚂蚁基因组联盟计划(http://antgenomics.dk/)将构建全球蚁科属级别代表物种的基因组图谱,提供最全面的蚂蚁基因组多样性数据。通过对这些基因组数据的比较分析,我们将可以理解蚂蚁演化的全球性趋势,并找到当今蚂蚁物种的多样性及其令人惊叹的适应性背后的遗传基础。根据我们之前完成的国际鸟类基因组演化项目的经验(Zhang et al. 2014),我们预期在系统发育框架下从全球范围内选取约200个有代表性行为生态特征的蚂蚁物种进行基因组分析,将会极大促进蚂蚁(乃至其他物种)生物学的研究,同时为未来数十年学术界回答不同的科学问题提供了大量的基础数据。



本课题组主要以法老蚁(Monomorium pharaonis)作为研究模型,该物种工蚁的卵巢完全退化,彻底丧失生殖能力。而且,工蚁和蚁后早在二龄幼虫期开始已经展现出了外部形态上的差异。这些特征使它成为研究蚂蚁个体等级分化的遗传机理的理想模式物种。利用分子遗传学等方法来确定其等级分化的起点,并通过基因功能验证、表观遗传、激素处理等手段来确定等级分化的调控机制。








所有蚂蚁都是营社会性生活的,虽然其社会组织结构有简单复杂,但其社会性起源在演化历程中只发生过一次,所有蚂蚁的共同祖先是一种类似于胡蜂的独居昆虫。除了蚁科,蜜蜂科与胡蜂科的很多物种也是社会性的。然而相较于蜜蜂、胡蜂等其他膜翅目社会性昆虫,蚂蚁除了发生蚁后与工蚁的等级分化之外,在一些物种的工蚁内部还进一步产生了多样性的工蚁亚等级分化,如分化出大、中、小型工蚁、兵蚁和超级兵蚁等,呈现工蚁多态性(worker polymorphism)。工蚁多态性的产生使蚁群中的劳动分工得以进一步细化,社会通讯复杂程度加深,彼此紧密协作,使得蚁群作为一个“超个体”而具有更高的适合度,演化形成无脊椎动物中最为复杂的社会组织系统。





2024.01-2028.12    国自然基础科学中心(浙江大学参与,740万)

2023.07-2028.07    新基石科学基金会“科学探索奖”(300万元)

2020.01-2025.12    Villum Investigator Grant 40 million 丹麦克朗(4200万元)

2019.01-2023.12    Independent Research Fund Denmark 6million DKK (620万元)

2018.07-2023.06    中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)(451.35万元)

2021.01-2022.12    中国科学院国际大科学计划培育专项(270万元)

2018.08-2021.12    “海洋环境安全保障”国家重点研发计划(228万元)

2015.01-2020.12    Lundbeck Fellowship € 1.3 million (1100万元)

2017.01-2020.12    Carlsberg Distinguished Associate Professorship Grant € 0.55 million (450万元) 

2015.01-2018.12    中国科学研究院重大突破项目(635万元)2017.07-2018.06      中国科学院B类先导科技专项培育项目(65万元)

2014.01-2017.12    Startup package at University of Copenhagen € 0.42 million (300万元)

2012.01-2014.12    Marie Curie Fellowship € 0.25 million (185万元)



2018年-至今 灵长类基因组计划研究联盟(The Primate Genome Project)发起人之一。其他成员有中国科学院昆明动物研究所吴东东研究员团队,西北大学生命科学学院齐晓光教授团队,云南大学生命科学学院于黎研究员团队,西班牙庞培法布拉大学联合演化生物学研究所Tomàs Marquès-Bonet教授团队,Illumina人工智能实验室,美国贝勒医学院人类基因组测序中心Jeffrey Rogers教授团队,丹麦奥胡斯大学Mikkel H. Schierup团队以及德国莱布尼茨灵长类研究所Christian Roos教授团队。

2017年-至今 地球生命基因组计划(Earth BioGenome Project)发起者之一、委员会成员。其他委员会成员包括Scott V. Edwards (哈佛大学,美国国家科学院(NAS)院士),Harris Lewin (UC Davis, 美国NAS院士,沃尔夫奖), David Haussler (UCSC, 美国NAS院士,美国科学发展协会AAAS院士,人工智能促进协会AAAI院士), Aristides A.N. Patrinos (美国能源部DOE JGI创办人,AAAS院士),Pamela S. Soltis (佛罗里达大学,美国NAS院士),Katherine J Willis (牛津大学,挪威科学院院士),Richard Durbin(Sanger研究院,欧洲分子生物学组织EMBO院士)等15名教授。

2016年-至今 全球蚂蚁行为基因组演化研究计划发起者、主持人(Global Ant Genomics Alliance)。参与成员包括:Jacobus J. Boomsma(哥本哈根大学,丹麦皇家科学院院士),Laurent Keller (洛桑大学,EMBO院士)等14位来自世界各地著名大学教授。

2015年-至今 万种鸟类基因组联盟发起者、主持人(Bird 10K project)。成员包括包括:Carsten Rahbek (哥本哈根大学,丹麦皇家科学院院士), David Burt (Roslin Institute,英国皇家科学院院士),Joel Cracraft (美国自然历史博物馆,AAAS院士)等20名来自世界各地著名大学教授。

2011年-2014 鸟纲演化基因组研究计划发起者、主持人(Avian Phylogenomics Project)。项目成果已于2014年在Science上发表8篇研究论文。成员包括:Carsten Rahbek(哥本哈根大学,丹麦皇家科学院院士), David Burt(Roslin Institute,英国皇家科学院院士),Joel Cracraft (美国自然历史博物馆,AAAS院士),Hans Ellegren(Uppsala大学,瑞典皇家科学院院士,EMBO院士),David Haussler (UCSC,美国NAS院士,AAAS院士,AAAI院士),Scott V. Edwards(哈佛大学,美国NAS院士),Eske Willerslev(哥本哈根大学,丹麦皇家科学院院士,美国NAS院士),Oliver Ryder(圣地亚哥动物园,美国AAAS院士)等30多名各大学正教授。

2010年-至今 万种脊椎动物基因组联盟项目协调人(Genome 10K Consortium)。

2010年-至今 全球基因组标准委员会成员(Genomic Standards Consortium)。

2016年-至今 GigaScience杂志编委。

2013年-至今 Encyclopedia of Life Sciences编委。

2012年-至今 国际生命复活计划委员会成员(De-extinction Project)。


2024年    第十七届“谈家桢生命科学创新奖”

2024年    丹麦皇家文理科学院院士

2023年    第五届“科学探索奖”

2021年    深圳市国家级高层次专业领军人才

2021年    中国生命科学十大进展

2020年    科睿唯安全球高被引学者(跨学科领域)(Highly Cited Researcher)

2019年    中国科学院“海外评审专家”

2019年    云南省高层次人才 “千人计划”专项

2019年    中国生命科学十大进展

2019年    Villum Investigator

2019年    科睿唯安全球高被引学者(跨学科领域)(Highly Cited Researcher)

2018年    科睿唯安全球高被引学者(跨学科领域)(Highly Cited Researcher)

2017年    深圳市自然科技一等奖

2017年    Nature Index封面人物

2016年    嘉士伯杰出副教授奖(The Carlsberg Foundation’s Distinguished    Associ ate Professor Fellowships )(丹麦)

2016年    深圳市海外高层次B类人才

2015年    Lundbeck Fellowship (丹麦)

2015年    第四届南粤科技创新优秀学术论文二等奖

2014年    深圳市青年科技奖

2014年    北极熊基因组论文获评“Cell年度中国论文”

2014年    指导的学生刘石平获评中国青少年科技创新奖

2013年    李汝琪动物遗传学奖(中国每两年两名获奖者)

2012年    玛丽居里青年学者基金 (欧盟)

2011年    Sir Frederick McMaster visiting fellow(澳大利亚CSIRO)

2011年    中国科学院百篇优秀论文

2011年    第十届云南省优秀科技论文奖(特等奖)

2010年    深圳市国家级高层次专业人才


封面论著(Selected Covers):


1.    J Stiller, S Feng, A-A Chowdhury, I Rivas-González, DA Duchêne, Q Fang, Y Deng, A Kozlov, A Stamatakis, S Claramunt, JMT Nguyen, SYW Ho, BC Faircloth, J Haag, P Houde, J Cracraft, M Balaban, U Mai, G Chen, R Gao, C Zhou, Y Xie, Z Huang, Z Cao, Z Yan, HA Ogilvie, L Nakhleh, B Lindow, B Morel, J Fjeldså, PA Hosner, RR Da Fonseca, B Petersen, JA Tobias, T Székely, JD Kennedy, AH Reeve, A Liker, M Stervander, A Antunes, DT Tietze, M Bertelsen, F Lei, C Rahbek, GR Graves, MH Schierup, T Warnow, EL Braun, MTP Gilbert, ED Jarvis, S Mirarab and G Zhang. Complexity of avian evolution revealed by family-level genomes. Nature (2024)

2.    S Mirarab, I Rivas-González, S Feng, J Stiller, Q Fang, U Mai, G Hickey, G Chen, N Brajuka, O Fedrigo, G Formenti, JBW Wolf, K Howe, A Antunes, MH Schierup, B Paten, ED Jarvis, G Zhang and EL Braun. A region of suppressed recombination misleads neoavian phylogenomics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, e2319506121. (2024)

3.   Y Xie and G Zhang. Phylogenomic analyses unraveled the evolution of viral tolerance in bats. Cell Genomics 4, (2024)

4.   B Hu, X-L Zhuang, L Zhou, G Zhang, DN Cooper and D-D Wu. Deciphering the Role of Rapidly Evolving Conserved Elements in Primate Brain Development and Exploring Their Potential Involvement in Alzheimer's Disease. Molecular Biology and Evolution 41, msae001. (2024)

5.   LFK Kuderna, JC Ulirsch, S Rashid, M Ameen, L Sundaram, G Hickey, AJ Cox, H Gao, A Kumar, F Aguet, MJ Christmas, H Clawson, M Haeussler, MC Janiak, M Kuhlwilm, JD Orkin, T Bataillon, S Manu, A Valenzuela, J Bergman, M Rouselle, FE Silva, L Agueda, J Blanc, M Gut, D De Vries, I Goodhead, RA Harris, M Raveendran, A Jensen, IS Chuma, JE Horvath, C Hvilsom, D Juan, P Frandsen, JG Schraiber, FR De Melo, F Bertuol, H Byrne, I Sampaio, I Farias, J Valsecchi, M Messias, MNF Da Silva, M Trivedi, R Rossi, T Hrbek, N Andriaholinirina, CJ Rabarivola, A Zaramody, CJ Jolly, J Phillips-Conroy, G Wilkerson, C Abee, JH Simmons, E Fernandez-Duque, S Kanthaswamy, F Shiferaw, D Wu, L Zhou, Y Shao, G Zhang, JD Keyyu, S Knauf, MD Le, E Lizano, S Merker, A Navarro, T Nadler, CC Khor, J Lee, P Tan, WK Lim, AC Kitchener, D Zinner, I Gut, AD Melin, K Guschanski, MH Schierup, RMD Beck, I Karakikes, KC Wang, G Umapathy, C Roos, JP Boubli, A Siepel, A Kundaje, B Paten, K Lindblad-Toh, J Rogers, T Marques Bonet and KK-H Farh. Identification of constrained sequence elements across 239 primate genomes. Nature 625, 735-742. (2024)

6.   G Femerling, C Van Oosterhout, S Feng, RM Bristol, G Zhang, J Groombridge, MT P. Gilbert and HE Morales. Genetic Load and Adaptive Potential of a Recovered Avian Species that Narrowly Avoided Extinction. Molecular Biology and Evolution 40, (2023)

7.   C Yang, Y Zhou, Y Song, D Wu, Y Zeng, L Nie, P Liu, S Zhang, G Chen, J Xu, H Zhou, L Zhou, X Qian, C Liu, S Tan, C Zhou, W Dai, M Xu, Y Qi, X Wang, L Guo, G Fan, A Wang, Y Deng, Y Zhang, J Jin, Y He, C Guo, G Guo, Q Zhou, X Xu, H Yang, J Wang, S Xu, Y Mao, X Jin, J Ruan and G Zhang. The complete and fully-phased diploid genome of a male Han Chinese. Cell Research 33, 745-761. (2023)

8.   PA O'brien, S Tan, PR Frade, SJ Robbins, JP Engelberts, SC Bell, I Vanwonterghem, DJ Miller, NS Webster, G Zhang and DG Bourne. Validation of key sponge symbiont pathways using genome-centric metatranscriptomics. Environmental Microbiology 25, 3207-3224. (2023)

9.   F Sánchez-Barreiro, B De Cahsan, MV Westbury, X Sun, A Margaryan, C Fontsere, MW Bruford, I-RM Russo, DC Kalthoff, T Sicheritz-Pontén, B Petersen, L Dalén, G Zhang, T Marquès-Bonet, MTP Gilbert and Y Moodley. Historic Sampling of a Vanishing Beast: Population Structure and Diversity in the Black Rhinoceros. Molecular Biology and Evolution 40, msad180. (2023)

10.X Zhuang, J Zhang, Y Shao, Y Ye, C Chen, L Zhou, Z Wang, X Luo, B Su, Y Yao, D Cooper, B Hu, L Wang, X Qi, J Lin, G Zhang, W Wang, N Sheng and DD Wu. Integrative omics reveals rapidly evolving regulatory sequences driving primate brain evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution msad173. (2023)

11.Smith, JM Alfieri, N Anthony, P Arensburger, GN Athrey, J Balacco, A Balic, P Bardou, P Barela, Y Bigot, H Blackmon, PM Borodin, R Carroll, MC Casono, M Charles, H Cheng, M Chiodi, L Cigan, LM Coghill, R Crooijmans, N Das, S Davey, A Davidian, F Degalez, JM Dekkers, M Derks, AB Diack, A Djikeng, Y Drechsler, A Dyomin, O Fedrigo, SR Fiddaman, G Formenti, LaF Frantz, JE Fulton, E Gaginskaya, S Galkina, RA Gallardo, J Geibel, AA Gheyas, CJP Godinez, A Goodell, JaM Graves, DK Griffin, B Haase, J-L Han, O Hanotte, LJ Henderson, Z-C Hou, K Howe, L Huynh, E Ilatsia, ED Jarvis, SM Johnson, J Kaufman, T Kelly, S Kemp, C Kern, JH Keroack, C Klopp, S Lagarrigue, SJ Lamont, M Lange, A Lanke, DM Larkin, G Larson, JKN Layos, O Lebrasseur, LP Malinovskaya, RJ Martin, ML Martin Cerezo, AS Mason, FM Mccarthy, MJ Mcgrew, J Mountcastle, CK Muhonja, W Muir, K Muret, TD Murphy, I Ng’ang’a, M Nishibori, RE O’connor, M Ogugo, R Okimoto, O Ouko, HR Patel, F Perini, MI Pigozzi, KC Potter, PD Price, C Reimer, ES Rice, N Rocos, TF Rogers, P Saelao, J Schauer, RD Schnabel, VA Schneider, H Simianer, A Smith, MP Stevens, K Stiers, CK Tiambo, M Tixier-Boichard, AA Torgasheva, A Tracey, CA Tregaskes, L Vervelde, Y Wang, WC Warren, PD Waters, D Webb, S Weigend, A Wolc, AE Wright, D Wright, Z Wu, M Yamagata, C Yang, Z-T Yin, MC Young, G Zhang, B Zhao and H Zhou. Fourth Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2022. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 162, 405-528. (2023)

12.Y Guo, Y Shao, X Bi, B Zhang, H Wu, Y Zhou, M Li, L Yu, G Zhang, D Wu and X Qi. Harvesting the fruits of the first stage of the Primate Genome Project. Zoological Research 44, 725. (2023)

13.  Y Zhou, X Zhan, J Jin, L Zhou, J Bergman, X Li, MMC Rousselle, MR Belles, L Zhao, M Fang, J Chen, Q Fang, L Kuderna, T Marques-Bonet, H Kitayama, T Hayakawa, Y-G Yao, H Yang, DN Cooper, X Qi, D-D Wu, MH Schierup and G Zhang. Eighty million years of rapid evolution of the primate Y chromosome. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7, 1114-1130. (2023)

14.  B Zhang, W Chen, Z Wang, W Pang, M Luo, S Wang, Y Shao, W He, Y Deng, L Zhou, J Chen, M Yang, Y Wu, L Wang, H Fernández-Bellon, S Molloy, H Meunier, F Wanert, L Kuderna, T Marques-Bonet, C Roos, X Qi, M Li, Z Liu, MH Schierup, D Cooper, J Liu, Y Zheng, G Zhang and D Wu. Comparative genomics reveals the hybrid origin of a macaque group. Science Advances 9, eadd3580. (2023)

15.  X Bi, L Zhou, J Zhang, S Feng, M Hu, D Cooper, J Lin, J Li, D Wu and G Zhang. Lineage-specific accelerated sequences underlying primate evolution. Science Advances 9, eadc9507. (2023)

16.  Y Shao, L Zhou, F Li, L Zhao, B-L Zhang, F Shao, J-W Chen, C-Y Chen, X Bi, X-L Zhuang, H-L Zhu, J Hu, Z Sun, X Li, D Wang, I Rivas-González, S Wang, Y-M Wang, W Chen, G Li, H-M Lu, Y Liu, LFK Kuderna, KK-H Farh, P-F Fan, L Yu, M Li, Z-J Liu, GP Tiley, AD Yoder, C Roos, T Hayakawa, T Marques-Bonet, J Rogers, PD Stenson, DN Cooper, MH Schierup, Y-G Yao, Y-P Zhang, W Wang, X-G Qi, G Zhang and D-D Wu. Phylogenomic analyses provide insights into primate evolution. Science 380, 913-924. (2023)

17.  I Rivas-González, M Rousselle, F Li, L Zhou, JY Dutheil, K Munch, Y Shao, D Wu, MH Schierup and G Zhang. Pervasive incomplete lineage sorting illuminates speciation and selection in primates. Science 380, eabn4409. (2023)

18.  H Gao, T Hamp, J Ede, JG Schraiber, J Mcrae, M Singer-Berk, Y Yang, ASD Dietrich, PP Fiziev, LFK Kuderna, L Sundaram, Y Wu, A Adhikari, Y Field, C Chen, S Batzoglou, F Aguet, G Lemire, R Reimers, D Balick, MC Janiak, M Kuhlwilm, JD Orkin, S Manu, A Valenzuela, J Bergman, M Rousselle, FE Silva, L Agueda, J Blanc, M Gut, D De Vries, I Goodhead, RA Harris, M Raveendran, A Jensen, IS Chuma, JE Horvath, C Hvilsom, D Juan, P Frandsen, FR De Melo, F Bertuol, H Byrne, I Sampaio, I Farias, JV Do Amaral, M Messias, MNF Da Silva, M Trivedi, R Rossi, T Hrbek, N Andriaholinirina, CJ Rabarivola, A Zaramody, CJ Jolly, J Phillips-Conroy, G Wilkerson, C Abee, JH Simmons, E Fernandez-Duque, S Kanthaswamy, F Shiferaw, D Wu, L Zhou, Y Shao, G Zhang, JD Keyyu, S Knauf, MD Le, E Lizano, S Merker, A Navarro, T Bataillon, T Nadler, CC Khor, J Lee, P Tan, WK Lim, AC Kitchener, D Zinner, I Gut, A Melin, K Guschanski, MH Schierup, RMD Beck, G Umapathy, C Roos, JP Boubli, M Lek, S Sunyaev, A O’donnell-Luria, HL Rehm, J Xu, J Rogers, T Marques-Bonet and KK-H Farh. The landscape of tolerated genetic variation in humans and primates. Science 380, eabn8153. (2023)

19.  LFK Kuderna, H Gao, MC Janiak, M Kuhlwilm, JD Orkin, T Bataillon, S Manu, A Valenzuela, J Bergman, M Rousselle, FE Silva, L Agueda, J Blanc, M Gut, D De Vries, I Goodhead, RA Harris, M Raveendran, A Jensen, IS Chuma, JE Horvath, C Hvilsom, D Juan, P Frandsen, JG Schraiber, FR De Melo, F Bertuol, H Byrne, I Sampaio, I Farias, J Valsecchi, M Messias, MNF Da Silva, M Trivedi, R Rossi, T Hrbek, N Andriaholinirina, CJ Rabarivola, A Zaramody, CJ Jolly, J Phillips-Conroy, G Wilkerson, C Abee, JH Simmons, E Fernandez-Duque, S Kanthaswamy, F Shiferaw, D Wu, L Zhou, Y Shao, G Zhang, JD Keyyu, S Knauf, MD Le, E Lizano, S Merker, A Navarro, T Nadler, CC Khor, J Lee, P Tan, WK Lim, AC Kitchener, D Zinner, I Gut, AD Melin, K Guschanski, MH Schierup, RMD Beck, G Umapathy, C Roos, JP Boubli, J Rogers, KK-H Farh and T Marques Bonet. A global catalog of whole-genome diversity from 233 primate species. Science 380, 906-913. (2023)

20.  X Qi, J Wu, L Zhao, L Wang, X Guang, PA Garber, C Opie, Y Yuan, R Diao, G Li, K Wang, R Pan, W Ji, H Sun, Z Huang, C Xu, AB Witarto, R Jia, C Zhang, C Deng, Q Qiu, G Zhang, C Grueter, D Wu and B Li. Adaptations to a cold climate promoted social evolution in Asian colobine primates. Science 380, eabl8621. (2023)

21.  K Theissinger, C Fernandes, G Formenti, I Bista, PR Berg, C Bleidorn, A Bombarely, A Crottini, GR Gallo, JA Godoy, S Jentoft, J Malukiewicz, A Mouton, RA Oomen, S Paez, PJ Palsbøll, C Pampoulie, MJ Ruiz-López, S Secomandi, H Svardal, C Theofanopoulou, J De Vries, A-M Waldvogel, G Zhang, ED Jarvis, M Bálint, C Ciofi, RM Waterhouse, CJ Mazzoni, J Höglund, SA Aghayan, TS Alioto, I Almudi, N Alvarez, PC Alves, IR Amorim Do Rosario, A Antunes, P Arribas, P Baldrian, G Bertorelle, A Böhne, A Bonisoli-Alquati, LL Boštjančić, B Boussau, CM Breton, E Buzan, PF Campos, C Carreras, LFC Castro, LJ Chueca, F Čiampor, E Conti, R Cook-Deegan, D Croll, MV Cunha, F Delsuc, AB Dennis, D Dimitrov, R Faria, A Favre, OD Fedrigo, R Fernández, GF Ficetola, J-F Flot, T Gabaldón, DR Agius, AM Giani, MTP Gilbert, T Grebenc, K Guschanski, R Guyot, B Hausdorf, O Hawlitschek, PD Heintzman, B Heinze, M Hiller, M Husemann, A Iannucci, I Irisarri, KS Jakobsen, P Klinga, A Kloch, CF Kratochwil, H Kusche, KKS Layton, JA Leonard, E Lerat, G Liti, T Manousaki, T Marques-Bonet, P Matos-Maraví, M Matschiner, F Maumus, AM Mc Cartney, S Meiri, J Melo-Ferreira, X Mengual, MT Monaghan, M Montagna, RW Mysłajek, MT Neiber, V Nicolas, M Novo, P Ozretić, F Palero, L Pârvulescu, M Pascual, OS Paulo, M Pavlek, C Pegueroles, L Pellissier, G Pesole, CR Primmer, A Riesgo, L Rüber, D Rubolini, D Salvi, O Seehausen, M Seidel, B Studer, S Theodoridis, M Thines, L Urban, A Vasemägi, A Vella, N Vella, SC Vernes, C Vernesi, DR Vieites, CW Wheat, G Wörheide, Y Wurm and G Zammit. How genomics can help biodiversity conservation. Trends in Genetics 39, 545-559. (2023)

22.  L Silva, T Mendes, L Ramos, G Zhang and A Antunes. Parallel evolution of fish bi-modal breathing and expansion of olfactory receptor (OR) genes: toward a universal ORs nomenclature. Journal of Genetics and Genomics (2023)

23.  C Shao, S Sun, K Liu, J Wang, S Li, Q Liu, BE Deagle, I Seim, A Biscontin, Q Wang, X Liu, S Kawaguchi, Y Liu, S Jarman, Y Wang, H-Y Wang, G Huang, J Hu, B Feng, C De Pittà, S Liu, R Wang, K Ma, Y Ying, G Sales, T Sun, X Wang, Y Zhang, Y Zhao, S Pan, X Hao, Y Wang, J Xu, B Yue, Y Sun, H Zhang, M Xu, Y Liu, X Jia, J Zhu, S Liu, J Ruan, G Zhang, H Yang, X Xu, J Wang, X Zhao, B Meyer and G Fan. The enormous repetitive Antarctic krill genome reveals environmental adaptations and population insights. Cell 186, 1279-1294.e1219. (2023)

24.  LA Bergeron, S Besenbacher, J Zheng, P Li, MF Bertelsen, B Quintard, JI Hoffman, Z Li, J St. Leger, C Shao, J Stiller, MTP Gilbert, MH Schierup and G Zhang. Evolution of the germline mutation rate across vertebrates. Nature 615, 285-291. (2023)

25.  P Zhang, Y Zhu, Q Guo, J Li, X Zhan, H Yu, N Xie, H Tan, N Lundholm, L Garcia-Cuetos, MD Martin, MA Subirats, Y-H Su, I Ruiz-Trillo, MQ Martindale, J-K Yu, MTP Gilbert, G Zhang and Q Li. On the origin and evolution of RNA editing in metazoans. Cell Reports 42, 112112. (2023)

26.  RR Germain, S Feng, G Chen, GR Graves, JA Tobias, C Rahbek, F Lei, J Fjeldså, PA Hosner, MTP Gilbert, G Zhang and D Nogués-Bravo. Species-specific traits mediate avian demographic responses under past climate change. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7, 862-872. (2023)

27.  RR Germain, S Feng, L Buffan, CP Carmona, G Chen, GR Graves, JA Tobias, C Rahbek, F Lei, J Fjeldså, PA Hosner, MTP Gilbert, G Zhang and D Nogués-Bravo. Changes in the functional diversity of modern bird species over the last million years. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2201945119. (2023)

28.  K Wanders, G Chen, S Feng, G Zhang, T Székely, M Bruford, Z Végvári, G Eichhorn and A Urrutia. Polygamy and purifying selection in birds. Evolution 77, 276-288. (2023)

29.  G Zhang. The mutation rate as an evolving trait. Nature Reviews Genetics 24, 3-3. (2023)

30.  DD Wu, XG Qi, L Yu, M Li, ZJ Liu, AD Yoder, C Roos, T Hayakawa, J Rogers, T Marques-Bonet, B Su, YG Yao, YP Zhang and G Zhang. Initiation of the Primate Genome Project. Zoological Research 43, 147-149. (2022)

31.  Z Wang, J Zhang, X Xu, C Witt, Y Deng, G Chen, G Meng, S Feng, L Xu, T Szekely, G Zhang and Q Zhou. Phylogeny and sex chromosome evolution of Palaeognathae. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 49, 109-119. (2022)

32.  H Toh, C Yang, G Formenti, K Raja, L Yan, A Tracey, W Chow, K Howe, LA Bergeron, G Zhang, B Haase, J Mountcastle, O Fedrigo, J Fogg, B Kirilenko, C Munegowda, M Hiller, A Jain, D Kihara, A Rhie, AM Phillippy, SA Swanson, P Jiang, DO Clegg, ED Jarvis, JA Thomson, R Stewart, MJP Chaisson and YV Bukhman. A haplotype-resolved genome assembly of the Nile rat facilitates exploration of the genetic basis of diabetes. BMC Biology 20, 245. (2022)

33.  B Qiu, X Dai, P Li, RS Larsen, R Li, AL Price, G Ding, MJ Texada, X Zhang, D Zuo, Q Gao, W Jiang, T Wen, L Pontieri, C Guo, K Rewitz, Q Li, W Liu, JJ Boomsma and G Zhang. Canalized gene expression during development mediates caste differentiation in ants. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6, 1753-1765. (2022)

34.  Y Mao and G Zhang. A complete, telomere-to-telomere human genome sequence presents new opportunities for evolutionary genomics. Nature Methods 19, 635-638. (2022)

35.  J Lin, D Duchêne, C Carøe, O Smith, MM Ciucani, J Niemann, D Richmond, AD Greenwood, R Macphee, G Zhang, S Gopalakrishnan and MTP Gilbert. Probing the genomic limits of de-extinction in the Christmas Island rat. Current Biology 32, 1650-1656.e1653. (2022)

36.  Y Li, G Zhang and J Cui. Origin and Deep Evolution of Human Endogenous Retroviruses in Pan-Primates. Viruses 14, 7. (2022)

37.  X Li, R Gao, G Chen, AL Price, DB Øksnebjerg, PA Hosner, Y Zhou, G Zhang and S Feng. Draft genome assemblies of four manakins. Scientific Data 9, 564. (2022)

38.  Q Li, M Wang, P Zhang, Y Liu, Q Guo, Y Zhu, T Wen, X Dai, X Zhang, M Nagel, BH Dethlefsen, N Xie, J Zhao, W Jiang, L Han, L Wu, W Zhong, Z Wang, X Wei, W Dai, L Liu, X Xu, H Lu, H Yang, J Wang, JJ Boomsma, C Liu, G Zhang and W Liu. A single-cell transcriptomic atlas tracking the neural basis of division of labour in an ant superorganism. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6, 1191-1204. (2022)

39.  F Li, RV Rane, V Luria, Z Xiong, J Chen, Z Li, RA Catullo, PC Griffin, M Schiffer, S Pearce, SF Lee, K Mcelroy, A Stocker, J Shirriffs, F Cockerell, C Coppin, CM Sgrò, A Karger, JW Cain, JA Weber, G Santpere, MW Kirschner, AA Hoffmann, JG Oakeshott and G Zhang. Phylogenomic analyses of the genus Drosophila reveals genomic signals of climate adaptation. Molecular Ecology Resources 22, 1559-1581. (2022)

40.  HA Lewin, S Richards, E Lieberman Aiden, ML Allende, JM Archibald, M Bálint, KB Barker, B Baumgartner, K Belov, G Bertorelle, ML Blaxter, J Cai, ND Caperello, K Carlson, JC Castilla-Rubio, S-M Chaw, L Chen, AK Childers, JA Coddington, DA Conde, M Corominas, KA Crandall, AJ Crawford, F Dipalma, R Durbin, TE Ebenezer, SV Edwards, O Fedrigo, P Flicek, G Formenti, RA Gibbs, MTP Gilbert, MM Goldstein, JM Graves, HT Greely, IV Grigoriev, KJ Hackett, N Hall, D Haussler, KM Helgen, CJ Hogg, S Isobe, KS Jakobsen, A Janke, ED Jarvis, WE Johnson, SJM Jones, EK Karlsson, PJ Kersey, J-H Kim, WJ Kress, S Kuraku, MKN Lawniczak, JH Leebens-Mack, X Li, K Lindblad-Toh, X Liu, JV Lopez, T Marques-Bonet, S Mazard, JaK Mazet, CJ Mazzoni, EW Myers, RJ O’neill, S Paez, H Park, GE Robinson, C Roquet, OA Ryder, JSM Sabir, HB Shaffer, TM Shank, JS Sherkow, PS Soltis, B Tang, L Tedersoo, M Uliano-Silva, K Wang, X Wei, R Wetzer, JL Wilson, X Xu, H Yang, AD Yoder and G Zhang. The Earth BioGenome Project 2020: Starting the clock. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, e2115635118. (2022)

41.  MKN Lawniczak, R Durbin, P Flicek, K Lindblad-Toh, X Wei, JM Archibald, WJ Baker, K Belov, ML Blaxter, T Marques Bonet, AK Childers, JA Coddington, KA Crandall, AJ Crawford, RP Davey, F Di Palma, Q Fang, W Haerty, N Hall, KJ Hoff, K Howe, ED Jarvis, WE Johnson, RN Johnson, PJ Kersey, X Liu, JV Lopez, EW Myers, OV Pettersson, AM Phillippy, MF Poelchau, KD Pruitt, A Rhie, JC Castilla-Rubio, SK Sahu, NA Salmon, PS Soltis, D Swarbreck, F Thibaud-Nissen, S Wang, JL Wegrzyn, G Zhang, H Zhang, HA Lewin and S Richards. Standards recommendations for the Earth BioGenome Project. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, e2115639118. (2022)

42.  J Kim, C Lee, BJ Ko, DA Yoo, S Won, AM Phillippy, O Fedrigo, G Zhang, K Howe, J Wood, R Durbin, G Formenti, S Brown, L Cantin, CV Mello, S Cho, A Rhie, H Kim and ED Jarvis. False gene and chromosome losses in genome assemblies caused by GC content variation and repeats. Genome Biology 23, 204. (2022)

43.  Y Ji, S Feng, L Wu, Q Fang, A Brüniche-Olsen, JA Dewoody, Y Cheng, D Zhang, Y Hao, G Song, Y Qu, A Suh, G Zhang, SJ Hackett and F Lei. Orthologous microsatellites, transposable elements, and DNA deletions correlate with generation time and body mass in neoavian birds. Science Advances 8, eabo0099. (2022)

44.  ED Jarvis, G Formenti, A Rhie, A Guarracino, C Yang, J Wood, A Tracey, F Thibaud-Nissen, MR Vollger, D Porubsky, H Cheng, M Asri, GA Logsdon, P Carnevali, MJP Chaisson, C-S Chin, S Cody, J Collins, P Ebert, M Escalona, O Fedrigo, RS Fulton, LL Fulton, S Garg, JL Gerton, J Ghurye, A Granat, RE Green, W Harvey, P Hasenfeld, A Hastie, M Haukness, EB Jaeger, M Jain, M Kirsche, M Kolmogorov, JO Korbel, S Koren, J Korlach, J Lee, D Li, T Lindsay, J Lucas, F Luo, T Marschall, MW Mitchell, J Mcdaniel, F Nie, HE Olsen, ND Olson, T Pesout, T Potapova, D Puiu, A Regier, J Ruan, SL Salzberg, AD Sanders, MC Schatz, A Schmitt, VA Schneider, S Selvaraj, K Shafin, A Shumate, NO Stitziel, C Stober, J Torrance, J Wagner, J Wang, A Wenger, C Xiao, AV Zimin, G Zhang, T Wang, H Li, E Garrison, D Haussler, I Hall, JM Zook, EE Eichler, AM Phillippy, B Paten, K Howe, KH Miga and C Human Pangenome Reference. Semi-automated assembly of high-quality diploid human reference genomes. Nature 611, 519-531. (2022)

45.  G Formenti, K Theissinger, C Fernandes, I Bista, A Bombarely, C Bleidorn, C Ciofi, A Crottini, JA Godoy, J Höglund, J Malukiewicz, A Mouton, RA Oomen, S Paez, PJ Palsbøll, C Pampoulie, MJ Ruiz-López, H Svardal, C Theofanopoulou, J De Vries, A-M Waldvogel, G Zhang, CJ Mazzoni, ED Jarvis, M Bálint, G Formenti, K Theissinger, C Fernandes, I Bista, A Bombarely, C Bleidorn, F Čiampor, C Ciofi, A Crottini, JA Godoy, J Hoglund, J Malukiewicz, A Mouton, RA Oomen, S Paez, P Palsbøll, C Pampoulie, MJ Ruiz-López, H Svardal, C Theofanopoulou, J De Vries, A-M Waldvogel, G Zhang, CJ Mazzoni, E Jarvis, M Bálint, SA Aghayan, TS Alioto, I Almudi, N Alvarez, PC Alves, IR Amorim, A Antunes, P Arribas, P Baldrian, PR Berg, G Bertorelle, A Böhne, A Bonisoli-Alquati, LL Boštjančić, B Boussau, CM Breton, E Buzan, PF Campos, C Carreras, LF Castro, LJ Chueca, E Conti, R Cook-Deegan, D Croll, MV Cunha, F Delsuc, AB Dennis, D Dimitrov, R Faria, A Favre, OD Fedrigo, R Fernández, GF Ficetola, J-F Flot, T Gabaldón, DR Galea Agius, GR Gallo, AM Giani, MTP Gilbert, T Grebenc, K Guschanski, R Guyot, B Hausdorf, O Hawlitschek, PD Heintzman, B Heinze, M Hiller, M Husemann, A Iannucci, I Irisarri, KS Jakobsen, S Jentoft, P Klinga, A Kloch, CF Kratochwil, H Kusche, KKS Layton, JA Leonard, E Lerat, G Liti, T Manousaki, T Marques-Bonet, P Matos-Maraví, M Matschiner, F Maumus, AM Mc Cartney, S Meiri, J Melo-Ferreira, X Mengual, MT Monaghan, M Montagna, RW Mysłajek, MT Neiber, V Nicolas, M Novo, P Ozretić, F Palero, L Pârvulescu, M Pascual, OS Paulo, M Pavlek, C Pegueroles, L Pellissier, G Pesole, CR Primmer, A Riesgo, L Rüber, D Rubolini, D Salvi, O Seehausen, M Seidel, S Secomandi, B Studer, S Theodoridis, M Thines, L Urban, A Vasemägi, A Vella, N Vella, SC Vernes, C Vernesi, DR Vieites, RM Waterhouse, CW Wheat, G Wörheide, Y Wurm and G Zammit. The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37, 197-202. (2022)

46.  SR Fiddaman, M Vinkler, SG Spiro, H Levy, CA Emerling, AC Boyd, EA Dimopoulos, JA Vianna, TL Cole, H Pan, M Fang, G Zhang, T Hart, LaF Frantz and AL Smith. Adaptation and Cryptic Pseudogenization in Penguin Toll-Like Receptors. Molecular Biology and Evolution 39, msab354. (2022)

47.  L Ferrández-Peral, X Zhan, M Alvarez-Estape, C Chiva, P Esteller-Cucala, R García-Pérez, E Julià, E Lizano, Ò Fornas, E Sabidó, Q Li, T Marquès-Bonet, D Juan and G Zhang. Transcriptome innovations in primates revealed by single-molecule long-read sequencing. Genome research 32, 1448-1462. (2022)

48.  S Feng, M Bai, I Rivas-González, C Li, S Liu, Y Tong, H Yang, G Chen, D Xie, KE Sears, LM Franco, JD Gaitan-Espitia, RF Nespolo, WE Johnson, H Yang, PA Brandies, CJ Hogg, K Belov, MB Renfree, KM Helgen, JJ Boomsma, MH Schierup and G Zhang. Incomplete lineage sorting and phenotypic evolution in marsupials. Cell 185, 1646-1660.e1618. (2022)

49.  G Ding, Q Gao, J Chen, J Zhao, G Zhang and W Liu. Validation of Potential Reference Genes for Real-Time qPCR Analysis in Pharaoh Ant, Monomorium pharaonis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Frontiers in Physiology 13, (2022)

50.  B Demarchi, J Stiller, A Grealy, M Mackie, Y Deng, T Gilbert, J Clarke, LJ Legendre, R Boano, T Sicheritz-Pontén, J Magee, G Zhang, M Bunce, MJ Collins and G Miller. Ancient proteins resolve controversy over the identity of Genyornis eggshell. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, e2109326119. (2022)

51.  TL Cole, C Zhou, M Fang, H Pan, DT Ksepka, SR Fiddaman, CA Emerling, DB Thomas, X Bi, Q Fang, MR Ellegaard, S Feng, AL Smith, TA Heath, AJD Tennyson, PG Borboroglu, JR Wood, PW Hadden, S Grosser, C-A Bost, Y Cherel, T Mattern, T Hart, M-HS Sinding, LD Shepherd, RA Phillips, P Quillfeldt, JF Masello, JL Bouzat, PG Ryan, DR Thompson, U Ellenberg, P Dann, G Miller, P Dee Boersma, R Zhao, MTP Gilbert, H Yang, D-X Zhang and G Zhang. Genomic insights into the secondary aquatic transition of penguins. Nature Communications 13, 3912. (2022)

52.  EL Cavill, S Gopalakrishnan, LC Puetz, ÂM Ribeiro, SST Mak, RR Da Fonseca, G Pacheco, B Dunlop, W Accouche, N Shah, A Zora, L Calabrese, M Genner, G Jones, C Guo, G Zhang and MTP Gilbert. Conservation genomics of the endangered Seychelles Magpie-Robin (Copsychus sechellarum): a unique insight into the history of a precious endemic bird. IBIS 164, 396-410. (2022)

53.  M Blaxter, JM Archibald, AK Childers, JA Coddington, KA Crandall, F Di Palma, R Durbin, SV Edwards, JaM Graves, KJ Hackett, N Hall, ED Jarvis, RN Johnson, EK Karlsson, WJ Kress, S Kuraku, MKN Lawniczak, K Lindblad-Toh, JV Lopez, NA Moran, GE Robinson, OA Ryder, B Shapiro, PS Soltis, T Warnow, G Zhang and HA Lewin. Why sequence all eukaryotes? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, e2115636118. (2022)

54.  LA Bergeron, S Besenbacher, T Turner, CJ Versoza, RJ Wang, AL Price, E Armstrong, M Riera, J Carlson, H-Y Chen, MW Hahn, K Harris, AS Kleppe, EH López-Nandam, P Moorjani, SP Pfeifer, GP Tiley, AD Yoder, G Zhang and MH Schierup. The Mutationathon highlights the importance of reaching standardization in estimates of pedigree-based germline mutation rates. eLife 11, e73577. (2022)

55.  Y Zhou, L Shearwin-Whyatt, J Li, Z Song, T Hayakawa, D Stevens, JC Fenelon, E Peel, Y Cheng, F Pajpach, N Bradley, H Suzuki, M Nikaido, J Damas, T Daish, T Perry, Z Zhu, Y Geng, A Rhie, Y Sims, J Wood, B Haase, J Mountcastle, O Fedrigo, Q Li, H Yang, J Wang, SD Johnston, AM Phillippy, K Howe, ED Jarvis, OA Ryder, H Kaessmann, P Donnelly, J Korlach, HA Lewin, J Graves, K Belov, MB Renfree, F Grutzner, Q Zhou and G Zhang. Platypus and echidna genomes reveal mammalian biology and evolution. Nature 592, 756-762. (2021)

56.  C Yang, Y Zhou, S Marcus, G Formenti, LA Bergeron, Z Song, X Bi, J Bergman, MMC Rousselle, C Zhou, L Zhou, Y Deng, M Fang, D Xie, Y Zhu, S Tan, J Mountcastle, B Haase, J Balacco, J Wood, W Chow, A Rhie, M Pippel, MM Fabiszak, S Koren, O Fedrigo, WA Freiwald, K Howe, H Yang, AM Phillippy, MH Schierup, ED Jarvis and G Zhang. Evolutionary and biomedical insights from a marmoset diploid genome assembly. Nature 594, 227-233. (2021)

57.  C Yang and G Zhang. Callithrix jacchus (the common marmoset). Trends in Genetics 37, 948-949. (2021)

58.  Z Wang, G Chen, G Zhang and Q Zhou. Dynamic evolution of transposable elements, demographic history, and gene content of paleognathous birds. Zoological Research 42, 51. (2021)

59.  M-S Wang, J-J Zhang, X Guo, M Li, R Meyer, H Ashari, Z-Q Zheng, S Wang, M-S Peng, Y Jiang, M Thakur, C Suwannapoom, A Esmailizadeh, NY Hirimuthugoda, MSA Zein, S Kusza, H Kharrati-Koopaee, L Zeng, Y-M Wang, T-T Yin, M-M Yang, M-L Li, X-M Lu, E Lasagna, S Ceccobelli, HGTN Gunwardana, TM Senasig, S-H Feng, H Zhang, AKFH Bhuiyan, MS Khan, GLLP Silva, LT Thuy, OA Mwai, MNM Ibrahim, G Zhang, K-X Qu, O Hanotte, B Shapiro, M Bosse, D-D Wu, J-L Han and Y-P Zhang. Large-scale genomic analysis reveals the genetic cost of chicken domestication. BMC Biology 19, 118. (2021)

60.  K Wang, J Wang, C Zhu, L Yang, Y Ren, J Ruan, G Fan, J Hu, W Xu, X Bi, Y Zhu, Y Song, H Chen, T Ma, R Zhao, H Jiang, B Zhang, C Feng, Y Yuan, X Gan, Y Li, H Zeng, Q Liu, Y Zhang, F Shao, S Hao, H Zhang, X Xu, X Liu, D Wang, M Zhu, G Zhang, W Zhao, Q Qiu, S He and W Wang. African lungfish genome sheds light on the vertebrate water-to-land transition. Cell 184, 1362-1376.e1318. (2021)

61.  K Thorup, L Pedersen, RR Da Fonseca, B Naimi, D Nogués-Bravo, M Krapp, A Manica, M Willemoes, S Sjöberg, S Feng, G Chen, A Rey-Iglesia, PF Campos, R Beyer, MB Araújo, AJ Hansen, G Zhang, AP Tøttrup and C Rahbek. Response of an Afro-Palearctic bird migrant to glaciation cycles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, e2023836118. (2021)

62.  L Schrader, H Pan, M Bollazzi, M Schiøtt, FJ Larabee, X Bi, Y Deng, G Zhang, JJ Boomsma and C Rabeling. Publisher Correction: Relaxed selection underlies genome erosion in socially parasitic ant species. Nature Communications 12, 3821. (2021)

63.  F Sánchez-Barreiro, S Gopalakrishnan, J Ramos-Madrigal, MV Westbury, M De Manuel, A Margaryan, MM Ciucani, FG Vieira, Y Patramanis, DC Kalthoff, Z Timmons, T Sicheritz-Pontén, L Dalén, OA Ryder, G Zhang, T Marquès-Bonet, Y Moodley and MTP Gilbert. Historical population declines prompted significant genomic erosion in the northern and southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum). Molecular Ecology 30, 6355-6369. (2021)

64.  A Rhie, SA Mccarthy, O Fedrigo, J Damas, G Formenti, S Koren, M Uliano-Silva, W Chow, A Fungtammasan, J Kim, C Lee, BJ Ko, M Chaisson, GL Gedman, LJ Cantin, F Thibaud-Nissen, L Haggerty, I Bista, M Smith, B Haase, J Mountcastle, S Winkler, S Paez, J Howard, SC Vernes, TM Lama, F Grutzner, WC Warren, CN Balakrishnan, D Burt, JM George, MT Biegler, D Iorns, A Digby, D Eason, B Robertson, T Edwards, M Wilkinson, G Turner, A Meyer, AF Kautt, P Franchini, HW Detrich, H Svardal, M Wagner, GJP Naylor, M Pippel, M Malinsky, M Mooney, M Simbirsky, BT Hannigan, T Pesout, M Houck, A Misuraca, SB Kingan, R Hall, Z Kronenberg, I Sović, C Dunn, Z Ning, A Hastie, J Lee, S Selvaraj, RE Green, NH Putnam, I Gut, J Ghurye, E Garrison, Y Sims, J Collins, S Pelan, J Torrance, A Tracey, J Wood, RE Dagnew, D Guan, SE London, DF Clayton, CV Mello, SR Friedrich, PV Lovell, E Osipova, FO Al-Ajli, S Secomandi, H Kim, C Theofanopoulou, M Hiller, Y Zhou, RS Harris, KD Makova, P Medvedev, J Hoffman, P Masterson, K Clark, F Martin, K Howe, P Flicek, BP Walenz, W Kwak, H Clawson, M Diekhans, L Nassar, B Paten, RHS Kraus, AJ Crawford, MTP Gilbert, G Zhang, B Venkatesh, RW Murphy, K-P Koepfli, B Shapiro, WE Johnson, F Di Palma, T Marques-Bonet, EC Teeling, T Warnow, JM Graves, OA Ryder, D Haussler, SJ O’brien, J Korlach, HA Lewin, K Howe, EW Myers, R Durbin, AM Phillippy and ED Jarvis. Towards complete and error-free genome assemblies of all vertebrate species. Nature 592, 737-746. (2021)

65.  Y Qu, C Chen, X Chen, Y Hao, H She, M Wang, PGP Ericson, H Lin, T Cai, G Song, C Jia, C Chen, H Zhang, J Li, L Liang, T Wu, J Zhao, Q Gao, G Zhang, W Zhai, C Zhang, YE Zhang and F Lei. The evolution of ancestral and species-specific adaptations in snowfinches at the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, e2012398118. (2021)

66.  LC Puetz, TO Delmont, O Aizpurua, C Guo, G Zhang, R Katajamaa, P Jensen and MTP Gilbert. Gut Microbiota Linked with Reduced Fear of Humans in Red Junglefowl Has Implications for Early Domestication. Advanced Genetics 2, 2100018. (2021)

67.  X Pan, Y Cai, Z Li, X Chen, R Heller, N Wang, Y Wang, C Zhao, Y Wang, H Xu, S Li, M Li, C Li, S Hu, H Li, K Wang, L Chen, B Wei, Z Zheng, W Fu, Y Yang, T Zhang, Z Hou, Y Yan, X Lv, W Sun, X Li, S Huang, L Liu, S Mao, W Liu, J Hua, Z Li, G Zhang, Y Chen, X Wang, Q Qiu, BP Dalrymple, W Wang and Y Jiang. Modes of genetic adaptations underlying functional innovations in the rumen. Science China Life Sciences 64, 1-21. (2021)

68.  PA O’brien, N Andreakis, S Tan, DJ Miller, NS Webster, G Zhang and DG Bourne. Testing cophylogeny between coral reef invertebrates and their bacterial and archaeal symbionts. Molecular Ecology 30, 3768-3782. (2021)

69.  AD Melin, JD Orkin, MC Janiak, A Valenzuela, L Kuderna, F Marrone Iii, H Ramangason, JE Horvath, C Roos, AC Kitchener, CC Khor, WK Lim, JGH Lee, P Tan, G Umapathy, M Raveendran, R Alan Harris, I Gut, M Gut, E Lizano, T Nadler, D Zinner, MD Le, S Manu, CJ Rabarivola, A Zaramody, N Andriaholinirina, SE Johnson, ED Jarvis, O Fedrigo, D Wu, G Zhang, KK-H Farh, J Rogers, T Marques-Bonet, A Navarro, D Juan, PS Arora and JP Higham. Variation in predicted COVID-19 risk among lemurs and lorises. American Journal of Primatology 83, e23255. (2021)

70.  S Liu, MV Westbury, N Dussex, KJ Mitchell, M-HS Sinding, PD Heintzman, DA Duchêne, JD Kapp, J Von Seth, H Heiniger, F Sánchez-Barreiro, A Margaryan, R André-Olsen, B De Cahsan, G Meng, C Yang, L Chen, T Van Der Valk, Y Moodley, K Rookmaaker, MW Bruford, O Ryder, C Steiner, LGR Bruins-Van Sonsbeek, S Vartanyan, C Guo, A Cooper, P Kosintsev, I Kirillova, AM Lister, T Marques-Bonet, S Gopalakrishnan, RR Dunn, ED Lorenzen, B Shapiro, G Zhang, P-O Antoine, L Dalén and MTP Gilbert. Ancient and modern genomes unravel the evolutionary history of the rhinoceros family. Cell 184, 4874-4885.e4816. (2021)

71.  J Liu, Z Wang, J Li, L Xu, J Liu, S Feng, C Guo, S Chen, Z Ren, J Rao, K Wei, Y Chen, ED Jarvis, G Zhang and Q Zhou. A new emu genome illuminates the evolution of genome configuration and nuclear architecture of avian chromosomes. Genome research 31, 497-511. (2021)

72.  J Li, J Zhang, J Liu, Y Zhou, C Cai, L Xu, X Dai, S Feng, C Guo, J Rao, K Wei, ED Jarvis, Y Jiang, Z Zhou, G Zhang and Q Zhou. A new duck genome reveals conserved and convergently evolved chromosome architectures of birds and mammals. GigaScience 10, giaa142. (2021)

73.  PF Lai, K Lei, X Zhan, G Sooranna, JKH Li, EX Georgiou, A Das, N Singh, Q Li, Z Stanfield, G Zhang, RM Tribe, S Mesiano and MR Johnson. Labour classified by cervical dilatation & fetal membrane rupture demonstrates differential impact on RNA-seq data for human myometrium tissues. PLOS ONE 16, e0260119. (2021)

74.  TR Feuerborn, A Carmagnini, RJ Losey, T Nomokonova, A Askeyev, I Askeyev, O Askeyev, EE Antipina, M Appelt, OP Bachura, F Beglane, DG Bradley, KG Daly, S Gopalakrishnan, K Murphy Gregersen, C Guo, AV Gusev, C Jones, PA Kosintsev, YV Kuzmin, V Mattiangeli, AR Perri, AV Plekhanov, J Ramos-Madrigal, AL Schmidt, D Shaymuratova, O Smith, LV Yavorskaya, G Zhang, E Willerslev, M Meldgaard, MTP Gilbert, G Larson, L Dalén, AJ Hansen, M-HS Sinding and L Frantz. Modern Siberian dog ancestry was shaped by several thousand years of Eurasian-wide trade and human dispersal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, e2100338118. (2021)

75.  S Feng, J Stiller, Y Deng, J Armstrong, Q Fang, AH Reeve, D Xie, G Chen, C Guo, BC Faircloth, B Petersen, Z Wang, Q Zhou, M Diekhans, W Chen, S Andreu-Sánchez, A Margaryan, JT Howard, C Parent, G Pacheco, M-HS Sinding, L Puetz, E Cavill, ÂM Ribeiro, L Eckhart, J Fjeldså, PA Hosner, RT Brumfield, L Christidis, MF Bertelsen, T Sicheritz-Ponten, DT Tietze, BC Robertson, G Song, G Borgia, S Claramunt, IJ Lovette, SJ Cowen, P Njoroge, JP Dumbacher, OA Ryder, J Fuchs, M Bunce, DW Burt, J Cracraft, G Meng, SJ Hackett, PG Ryan, KA Jønsson, IG Jamieson, RR Da Fonseca, EL Braun, P Houde, S Mirarab, A Suh, B Hansson, S Ponnikas, H Sigeman, M Stervander, PB Frandsen, H Van Der Zwan, R Van Der Sluis, C Visser, CN Balakrishnan, AG Clark, JW Fitzpatrick, R Bowman, N Chen, A Cloutier, TB Sackton, SV Edwards, DJ Foote, SB Shakya, FH Sheldon, A Vignal, AER Soares, B Shapiro, J González-Solís, J Ferrer-Obiol, J Rozas, M Riutort, A Tigano, V Friesen, L Dalén, AO Urrutia, T Székely, Y Liu, MG Campana, A Corvelo, RC Fleischer, KM Rutherford, NJ Gemmell, N Dussex, H Mouritsen, N Thiele, K Delmore, M Liedvogel, A Franke, MP Hoeppner, O Krone, AM Fudickar, B Milá, ED Ketterson, AE Fidler, G Friis, ÁM Parody-Merino, PF Battley, MP Cox, NCB Lima, F Prosdocimi, TL Parchman, BA Schlinger, BA Loiselle, JG Blake, HC Lim, LB Day, MJ Fuxjager, MW Baldwin, MJ Braun, M Wirthlin, RB Dikow, TB Ryder, G Camenisch, LF Keller, JM Dacosta, ME Hauber, MIM Louder, CC Witt, JA Mcguire, J Mudge, LC Megna, MD Carling, B Wang, SA Taylor, G Del-Rio, A Aleixo, ATR Vasconcelos, CV Mello, JT Weir, D Haussler, Q Li, H Yang, J Wang, F Lei, C Rahbek, MTP Gilbert, GR Graves, ED Jarvis, B Paten and G Zhang. Author Correction: Dense sampling of bird diversity increases power of comparative genomics. Nature 592, E24-E24. (2021)

76.  MM Ciucani, JK Jensen, M-HS Sinding, O Smith, SB Lucenti, E Rosengren, L Rook, C Tuveri, M Arca, E Cappellini, M Galaverni, E Randi, C Guo, G Zhang, T Sicheritz-Pontén, L Dalén, MTP Gilbert and S Gopalakrishnan. Evolutionary history of the extinct Sardinian dhole. Current Biology 31, 5571-5579.e5576. (2021)

77.  X Bi and G Zhang. Ancestral developmental potentials in early bony fish contributed to vertebrate water-to-land transition. Zoological Research 42, 135. (2021)

78.  X Bi, K Wang, L Yang, H Pan, H Jiang, Q Wei, M Fang, H Yu, C Zhu, Y Cai, Y He, X Gan, H Zeng, D Yu, Y Zhu, H Jiang, Q Qiu, H Yang, YE Zhang, W Wang, M Zhu, S He and G Zhang. Tracing the genetic footprints of vertebrate landing in non-teleost ray-finned fishes. Cell 184, 1377-1391.e1314. (2021)

79.  LA Bergeron, S Besenbacher, MH Schierup and G Zhang. Studying mutation rate evolution in primates—a need for systematic comparison of computational pipelines. GigaScience 10, giab072. (2021)

80.  LA Bergeron, S Besenbacher, J Bakker, J Zheng, P Li, G Pacheco, M-HS Sinding, M Kamilari, MTP Gilbert, MH Schierup and G Zhang. The germline mutational process in rhesus macaque and its implications for phylogenetic dating. GigaScience 10, giab029. (2021)

81.  S Andreu-Sánchez, W Chen, J Stiller and G Zhang. Multiple origins of a frameshift insertion in a mitochondrial gene in birds and turtles. GigaScience 10, giaa161. (2021)

82.  RMM Adams, RS Larsen, N Stylianidi, D Cheung, B Qiu, SK Murray, G Zhang and JJ Boomsma. Hairs distinguish castes and sexes: identifying the early ontogenetic building blocks of a fungus-farming superorganism (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Myrmecological News 31, 201-216. (2021)

83.  Z Zheng, X Wang, M Li, Y Li, Z Yang, X Wang, X Pan, M Gong, Y Zhang, Y Guo, Y Wang, J Liu, Y Cai, Q Chen, M Okpeku, L Colli, D Cai, K Wang, S Huang, TS Sonstegard, A Esmailizadeh, W Zhang, T Zhang, Y Xu, N Xu, Y Yang, J Han, L Chen, J Lesur, KG Daly, DG Bradley, R Heller, G Zhang, W Wang, Y Chen and Y Jiang. The origin of domestication genes in goats. Science Advances 6, eaaz5216. (2020)

84.  P Zhang, Y Zhao, C Li, M Lin, L Dong, R Zhang, M Liu, K Li, H Zhang, X Liu, Y Zhang, Y Yuan, H Liu, I Seim, S Sun, X Du, Y Chang, F Li, S Liu, SM-Y Lee, K Wang, D Wang, X Wang, MR Mcgowen, TA Jefferson, MT Olsen, J Stiller, G Zhang, X Xu, H Yang, G Fan, X Liu and S Li. An Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin Genome Reveals Insights into Chromosome Evolution and the Demography of a Vulnerable Species. iScience 23, 101640. (2020)

85.  P Zhang, J Chen, Q Li, L Sheng, Y Gao, B Lu, W Zhu, X Zhan, Y Li, Z Yuan, G Xu, B Qiu, M Yan, C Guo, Y Wang, Y Huang, J Zhang, F Liu, Z Tang, S Lin, DN Cooper, H Yang, J Wang, Y Gao, W Yin, G Zhang and G Yan. Neuroprotectants attenuate hypobaric hypoxia-induced brain injuries in cynomolgus monkeys. Zoological Research 41, 3. (2020)

86.  C Yang, F Li, Z Xiong, K-P Koepfli, O Ryder, P Perelman, Q Li and G Zhang. A draft genome assembly of spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta. Scientific Data 7, 126. (2020)

87.  M-S Wang, M Thakur, M-S Peng, Y Jiang, LaF Frantz, M Li, J-J Zhang, S Wang, J Peters, NO Otecko, C Suwannapoom, X Guo, Z-Q Zheng, A Esmailizadeh, NY Hirimuthugoda, H Ashari, S Suladari, MSA Zein, S Kusza, S Sohrabi, H Kharrati-Koopaee, Q-K Shen, L Zeng, M-M Yang, Y-J Wu, X-Y Yang, X-M Lu, X-Z Jia, Q-H Nie, SJ Lamont, E Lasagna, S Ceccobelli, HGTN Gunwardana, TM Senasige, S-H Feng, J-F Si, H Zhang, J-Q Jin, M-L Li, Y-H Liu, H-M Chen, C Ma, S-S Dai, AKFH Bhuiyan, MS Khan, GLLP Silva, T-T Le, OA Mwai, MNM Ibrahim, M Supple, B Shapiro, O Hanotte, G Zhang, G Larson, J-L Han, D-D Wu and Y-P Zhang. Author Correction: 863 genomes reveal the origin and domestication of chicken. Cell Research 30, 824-825. (2020)

88.  M Wang, Y Liu, T Wen, W Liu, Q Gao, J Zhao, Z Xiong, Z Wang, W Jiang, Y Yu, L Wu, Y Yuan, X Wei, J Xu, M Cheng, P Zhang, P Li, Y Hou, H Yang, G Zhang, Q Li, C Liu and L Liu. Chromatin accessibility and transcriptome landscapes of Monomorium pharaonis brain. Scientific Data 7, 217. (2020)

89.  Y Shao, X Wang, J Zhang, M Li, S Wu, X Ma, X Wang, H Zhao, Y Li, H Zhu, D Irwin, D Wang, G Zhang, J Ruan and D Wu. Genome and single-cell RNA-sequencing of the earthworm Eisenia andrei identifies cellular mechanisms underlying regeneration. Nature Communications 11, 2656. (2020)

90.  M Sandoval-Velasco, JA Rodríguez, C Perez estrada, G Zhang, E Lieberman aiden, MA Marti-Renom, MTP Gilbert and O Smith. Hi-C chromosome conformation capture sequencing of avian genomes using the BGISEQ-500 platform. GigaScience 9, giaa087. (2020)

91.  PA O’brien, S Tan, C Yang, PR Frade, N Andreakis, HA Smith, DJ Miller, NS Webster, G Zhang and DG Bourne. Diverse coral reef invertebrates exhibit patterns of phylosymbiosis. The ISME Journal 14, 2211-2222. (2020)

92.  M Nagel, B Qiu, LE Brandenborg, RS Larsen, D Ning, JJ Boomsma and G Zhang. The gene expression network regulating queen brain remodeling after insemination and its parallel use in ants with reproductive workers. Science Advances 6, eaaz5772. (2020)

93.  E Lord, N Dussex, M Kierczak, D Díez-Del-Molino, OA Ryder, DWG Stanton, MTP Gilbert, F Sánchez-Barreiro, G Zhang, M-HS Sinding, ED Lorenzen, E Willerslev, A Protopopov, F Shidlovskiy, S Fedorov, H Bocherens, SKSS Nathan, B Goossens, J Van Der Plicht, YL Chan, S Prost, O Potapova, I Kirillova, AM Lister, PD Heintzman, JD Kapp, B Shapiro, S Vartanyan, A Götherström and L Dalén. Pre-extinction Demographic Stability and Genomic Signatures of Adaptation in the Woolly Rhinoceros. Current Biology 30, 3871-3879.e3877. (2020)

94.  Q Li, Q Guo, Y Zhou, H Tan, T Bertozzi, Y Zhu, J Li, S Donnellan and G Zhang. Repetitive element annotation protocol for the eastern banjo frog. protocols. io (2020)

95.  Q Li, Q Guo, Y Zhou, H Tan, T Bertozzi, Y Zhu, J Li, S Donnellan and G Zhang. Construction and sequencing of DNA libraries on Hiseq 2000 platform for the eastern banjo frog. protocols. io (2020)

96.  Q Li, Q Guo, Y Zhou, H Tan, T Bertozzi, Y Zhu, J Li, S Donnellan and G Zhang. Repetitive element annotation for the eastern banjo frog genome assembly V. 3. protocols. io (2020)

97.  KM Kapheim, BM Jones, H Pan, C Li, BA Harpur, CF Kent, A Zayed, P Ioannidis, RM Waterhouse, C Kingwell, E Stolle, A Avalos, G Zhang, WO Mcmillan and WT Wcislo. Developmental plasticity shapes social traits and selection in a facultatively eusocial bee. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, 13615-13625. (2020)

98.  J Howe, M Schiøtt, Q Li, Z Wang, G Zhang and JJ Boomsma. A novel method for using RNA-seq data to identify imprinted genes in social Hymenoptera with multiply mated queens. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33, 1770-1782. (2020)

99.  P Gelabert, M Sandoval-Velasco, A Serres, M De Manuel, P Renom, A Margaryan, J Stiller, T De-Dios, Q Fang, S Feng, S Mañosa, G Pacheco, M Ferrando-Bernal, G Shi, F Hao, X Chen, B Petersen, R-A Olsen, A Navarro, Y Deng, L Dalén, T Marquès-Bonet, G Zhang, A Antunes, MTP Gilbert and C Lalueza-Fox. Evolutionary History, Genomic Adaptation to Toxic Diet, and Extinction of the Carolina Parakeet. Current Biology 30, 108-114.e105. (2020)

100.Q Gao, Z Xiong, RS Larsen, L Zhou, J Zhao, G Ding, R Zhao, C Liu, H Ran and G Zhang. High-quality chromosome-level genome assembly and full-length transcriptome analysis of the pharaoh ant Monomorium pharaonis. GigaScience 9, giaa143. (2020)

101.AK Fotakis, SD Denham, M Mackie, MI Orbegozo, D Mylopotamitaki, S Gopalakrishnan, T Sicheritz-Pontén, JV Olsen, E Cappellini, G Zhang, A Christophersen, MTP Gilbert and ÅJ Vågene. Multi-omic detection of Mycobacterium leprae in archaeological human dental calculus. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 375, 20190584. (2020)

102.AMH Eriksen, H Matthiesen, I Kontopoulos, D Gregory, C Snoeck, G Zhang, MJ Collins and MTP Gilbert. Rapid loss of endogenous DNA in pig bone buried in five different environments. Archaeometry 62, 827-846. (2020)

103.M De Manuel, R Barnett, M Sandoval-Velasco, N Yamaguchi, F Garrett Vieira, ML Zepeda Mendoza, S Liu, MD Martin, M-HS Sinding, SST Mak, C Carøe, S Liu, C Guo, J Zheng, G Zazula, G Baryshnikov, E Eizirik, K-P Koepfli, WE Johnson, A Antunes, T Sicheritz-Ponten, S Gopalakrishnan, G Larson, H Yang, SJ O’brien, AJ Hansen, G Zhang, T Marques-Bonet and MTP Gilbert. The evolutionary history of extinct and living lions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, 10927-10934. (2020)

104.RR Da fonseca, A Couto, AM Machado, B Brejova, CB Albertin, F Silva, P Gardner, T Baril, A Hayward, A Campos, ÂM Ribeiro, I Barrio-Hernandez, H-J Hoving, R Tafur-Jimenez, C Chu, B Frazão, B Petersen, F Peñaloza, F Musacchia, GC Alexander, Jr., H Osório, I Winkelmann, O Simakov, S Rasmussen, MZ Rahman, D Pisani, J Vinther, E Jarvis, G Zhang, JM Strugnell, LFC Castro, O Fedrigo, M Patricio, Q Li, S Rocha, A Antunes, Y Wu, B Ma, R Sanges, T Vinar, B Blagoev, T Sicheritz-Ponten, R Nielsen and MTP Gilbert. A draft genome sequence of the elusive giant squid, Architeuthis dux. GigaScience 9, giz152. (2020)

105.R Barnett, MV Westbury, M Sandoval-Velasco, FG Vieira, S Jeon, G Zazula, MD Martin, SYW Ho, N Mather, S Gopalakrishnan, J Ramos-Madrigal, M De Manuel, ML Zepeda-Mendoza, A Antunes, AC Baez, B De Cahsan, G Larson, SJ O’brien, E Eizirik, WE Johnson, K-P Koepfli, A Wilting, J Fickel, L Dalén, ED Lorenzen, T Marques-Bonet, AJ Hansen, G Zhang, J Bhak, N Yamaguchi and MTP Gilbert. Genomic Adaptations and Evolutionary History of the Extinct Scimitar-Toothed Cat, Homotherium latidens. Current Biology 30, 5018-5025.e5015. (2020)

106.A Avalos, M Fang, H Pan, A Ramirez Lluch, AE Lipka, SD Zhao, T Giray, GE Robinson, G Zhang and ME Hudson. Genomic regions influencing aggressive behavior in honey bees are defined by colony allele frequencies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, 17135-17141. (2020)

107.J Armstrong, G Hickey, M Diekhans, IT Fiddes, AM Novak, A Deran, Q Fang, D Xie, S Feng, J Stiller, D Genereux, J Johnson, VD Marinescu, J Alföldi, RS Harris, K Lindblad-Toh, D Haussler, E Karlsson, ED Jarvis, G Zhang and B Paten. Progressive Cactus is a multiple-genome aligner for the thousand-genome era. Nature 587, 246-251. (2020)

108.L Xu, G Auer, V Peona, A Suh, Y Deng, S Feng, G Zhang, MPK Blom, L Christidis, S Prost, M Irestedt and Q Zhou. Dynamic evolutionary history and gene content of sex chromosomes across diverse songbirds. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3, 834-844. (2019)

109.Y Wang, C Zhang, N Wang, Z Li, R Heller, R Liu, Y Zhao, J Han, X Pan, Z Zheng, X Dai, C Chen, M Dou, S Peng, X Chen, J Liu, M Li, K Wang, C Liu, Z Lin, L Chen, F Hao, W Zhu, C Song, C Zhao, C Zheng, J Wang, S Hu, C Li, H Yang, L Jiang, G Li, M Liu, TS Sonstegard, G Zhang, Y Jiang, W Wang and Q Qiu. Genetic basis of ruminant headgear and rapid antler regeneration. Science 364, eaav6335. (2019)

110.J Stiller and G Zhang. Comparative Phylogenomics, a Stepping Stone for Bird Biodiversity Studies. Diversity 7, 115. (2019)

111.ÂM Ribeiro, L Puetz, NB Pattinson, L Dalén, Y Deng, G Zhang, RR Da Fonseca, B Smit and MTP Gilbert. 31° South: The physiology of adaptation to arid conditions in a passerine bird. Molecular Ecology 28, 3709-3721. (2019)

112.RV Rane, DF Clarke, SL Pearce, G Zhang, AA Hoffmann and JG Oakeshott. Detoxification Genes Differ Between Cactus-, Fruit-, and Flower-Feeding Drosophila. Journal of Heredity 110, 80-91. (2019)

113.H Pan, TL Cole, X Bi, M Fang, C Zhou, Z Yang, DT Ksepka, T Hart, JL Bouzat, LS Argilla, MF Bertelsen, PD Boersma, C-A Bost, Y Cherel, P Dann, SR Fiddaman, P Howard, K Labuschagne, T Mattern, G Miller, P Parker, RA Phillips, P Quillfeldt, PG Ryan, H Taylor, DR Thompson, MJ Young, MR Ellegaard, MTP Gilbert, M-HS Sinding, G Pacheco, LD Shepherd, AJD Tennyson, S Grosser, E Kay, LJ Nupen, U Ellenberg, DM Houston, AH Reeve, K Johnson, JF Masello, T Stracke, B Mckinlay, PG Borboroglu, D-X Zhang and G Zhang. High-coverage genomes to elucidate the evolution of penguins. GigaScience 8, giz117. (2019)

114.I Khan, E Maldonado, L Silva, D Almeida, WE Johnson, SJ O’Brien, G Zhang, ED Jarvis, MTP Gilbert, A Antunes. The Vertebrate TLR Supergene Family Evolved Dynamically by Gene Gain/Loss and Positive Selection Revealing a Host–Pathogen Arms Race in Birds. Diversity 8, 131. (2019)

115.KM Kapheim, H Pan, C Li, C Blatti, Iii, BA Harpur, P Ioannidis, BM Jones, CF Kent, L Ruzzante, L Sloofman, E Stolle, RM Waterhouse, A Zayed, G Zhang and WT Wcislo. Draft Genome Assembly and Population Genetics of an Agricultural Pollinator, the Solitary Alkali Bee (Halictidae: Nomia melanderi). G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics 9, 625-634. (2019)

116.Y He, H Pan, G Zhang and S He. Comparative study on pattern recognition receptors in non-teleost ray-finned fishes and their evolutionary significance in primitive vertebrates. Science China Life Sciences 62, 566-578. (2019)

117.W Gao, Y-B Sun, W-W Zhou, Z-J Xiong, L Chen, H Li, T-T Fu, K Xu, W Xu, L Ma, Y-J Chen, X-Y Xiang, L Zhou, T Zeng, S Zhang, J-Q Jin, H-M Chen, G Zhang, DM Hillis, X Ji, Y-P Zhang and J Che. Genomic and transcriptomic investigations of the evolutionary transition from oviparity to viviparity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, 3646-3655. (2019)

118.S Feng, Q Fang, R Barnett, C Li, S Han, M Kuhlwilm, L Zhou, H Pan, Y Deng, G Chen, A Gamauf, F Woog, R Prys-Jones, T Marques-Bonet, MTP Gilbert and G Zhang. The Genomic Footprints of the Fall and Recovery of the Crested Ibis. Current Biology 29, 340-349.e347. (2019)

119.M Farré, Q Li, Y Zhou, J Damas, LG Chemnick, J Kim, OA Ryder, J Ma, G Zhang, DM Larkin and HA Lewin. A near-chromosome-scale genome assembly of the gemsbok (Oryx gazella): an iconic antelope of the Kalahari desert. GigaScience 8, giy162. (2019)

120.M Farré, J Kim, AA Proskuryakova, Y Zhang, AI Kulemzina, Q Li, Y Zhou, Y Xiong, JL Johnson, PL Perelman, WE Johnson, WC Warren, AV Kukekova, G Zhang, SJ O'brien, OA Ryder, AS Graphodatsky, J Ma, HA Lewin and DM Larkin. Evolution of gene regulation in ruminants differs between evolutionary breakpoint regions and homologous synteny blocks. Genome research 29, 576-589. (2019)

121.Y Fan, M Ye, J Y Zhang, L Xu, D Yu, T Gu, Y Yao, J Chen, L Lv, P Zheng, D Wu, G Zhang and Y Yao. Chromosomal level assembly and population sequencing of the Chinese tree shrew genome. Zoological Research 40, 506. (2019)

122.TL Cole, DT Ksepka, KJ Mitchell, AJD Tennyson, DB Thomas, H Pan, G Zhang, NJ Rawlence, JR Wood, P Bover, JL Bouzat, A Cooper, SR Fiddaman, T Hart, G Miller, PG Ryan, LD Shepherd, JM Wilmshurst and JM Waters. Mitogenomes Uncover Extinct Penguin Taxa and Reveal Island Formation as a Key Driver of Speciation. Molecular Biology and Evolution 36, 784-797. (2019)

123.L Chen, Q Qiu, Y Jiang, K Wang, Z Lin, Z Li, F Bibi, Y Yang, J Wang, W Nie, W Su, G Liu, Q Li, W Fu, X Pan, C Liu, J Yang, C Zhang, Y Yin, Y Wang, Y Zhao, C Zhang, Z Wang, Y Qin, W Liu, B Wang, Y Ren, R Zhang, Y Zeng, RR Da Fonseca, B Wei, R Li, W Wan, R Zhao, W Zhu, Y Wang, S Duan, Y Gao, YE Zhang, C Chen, C Hvilsom, CW Epps, LG Chemnick, Y Dong, S Mirarab, HR Siegismund, OA Ryder, MTP Gilbert, HA Lewin, G Zhang, R Heller and W Wang. Large-scale ruminant genome sequencing provides insights into their evolution and distinct traits. Science 364, eaav6202. (2019)

124.R Borges, J Fonseca, C Gomes, WE Johnson, SJ O’brien, G Zhang, MTP Gilbert, ED Jarvis and A Antunes. Avian Binocularity and Adaptation to Nocturnal Environments: Genomic Insights from a Highly Derived Visual Phenotype. Genome Biology and Evolution 11, 2244-2255. (2019)

125.G Zhang. The first AsiaEvo conference, connecting Asian evolutionary biologists to the world. National Science Review 5, 614-616. (2018)

126.G Zhang. The bird’s-eye view on chromosome evolution. Genome Biology 19, 201. (2018)

127.C Zhang, L Chen, Y Zhou, K Wang, LG Chemnick, OA Ryder, W Wang, G Zhang and Q Qiu. Draft genome of the milu (Elaphurus davidianus). GigaScience 7, gix130. (2018)

128.ML Zepeda Mendoza, Z Xiong, M Escalera-Zamudio, AK Runge, J Thézé, D Streicker, HK Frank, E Loza-Rubio, S Liu, OA Ryder, JA Samaniego Castruita, A Katzourakis, G Pacheco, B Taboada, U Löber, OG Pybus, Y Li, E Rojas-Anaya, K Bohmann, A Carmona Baez, CF Arias, S Liu, AD Greenwood, MF Bertelsen, NE White, M Bunce, G Zhang, T Sicheritz-Pontén and MPT Gilbert. Hologenomic adaptations underlying the evolution of sanguivory in the common vampire bat. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2, 659-668. (2018)

129.RL Rogers, L Zhou, C Chu, R Márquez, A Corl, T Linderoth, L Freeborn, MD Macmanes, Z Xiong, J Zheng, C Guo, X Xun, MR Kronforst, K Summers, Y Wu, H Yang, CL Richards-Zawacki, G Zhang and R Nielsen. Genomic Takeover by Transposable Elements in the Strawberry Poison Frog. Molecular Biology and Evolution 35, 2913-2927. (2018)

130.H Rando, M Farré, M Robson, N Won, J Johnson, R Buch, E Bastounes, X Xiang, S Feng, S Liu, Z Xiong, J Kim, G Zhang, L Trut, D Larkin, A Kukekova. Construction of Red Fox Chromosomal Fragments from the Short-Read Genome Assembly. Genes 9, 308. (2018).

131.B Qiu, RS Larsen, N-C Chang, J Wang, JJ Boomsma and G Zhang. Towards reconstructing the ancestral brain gene-network regulating caste differentiation in ants. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2, 1782-1791. (2018)

132.C Liu, Y Zhang, Y Ren, H Wang, S Li, F Jiang, L Yin, X Qiao, G Zhang, W Qian, B Liu and W Fan. The genome of the golden apple snail Pomacea canaliculata provides insight into stress tolerance and invasive adaptation. GigaScience 7, giy101. (2018)

133.HA Lewin, GE Robinson, WJ Kress, WJ Baker, J Coddington, KA Crandall, R Durbin, SV Edwards, F Forest, MTP Gilbert, MM Goldstein, IV Grigoriev, KJ Hackett, D Haussler, ED Jarvis, WE Johnson, A Patrinos, S Richards, JC Castilla-Rubio, M-A Van Sluys, PS Soltis, X Xu, H Yang and G Zhang. Earth BioGenome Project: Sequencing life for the future of life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, 4325-4333. (2018)

134.AV Kukekova, JL Johnson, X Xiang, S Feng, S Liu, HM Rando, AV Kharlamova, Y Herbeck, NA Serdyukova, Z Xiong, V Beklemischeva, K-P Koepfli, RG Gulevich, AV Vladimirova, JP Hekman, PL Perelman, AS Graphodatsky, SJ O’brien, X Wang, AG Clark, GM Acland, LN Trut and G Zhang. Red fox genome assembly identifies genomic regions associated with tame and aggressive behaviours. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2, 1479-1491. (2018)

135.Y Yang, Y Wang, Y Zhao, X Zhang, R Li, L Chen, G Zhang, Y Jiang, Q Qiu, W Wang, H-J Wei and K Wang. Draft genome of the Marco Polo Sheep (Ovis ammon polii). GigaScience 6, gix106. (2017)

136.C Shao, B Bao, Z Xie, X Chen, B Li, X Jia, Q Yao, G Ortí, W Li, X Li, K Hamre, J Xu, L Wang, F Chen, Y Tian, AM Schreiber, N Wang, F Wei, J Zhang, Z Dong, L Gao, J Gai, T Sakamoto, S Mo, W Chen, Q Shi, H Li, Y Xiu, Y Li, W Xu, Z Shi, G Zhang, DM Power, Q Wang, M Schartl and S Chen. The genome and transcriptome of Japanese flounder provide insights into flatfish asymmetry. Nature Genetics 49, 119-124. (2017)

137.R Seki, C Li, Q Fang, S Hayashi, S Egawa, J Hu, L Xu, H Pan, M Kondo, T Sato, H Matsubara, N Kamiyama, K Kitajima, D Saito, Y Liu, MTP Gilbert, Q Zhou, X Xu, T Shiroishi, N Irie, K Tamura and G Zhang. Functional roles of Aves class-specific cis-regulatory elements on macroevolution of bird-specific features. Nature Communications 8, 14229. (2017)

138.SST Mak, S Gopalakrishnan, C Carøe, C Geng, S Liu, M-HS Sinding, LFK Kuderna, W Zhang, S Fu, FG Vieira, M Germonpré, H Bocherens, S Fedorov, B Petersen, T Sicheritz-Pontén, T Marques-Bonet, G Zhang, H Jiang and MTP Gilbert. Comparative performance of the BGISEQ-500 vs Illumina HiSeq2500 sequencing platforms for palaeogenomic sequencing. GigaScience 6, gix049. (2017)

139.H Hu, M Uesaka, S Guo, K Shimai, T-M Lu, F Li, S Fujimoto, M Ishikawa, S Liu, Y Sasagawa, G Zhang, S Kuratani, J-K Yu, TG Kusakabe, P Khaitovich, N Irie and EC The. Constrained vertebrate evolution by pleiotropic genes. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1, 1722-1730. (2017)

140.AD Hargreaves, L Zhou, J Christensen, F Marlétaz, S Liu, F Li, PG Jansen, E Spiga, MT Hansen, SVH Pedersen, S Biswas, K Serikawa, BA Fox, WR Taylor, JF Mulley, G Zhang, RS Heller and PWH Holland. Genome sequence of a diabetes-prone rodent reveals a mutation hotspot around the ParaHox gene cluster. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, 7677-7682. (2017)

141.J Gao, Q Li, Z Wang, Y Zhou, P Martelli, F Li, Z Xiong, J Wang, H Yang and G Zhang. Sequencing, de novo assembling, and annotating the genome of the endangered Chinese crocodile lizard Shinisaurus crocodilurus. GigaScience 6, gix041. (2017)

142.JJ Boomsma, SG Brady, RR Dunn, J Gadau, J Heinze, L Keller, CS Moreau, NJ Sanders, L Schrader

TR Schultz, L Sundström, PS Ward, W Wcislo and G Zhang. The global ant genomics Alliance. Myrmecological News25, 61-66. (2017)

143.A Avalos, H Pan, C Li, JP Acevedo-Gonzalez, G Rendon, CJ Fields, PJ Brown, T Giray, GE Robinson, ME Hudson and G Zhang. A soft selective sweep during rapid evolution of gentle behaviour in an Africanized honeybee. Nature Communications 8, 1550. (2017)

144.W Yin, Z Wang, Q Li, J Lian, Y Zhou, B Lu, L Jin, P Qiu, P Zhang, W Zhu, B Wen, Y Huang, Z Lin, B Qiu, X Su, H Yang, G Zhang, G Yan and Q Zhou. Evolutionary trajectories of snake genes and genomes revealed by comparative analyses of five-pacer viper. Nature Communications 7, 13107. (2016)

145.Z Xiong, F Li, Q Li, L Zhou, T Gamble, J Zheng, L Kui, C Li, S Li, H Yang and G Zhang. Draft genome of the leopard gecko, Eublepharis macularius. GigaScience 5, s13742-13016-10151-13744. (2016)

146.Z Wang, J Lian, Q Li, P Zhang, Y Zhou, X Zhan and G Zhang. RES-Scanner: a software package for genome-wide identification of RNA-editing sites. GigaScience 5, s13742-13016-10143-13744. (2016)

147.H Pan, H Yu, V Ravi, C Li, AP Lee, MM Lian, B-H Tay, S Brenner, J Wang, H Yang, G Zhang and B Venkatesh. The genome of the largest bony fish, ocean sunfish (Mola mola), provides insights into its fast growth rate. GigaScience 5, s13742-13016-10144-13743. (2016)

148.S Nygaard, H Hu, C Li, M Schiøtt, Z Chen, Z Yang, Q Xie, C Ma, Y Deng, RB Dikow, C Rabeling, DR Nash, WT Wcislo, SG Brady, TR Schultz, G Zhang and JJ Boomsma. Reciprocal genomic evolution in the ant–fungus agricultural symbiosis. Nature Communications 7, 12233. (2016)

149.JP Machado, WE Johnson, MTP Gilbert, G Zhang, ED Jarvis, SJ O’brien and A Antunes. Bone-associated gene evolution and the origin of flight in birds. BMC Genomics 17, 371. (2016)

150.D Almeida, E Maldonado, I Khan, L Silva, MTP Gilbert, G Zhang, ED Jarvis, SJ O’brien, WE Johnson and A Antunes. Whole-Genome Identification, Phylogeny, and Evolution of the Cytochrome P450 Family 2 (CYP2) Subfamilies in Birds. Genome Biology and Evolution 8, 1115-1131. (2016)

151.J Zhang, C Li, Q Zhou and G Zhang. Improving the ostrich genome assembly using optical mapping data. GigaScience 4, s13742-13015-10062-13749. (2015)

152.G Zhang. Bird sequencing project takes off. Nature 522, 34-34. (2015)

153.L Yan, X Wang, H Liu, Y Tian, J Lian, R Yang, S Hao, X Wang, S Yang, Q Li, S Qi, L Kui, M Okpekum, X Ma, J Zhang, Z Ding, G Zhang, W Wang, Y Dong and J Sheng. The Genome of Dendrobium officinale Illuminates the Biology of the Important Traditional Chinese Orchid Herb. Molecular Plant 8, 922-934. (2015)

154.Y Sun, Z Xiong, X Xiang, S Liu, W Zhou, X Tu, L Zhong, L Wang, D Wu, B Zhang, C Zhu, M Yang, H Chen, F Li, L Zhou, S Feng, C Huang, G Zhang, D Irwin, DM Hillis, RW Murphy, H Yang, J Che, J Wang and Y Zhang. Whole-genome sequence of the Tibetan frog Nanorana parkeri and the comparative evolution of tetrapod genomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, E1257-E1262. (2015)

155.J Pereira, WE Johnson, SJ O’brien, ED Jarvis, G Zhang, MTP Gilbert, V Vasconcelos and A Antunes. Evolutionary Genomics and Adaptive Evolution of the Hedgehog Gene Family (Shh, Ihh and Dhh) in Vertebrates. PLOS ONE 9, e74132. (2015)

156.M Parks, S Subramanian, C Baroni, MC Salvatore, G Zhang, CD Millar and DM Lambert. Ancient population genomics and the study of evolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370, 20130381. (2015)

157.K Nadachowska-Brzyska, C Li, L Smeds, G Zhang and H Ellegren. Temporal Dynamics of Avian Populations during Pleistocene Revealed by Whole-Genome Sequences. Current Biology 25, 1375-1380. (2015)

158.X Li, D Fan, W Zhang, G Liu, L Zhang, L Zhao, X Fang, L Chen, Y Dong, Y Chen, Y Ding, R Zhao, M Feng, Y Zhu, Y Feng, X Jiang, D Zhu, H Xiang, X Feng, S Li, J Wang, G Zhang, MR Kronforst and W Wang. Outbred genome sequencing and CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing in butterflies. Nature Communications 6, 8212. (2015)

159.J Korb, M Poulsen, H Hu, C Li, JJ Boomsma, G Zhang and J Liebig. A genomic comparison of two termites with different social complexity. Frontiers in Genetics 6, (2015)

160.I Khan, Z Yang, E Maldonado, C Li, G Zhang, MTP Gilbert, ED Jarvis, SJ O’brien, WE Johnson and A Antunes. Olfactory Receptor Subgenomes Linked with Broad Ecological Adaptations in Sauropsida. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32, 2832-2843. (2015)

161.KM Kapheim, H Pan, C Li, SL Salzberg, D Puiu, T Magoc, HM Robertson, ME Hudson, A Venkat, BJ Fischman, A Hernandez, M Yandell, D Ence, C Holt, GD Yocum, WP Kemp, J Bosch, RM Waterhouse, EM Zdobnov, E Stolle, FB Kraus, S Helbing, RFA Moritz, KM Glastad, BG Hunt, MaD Goodisman, F Hauser, CJP Grimmelikhuijzen, DG Pinheiro, FMF Nunes, MPM Soares, ÉD Tanaka, ZLP Simões, K Hartfelder, JD Evans, SM Barribeau, RM Johnson, JH Massey, BR Southey, M Hasselmann, D Hamacher, M Biewer, CF Kent, A Zayed, C Blatti, S Sinha, JS Johnston, SJ Hanrahan, SD Kocher, J Wang, GE Robinson and G Zhang. Genomic signatures of evolutionary transitions from solitary to group living. Science 348, 1139-1143. (2015)

162.ED Jarvis, S Mirarab, AJ Aberer, B Li, P Houde, C Li, SYW Ho, BC Faircloth, B Nabholz, JT Howard, A Suh, CC Weber, RR Da Fonseca, A Alfaro-Núñez, N Narula, L Liu, D Burt, H Ellegren, SV Edwards, A Stamatakis, DP Mindell, J Cracraft, EL Braun, T Warnow, W Jun, MTP Gilbert, G Zhang and C The Avian Phylogenomics. Phylogenomic analyses data of the avian phylogenomics project. GigaScience 4, s13742-13014-10038-13741. (2015)

163.A Georges, Q Li, J Lian, D O’meally, J Deakin, Z Wang, P Zhang, M Fujita, HR Patel, CE Holleley, Y Zhou, X Zhang, K Matsubara, P Waters, JaM Graves, SD Sarre and G Zhang. High-coverage sequencing and annotated assembly of the genome of the Australian dragon lizard Pogona vitticeps. GigaScience 4, s13742-13015-10085-13742. (2015)

164.L Eöry, MTP Gilbert, C Li, B Li, A Archibald, BL Aken, G Zhang, E Jarvis, P Flicek and DW Burt. Avianbase: a community resource for bird genomics. Genome Biology 16, 21. (2015)

165.Y Dong, X Zhang, M Xie, B Arefnezhad, Z Wang, W Wang, S Feng, G Huang, R Guan, W Shen, R Bunch, R Mcculloch, Q Li, B Li, G Zhang, X Xu, JW Kijas, GH Salekdeh, W Wang and Y Jiang. Reference genome of wild goat (capra aegagrus) and sequencing of goat breeds provide insight into genic basis of goat domestication. BMC Genomics 16, 431. (2015)

166.P Dobrynin, S Liu, G Tamazian, Z Xiong, AA Yurchenko, K Krasheninnikova, S Kliver, A Schmidt-Küntzel, K-P Koepfli, W Johnson, LFK Kuderna, R García-Pérez, MD Manuel, R Godinez, A Komissarov, A Makunin, V Brukhin, W Qiu, L Zhou, F Li, J Yi, C Driscoll, A Antunes, TK Oleksyk, E Eizirik, P Perelman, M Roelke, D Wildt, M Diekhans, T Marques-Bonet, L Marker, J Bhak, J Wang, G Zhang and SJ O’brien. Genomic legacy of the African cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus. Genome Biology 16, 277. (2015)

167.R Borges, I Khan, WE Johnson, MTP Gilbert, G Zhang, ED Jarvis, SJ O’brien and A Antunes. Gene loss, adaptive evolution and the co-evolution of plumage coloration genes with opsins in birds. BMC Genomics 16, 751. (2015)

168.Q Zhou, J Zhang, D Bachtrog, N An, Q Huang, ED Jarvis, MTP Gilbert and G Zhang. Complex evolutionary trajectories of sex chromosomes across bird taxa. Science 346, 1246338. (2014)

169.G Zhang, C Li, Q Li, B Li, DM Larkin, C Lee, JF Storz, A Antunes, MJ Greenwold, RW Meredith, A Ödeen, J Cui, Q Zhou, L Xu, H Pan, Z Wang, L Jin, P Zhang, H Hu, W Yang, J Hu, J Xiao, Z Yang, Y Liu, Q Xie, H Yu, J Lian, P Wen, F Zhang, H Li, Y Zeng, Z Xiong, S Liu, L Zhou, Z Huang, N An, J Wang, Q Zheng, Y Xiong, G Wang, B Wang, J Wang, Y Fan, RR Da Fonseca, A Alfaro-Núñez, M Schubert, L Orlando, T Mourier, JT Howard, G Ganapathy, A Pfenning, O Whitney, MV Rivas, E Hara, J Smith, M Farré, J Narayan, G Slavov, MN Romanov, R Borges, JP Machado, I Khan, MS Springer, J Gatesy, FG Hoffmann, JC Opazo, O Håstad, RH Sawyer, H Kim, K-W Kim, HJ Kim, S Cho, N Li, Y Huang, MW Bruford, X Zhan, A Dixon, MF Bertelsen, E Derryberry, W Warren, RK Wilson, S Li, DA Ray, RE Green, SJ O’brien, D Griffin, WE Johnson, D Haussler, OA Ryder, E Willerslev, GR Graves, P Alström, J Fjeldså, DP Mindell, SV Edwards, EL Braun, C Rahbek, DW Burt, P Houde, Y Zhang, H Yang, J Wang, C Avian Genome, ED Jarvis, MTP Gilbert, J Wang, C Ye, S Liang, Z Yan, ML Zepeda, PF Campos, AMV Velazquez, JA Samaniego, M Avila-Arcos, MD Martin, R Barnett, AM Ribeiro, CV Mello, PV Lovell, D Almeida, E Maldonado, J Pereira, K Sunagar, S Philip, MG Dominguez-Bello, M Bunce, D Lambert, RT Brumfield, FH Sheldon, EC Holmes, PP Gardner, TE Steeves, PF Stadler, SW Burge, E Lyons, J Smith, F Mccarthy, F Pitel, D Rhoads and DP Froman. Comparative genomics reveals insights into avian genome evolution and adaptation. Science 346, 1311-1320. (2014)

170.G Zhang, B Li, C Li, MTP Gilbert, O Ryder and ED Jarvis. Genomic data of the Ostrich (Struthio camelus australis). GigaScience Database (2014)

171.G Zhang, B Li, C Li, MTP Gilbert, CV Mello, ED Jarvis, C Avian Genome and J Wang. Genomic data of the Anna's hummingbird (Calypte anna). GigaScience Database (2014)

172.G Zhang, B Li, C Li, MTP Gilbert, ED Jarvis, J Wang and C The Avian Genome. Comparative genomic data of the Avian Phylogenomics Project. GigaScience 3, 2047-2217X-2043-2026. (2014)

173.G Zhang, B Li, C Li, MTP Gilbert, E Jarvis and J Wang. The avian phylogenomic project data. GigaScience Database (2014)

174.G Zhang, ED Jarvis and MTP Gilbert. A flock of genomes. Science 346, 1308-1309. (2014)

175.X You, C Bian, Q Zan, X Xu, X Liu, J Chen, J Wang, Y Qiu, W Li, X Zhang, Y Sun, S Chen, W Hong, Y Li, S Cheng, G Fan, C Shi, J Liang, Y Tom Tang, C Yang, Z Ruan, J Bai, C Peng, Q Mu, J Lu, M Fan, S Yang, Z Huang, X Jiang, X Fang, G Zhang, Y Zhang, G Polgar, H Yu, J Li, Z Liu, G Zhang, V Ravi, SL Coon, J Wang, H Yang, B Venkatesh, J Wang and Q Shi. Mudskipper genomes provide insights into the terrestrial adaptation of amphibious fishes. Nature Communications 5, 5594. (2014)

176.Z Wang, J Zhang, W Yang, N An, P Zhang, G Zhang and Q Zhou. Temporal genomic evolution of bird sex chromosomes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14, 250. (2014)

177.X Wang, X Fang, P Yang, X Jiang, F Jiang, D Zhao, B Li, F Cui, J Wei, C Ma, Y Wang, J He, Y Luo, Z Wang, X Guo, W Guo, X Wang, Y Zhang, M Yang, S Hao, B Chen, Z Ma, D Yu, Z Xiong, Y Zhu, D Fan, L Han, B Wang, Y Chen, J Wang, L Yang, W Zhao, Y Feng, G Chen, J Lian, Q Li, Z Huang, X Yao, N Lv, G Zhang, Y Li, J Wang, J Wang, B Zhu and L Kang. The locust genome provides insight into swarm formation and long-distance flight. Nature Communications 5, 2957. (2014)

178.N Terrapon, C Li, HM Robertson, L Ji, X Meng, W Booth, Z Chen, CP Childers, KM Glastad, K Gokhale, J Gowin, W Gronenberg, RA Hermansen, H Hu, BG Hunt, AK Huylmans, SMS Khalil, RD Mitchell, MC Munoz-Torres, JA Mustard, H Pan, JT Reese, ME Scharf, F Sun, H Vogel, J Xiao, W Yang, Z Yang, Z Yang, J Zhou, J Zhu, CS Brent, CG Elsik, MaD Goodisman, DA Liberles, RM Roe, EL Vargo, A Vilcinskas, J Wang, E Bornberg-Bauer, J Korb, G Zhang and J Liebig. Molecular traces of alternative social organization in a termite genome. Nature Communications 5, 3636. (2014)

179.C Shao, Q Li, S Chen, P Zhang, J Lian, Q Hu, B Sun, L Jin, S Liu, Z Wang, H Zhao, Z Jin, Z Liang, Y Li, Q Zheng, Y Zhang, J Wang and G Zhang. Epigenetic modification and inheritance in sexual reversal of fish. Genome research 24, 604-615. (2014)

180.M Poulsen, H Hu, C Li, Z Chen, L Xu, S Otani, S Nygaard, T Nobre, S Klaubauf, PM Schindler, F Hauser, H Pan, Z Yang, ASM Sonnenberg, ZW De Beer, Y Zhang, MJ Wingfield, CJP Grimmelikhuijzen, RP De Vries, J Korb, DK Aanen, J Wang, JJ Boomsma and G Zhang. Complementary symbiont contributions to plant decomposition in a fungus-farming termite. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, 14500-14505. (2014)

181.AR Pfenning, E Hara, O Whitney, MV Rivas, R Wang, PL Roulhac, JT Howard, M Wirthlin, PV Lovell, G Ganapathy, J Mountcastle, MA Moseley, JW Thompson, EJ Soderblom, A Iriki, M Kato, MTP Gilbert, G Zhang, T Bakken, A Bongaarts, A Bernard, E Lein, CV Mello, AJ Hartemink and ED Jarvis. Convergent transcriptional specializations in the brains of humans and song-learning birds. Science 346, 1256846. (2014)

182.Peter r Oxley, L Ji, I Fetter-Pruneda, Sean k Mckenzie, C Li, H Hu, G Zhang and Daniel jC Kronauer. The Genome of the Clonal Raider Ant Cerapachys biroi. Current Biology 24, 451-458. (2014)

183.RW Meredith, G Zhang, MTP Gilbert, ED Jarvis and MS Springer. Evidence for a single loss of mineralized teeth in the common avian ancestor. Science 346, 1254390. (2014)

184.S Liu, Eline d Lorenzen, M Fumagalli, B Li, K Harris, Z Xiong, L Zhou, Thorfinn s Korneliussen, M Somel, C Babbitt, G Wray, J Li, W He, Z Wang, W Fu, X Xiang, Claire c Morgan, A Doherty, Mary j O’connell, James o Mcinerney, Erik w Born, L Dalén, R Dietz, L Orlando, C Sonne, G Zhang, R Nielsen, E Willerslev and J Wang. Population Genomics Reveal Recent Speciation and Rapid Evolutionary Adaptation in Polar Bears. Cell 157, 785-794. (2014)

185.S Li, B Li, C Cheng, Z Xiong, Q Liu, J Lai, HV Carey, Q Zhang, H Zheng, S Wei, H Zhang, L Chang, S Liu, S Zhang, B Yu, X Zeng, Y Hou, W Nie, Y Guo, T Chen, J Han, J Wang, J Wang, C Chen, J Liu, PJ Stambrook, M Xu, G Zhang, MTP Gilbert, H Yang, ED Jarvis, J Yu and J Yan. Genomic signatures of near-extinction and rebirth of the crested ibis and other endangered bird species. Genome Biology 15, 557. (2014)

186.Q Li, Z Wang, J Lian, M Schiøtt, L Jin, P Zhang, Y Zhang, S Nygaard, Z Peng, Y Zhou, Y Deng, W Zhang, JJ Boomsma and G Zhang. Caste-specific RNA editomes in the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior. Nature Communications 5, 4943. (2014)

187.C Li, Y Zhang, J Li, L Kong, H Hu, H Pan, L Xu, Y Deng, Q Li, L Jin, H Yu, Y Chen, B Liu, L Yang, S Liu, Y Zhang, Y Lang, J Xia, W He, Q Shi, S Subramanian, CD Millar, S Meader, CM Rands, MK Fujita, MJ Greenwold, TA Castoe, DD Pollock, W Gu, K Nam, H Ellegren, SYW Ho, DW Burt, CP Ponting, ED Jarvis, MTP Gilbert, H Yang, J Wang, DM Lambert, J Wang and G Zhang. Two Antarctic penguin genomes reveal insights into their evolutionary history and molecular changes related to the Antarctic environment. GigaScience 3, 2047-2217X-2043-2027. (2014)

188.ED Jarvis, S Mirarab, AJ Aberer, B Li, P Houde, C Li, SYW Ho, BC Faircloth, B Nabholz, JT Howard, A Suh, CC Weber, RR Da Fonseca, J Li, F Zhang, H Li, L Zhou, N Narula, L Liu, G Ganapathy, B Boussau, MS Bayzid, V Zavidovych, S Subramanian, T Gabaldón, S Capella-Gutiérrez, J Huerta-Cepas, B Rekepalli, K Munch, M Schierup, B Lindow, WC Warren, D Ray, RE Green, MW Bruford, X Zhan, A Dixon, S Li, N Li, Y Huang, EP Derryberry, MF Bertelsen, FH Sheldon, RT Brumfield, CV Mello, PV Lovell, M Wirthlin, MPC Schneider, F Prosdocimi, JA Samaniego, AMV Velazquez, A Alfaro-Núñez, PF Campos, B Petersen, T Sicheritz-Ponten, A Pas, T Bailey, P Scofield, M Bunce, DM Lambert, Q Zhou, P Perelman, AC Driskell, B Shapiro, Z Xiong, Y Zeng, S Liu, Z Li, B Liu, K Wu, J Xiao, X Yinqi, Q Zheng, Y Zhang, H Yang, J Wang, L Smeds, FE Rheindt, M Braun, J Fjeldsa, L Orlando, FK Barker, KA Jønsson, W Johnson, K-P Koepfli, S O’brien, D Haussler, OA Ryder, C Rahbek, E Willerslev, GR Graves, TC Glenn, J Mccormack, D Burt, H Ellegren, P Alström, SV Edwards, A Stamatakis, DP Mindell, J Cracraft, EL Braun, T Warnow, W Jun, MTP Gilbert and G Zhang. Whole-genome analyses resolve early branches in the tree of life of modern birds. Science 346, 1320-1331. (2014)

189.NJ Hudson, ML Baker, NS Hart, JW Wynne, Q Gu, Z Huang, G Zhang, AB Ingham, L Wang and A Reverter. Sensory Rewiring in an Echolocator: Genome-Wide Modification of Retinogenic and Auditory Genes in the Bat Myotis davidii. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics 4, 1825-1835. (2014)

190.MJ Greenwold, W Bao, ED Jarvis, H Hu, C Li, MTP Gilbert, G Zhang and RH Sawyer. Dynamic evolution of the alpha (α) and beta (β) keratins has accompanied integument diversification and the adaptation of birds into novel lifestyles. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14, 249. (2014)

191.RE Green, EL Braun, J Armstrong, D Earl, N Nguyen, G Hickey, MW Vandewege, JA St. John, S Capella-Gutiérrez, TA Castoe, C Kern, MK Fujita, JC Opazo, J Jurka, KK Kojima, J Caballero, RM Hubley, AF Smit, RN Platt, CA Lavoie, MP Ramakodi, JW Finger, A Suh, SR Isberg, L Miles, AY Chong, W Jaratlerdsiri, J Gongora, C Moran, A Iriarte, J Mccormack, SC Burgess, SV Edwards, E Lyons, C Williams, M Breen, JT Howard, CR Gresham, DG Peterson, J Schmitz, DD Pollock, D Haussler, EW Triplett, G Zhang, N Irie, ED Jarvis, CA Brochu, CJ Schmidt, FM Mccarthy, BC Faircloth, FG Hoffmann, TC Glenn, T Gabaldón, B Paten and DA Ray. Three crocodilian genomes reveal ancestral patterns of evolution among archosaurs. Science 346, 1254449. (2014)

192.G Ganapathy, JT Howard, JM Ward, J Li, B Li, Y Li, Y Xiong, Y Zhang, S Zhou, DC Schwartz, M Schatz, R Aboukhalil, O Fedrigo, L Bukovnik, T Wang, G Wray, I Rasolonjatovo, R Winer, JR Knight, S Koren, WC Warren, G Zhang, AM Phillippy and ED Jarvis. High-coverage sequencing and annotated assemblies of the budgerigar genome. GigaScience 3, 2047-2217X-2043-2011. (2014)

193.X Fang, I Seim, Z Huang, Maxim v Gerashchenko, Z Xiong, Anton a Turanov, Y Zhu, Alexei v Lobanov, D Fan, Sun h Yim, X Yao, S Ma, L Yang, S-G Lee, Eun b Kim, Roderick t Bronson, R Šumbera, R Buffenstein, X Zhou, A Krogh, Thomas j Park, G Zhang, J Wang and Vadim n Gladyshev. Adaptations to a Subterranean Environment and Longevity Revealed by the Analysis of Mole Rat Genomes. Cell Reports 8, 1354-1364. (2014)

194.J Cui, W Zhao, Z Huang, ED Jarvis, MTP Gilbert, PJ Walker, EC Holmes and G Zhang. Low frequency of paleoviral infiltration across the avian phylogeny. Genome Biology 15, 539. (2014)

195.S Chen, G Zhang, C Shao, Q Huang, G Liu, P Zhang, W Song, N An, D Chalopin, J-N Volff, Y Hong, Q Li, Z Sha, H Zhou, M Xie, Q Yu, Y Liu, H Xiang, N Wang, K Wu, C Yang, Q Zhou, X Liao, L Yang, Q Hu, J Zhang, L Meng, L Jin, Y Tian, J Lian, J Yang, G Miao, S Liu, Z Liang, F Yan, Y Li, B Sun, H Zhang, J Zhang, Y Zhu, M Du, Y Zhao, M Schartl, Q Tang and J Wang. Whole-genome sequence of a flatfish provides insights into ZW sex chromosome evolution and adaptation to a benthic lifestyle. Nature Genetics 46, 253-260. (2014)

196.L Chen, L Tang, H Xiang, L Jin, Q Li, Y Dong, W Wang and G Zhang. Advances in genome editing technology and its promising application in evolutionary and ecological studies. GigaScience 3, 2047-2217X-2043-2024. (2014)

197.G Zhang, C Cowled, Z Shi, Z Huang, KA Bishop-Lilly, X Fang, JW Wynne, Z Xiong, ML Baker, W Zhao, M Tachedjian, Y Zhu, P Zhou, X Jiang, J Ng, L Yang, L Wu, J Xiao, Y Feng, Y Chen, X Sun, Y Zhang, GA Marsh, G Crameri, CC Broder, KG Frey, L-F Wang and J Wang. Comparative Analysis of Bat Genomes Provides Insight into the Evolution of Flight and Immunity. Science 339, 456-460. (2013)

198.H Xiang, X Li, F Dai, X Xu, A Tan, L Chen, G Zhang, Y Ding, Q Li, J Lian, A Willden, Q Guo, Q Xia, J Wang and W Wang. Comparative methylomics between domesticated and wild silkworms implies possible epigenetic influences on silkworm domestication. BMC Genomics 14, 646. (2013)

199.Z Wang, J Pascual-Anaya, A Zadissa, W Li, Y Niimura, Z Huang, C Li, S White, Z Xiong, D Fang, B Wang, Y Ming, Y Chen, Y Zheng, S Kuraku, M Pignatelli, J Herrero, K Beal, M Nozawa, Q Li, J Wang, H Zhang, L Yu, S Shigenobu, J Wang, J Liu, P Flicek, S Searle, J Wang, S Kuratani, Y Yin, B Aken, G Zhang and N Irie. The draft genomes of soft-shell turtle and green sea turtle yield insights into the development and evolution of the turtle-specific body plan. Nature Genetics 45, 701-706. (2013)

200.TT Tan, M Chen, JA Harikrishna, N Khairuddin, MI Mohd Shamsudin, G Zhang and S Bhassu. Deep parallel sequencing reveals conserved and novel miRNAs in gill and hepatopancreas of giant freshwater prawn. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 35, 1061-1069. (2013)

201.MD Shapiro, Z Kronenberg, C Li, ET Domyan, H Pan, M Campbell, H Tan, CD Huff, H Hu, AI Vickrey, SCA Nielsen, SA Stringham, H Hu, E Willerslev, MTP Gilbert, M Yandell, G Zhang and J Wang. Genomic Diversity and Evolution of the Head Crest in the Rock Pigeon. Science 339, 1063-1067. (2013)

202.I Seim, X Fang, Z Xiong, AV Lobanov, Z Huang, S Ma, Y Feng, AA Turanov, Y Zhu, TL Lenz, MV Gerashchenko, D Fan, S Hee Yim, X Yao, D Jordan, Y Xiong, Y Ma, AN Lyapunov, G Chen, OI Kulakova, Y Sun, S-G Lee, RT Bronson, AA Moskalev, SR Sunyaev, G Zhang, A Krogh, J Wang and VN Gladyshev. Genome analysis reveals insights into physiology and longevity of the Brandt’s bat Myotis brandtii. Nature Communications 4, 2212. (2013)

203.SD Kocher, C Li, W Yang, H Tan, SV Yi, X Yang, HE Hoekstra, G Zhang, NE Pierce and DW Yu. The draft genome of a socially polymorphic halictid bee, Lasioglossum albipes. Genome Biology 14, R142. (2013)

204.TL Parchman, Z Gompert, MJ Braun, RT Brumfield, DB Mcdonald, JaC Uy, G Zhang, ED Jarvis, BA Schlinger and CA Buerkle. The genomic consequences of adaptive divergence and reproductive isolation between species of manakins. Molecular Ecology 22, 3304-3317. (2013)

205.G Pan, J Xu, T Li, Q Xia, S-L Liu, G Zhang, S Li, C Li, H Liu, L Yang, T Liu, X Zhang, Z Wu, W Fan, X Dang, H Xiang, M Tao, Y Li, J Hu, Z Li, L Lin, J Luo, L Geng, L Wang, M Long, Y Wan, N He, Z Zhang, C Lu, PJ Keeling, J Wang, Z Xiang and Z Zhou. Comparative genomics of parasitic silkworm microsporidia reveal an association between genome expansion and host adaptation. BMC Genomics 14, 186. (2013)

206.L Orlando, A Ginolhac, G Zhang, D Froese, A Albrechtsen, M Stiller, M Schubert, E Cappellini, B Petersen, I Moltke, PLF Johnson, M Fumagalli, JT Vilstrup, M Raghavan, T Korneliussen, A-S Malaspinas, J Vogt, D Szklarczyk, CD Kelstrup, J Vinther, A Dolocan, J Stenderup, AMV Velazquez, J Cahill, M Rasmussen, X Wang, J Min, GD Zazula, A Seguin-Orlando, C Mortensen, K Magnussen, JF Thompson, J Weinstock, K Gregersen, KH Røed, V Eisenmann, CJ Rubin, DC Miller, DF Antczak, MF Bertelsen, S Brunak, KaS Al-Rasheid, O Ryder, L Andersson, J Mundy, A Krogh, MTP Gilbert, K Kjær, T Sicheritz-Ponten, LJ Jensen, JV Olsen, M Hofreiter, R Nielsen, B Shapiro, J Wang and E Willerslev. Recalibrating Equus evolution using the genome sequence of an early Middle Pleistocene horse. Nature 499, 74-78. (2013)

207.MI Mohd-Shamsudin, Y Kang, Z Lili, TT Tan, QB Kwong, H Liu, G Zhang, RY Othman and S Bhassu. In-Depth Tanscriptomic Analysis on Giant Freshwater Prawns. PLOS ONE 8, e60839. (2013)

208.SD Kocher, C Li, W Yang, H Tan, SV Yi, X Yang, HE Hoekstra, G Zhang, NE Pierce and DW Yu. The draft genome of a socially polymorphic halictid bee, Lasioglossum albipes. Genome Biology 14, R142. (2013)

209.J Kim, DM Larkin, Q Cai, Y Zhang, R-L Ge, L Auvil, B Capitanu, G Zhang, HA Lewin and J Ma. Reference-assisted chromosome assembly. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110, 1785-1790. (2013)

210.KC I. The i5K Initiative: Advancing Arthropod Genomics for Knowledge, Human Health, Agriculture, and the Environment. Journal of Heredity 104, 595-600. (2013)

211.R-L Ge, Q Cai, Y-Y Shen, A San, L Ma, Y Zhang, X Yi, Y Chen, L Yang, Y Huang, R He, Y Hui, M Hao, Y Li, B Wang, X Ou, J Xu, Y Zhang, K Wu, C Geng, W Zhou, T Zhou, DM Irwin, Y Yang, L Ying, H Bao, J Kim, DM Larkin, J Ma, HA Lewin, J Xing, RN Platt, DA Ray, L Auvil, B Capitanu, X Zhang, G Zhang, RW Murphy, J Wang, Y-P Zhang and J Wang. Draft genome sequence of the Tibetan antelope. Nature Communications 4, 1858. (2013)

212.Y Fan, Z Huang, C Cao, C Chen, Y Chen, D Fan, J He, H Hou, L Hu, X Hu, X Jiang, R Lai, Y Lang, B Liang, S Liao, D Mu, Y Ma, Y Niu, X Sun, J Xia, J Xiao, Z Xiong, L Xu, L Yang, Y Zhang, W Zhao, X Zhao, Y Zheng, J Zhou, Y Zhu, G Zhang, J Wang and Y Yao. Genome of the Chinese tree shrew. Nature Communications 4, 1426. (2013)

213.Y Dong, M Xie, Y Jiang, N Xiao, X Du, W Zhang, G Tosser-Klopp, J Wang, S Yang, J Liang, W Chen, J Chen, P Zeng, Y Hou, C Bian, S Pan, Y Li, X Liu, W Wang, B Servin, B Sayre, B Zhu, D Sweeney, R Moore, W Nie, Y Shen, R Zhao, G Zhang, J Li, T Faraut, J Womack, Y Zhang, J Kijas, N Cockett, X Xu, S Zhao, J Wang and W Wang. Sequencing and automated whole-genome optical mapping of the genome of a domestic goat (Capra hircus). Nature Biotechnology 31, 135-141. (2013)

214.JC Chiu, X Jiang, L Zhao, CA Hamm, JM Cridland, P Saelao, KA Hamby, EK Lee, RS Kwok, G Zhang, FG Zalom, VM Walton and DJ Begun. Genome of Drosophila suzukii, the Spotted Wing Drosophila. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics 3, 2257-2271. (2013)

215.KR Bradnam, JN Fass, A Alexandrov, P Baranay, M Bechner, I Birol, S Boisvert, JA Chapman, G Chapuis, R Chikhi, H Chitsaz, W-C Chou, J Corbeil, C Del Fabbro, TR Docking, R Durbin, D Earl, S Emrich, P Fedotov, NA Fonseca, G Ganapathy, RA Gibbs, S Gnerre, É Godzaridis, S Goldstein, M Haimel, G Hall, D Haussler, JB Hiatt, IY Ho, J Howard, M Hunt, SD Jackman, DB Jaffe, ED Jarvis, H Jiang, S Kazakov, PJ Kersey, JO Kitzman, JR Knight, S Koren, T-W Lam, D Lavenier, F Laviolette, Y Li, Z Li, B Liu, Y Liu, R Luo, I Maccallum, MD Macmanes, N Maillet, S Melnikov, D Naquin, Z Ning, TD Otto, B Paten, OS Paulo, AM Phillippy, F Pina-Martins, M Place, D Przybylski, X Qin, C Qu, FJ Ribeiro, S Richards, DS Rokhsar, JG Ruby, S Scalabrin, MC Schatz, DC Schwartz, A Sergushichev, T Sharpe, TI Shaw, J Shendure, Y Shi, JT Simpson, H Song, F Tsarev, F Vezzi, R Vicedomini, BM Vieira, J Wang, KC Worley, S Yin, S-M Yiu, J Yuan, G Zhang, H Zhang, S Zhou and IF Korf. Assemblathon 2: evaluating de novo methods of genome assembly in three vertebrate species. GigaScience 2, 2047-2217X-2042-2010. (2013)

216.Q Zhou, H Zhu, Q Huang, L Zhao, G Zhang, SW Roy, B Vicoso, Z Xuan, J Ruan, Y Zhang, R Zhao, C Ye, X Zhang, J Wang, W Wang and D Bachtrog. Deciphering neo-sex and B chromosome evolution by the draft genome of Drosophila albomicans. BMC Genomics 13, 109. (2012)

217.G Zhang, X Fang, X Guo, L Li, R Luo, F Xu, P Yang, L Zhang, X Wang, H Qi, Z Xiong, H Que, Y Xie, PWH Holland, J Paps, Y Zhu, F Wu, Y Chen, J Wang, C Peng, J Meng, L Yang, J Liu, B Wen, N Zhang, Z Huang, Q Zhu, Y Feng, A Mount, D Hedgecock, Z Xu, Y Liu, T Domazet-Lošo, Y Du, X Sun, S Zhang, B Liu, P Cheng, X Jiang, J Li, D Fan, W Wang, W Fu, T Wang, B Wang, J Zhang, Z Peng, Y Li, N Li, J Wang, M Chen, Y He, F Tan, X Song, Q Zheng, R Huang, H Yang, X Du, L Chen, M Yang, PM Gaffney, S Wang, L Luo, Z She, Y Ming, W Huang, S Zhang, B Huang, Y Zhang, T Qu, P Ni, G Miao, J Wang, Q Wang, CEW Steinberg, H Wang, N Li, L Qian, G Zhang, Y Li, H Yang, X Liu, J Wang, Y Yin and J Wang. The oyster genome reveals stress adaptation and complexity of shell formation. Nature 490, 49-54. (2012)

218.ND Young, AR Jex, B Li, S Liu, L Yang, Z Xiong, Y Li, C Cantacessi, RS Hall, X Xu, F Chen, X Wu, A Zerlotini, G Oliveira, A Hofmann, G Zhang, X Fang, Y Kang, BE Campbell, A Loukas, S Ranganathan, D Rollinson, G Rinaldi, PJ Brindley, H Yang, J Wang, J Wang and RB Gasser. Whole-genome sequence of Schistosoma haematobium. Nature Genetics 44, 221-225. (2012)

219.X Xu, X Liu, S Ge, JD Jensen, F Hu, X Li, Y Dong, RN Gutenkunst, L Fang, L Huang, J Li, W He, G Zhang, X Zheng, F Zhang, Y Li, C Yu, K Kristiansen, X Zhang, J Wang, M Wright, S Mccouch, R Nielsen, J Wang and W Wang. Resequencing 50 accessions of cultivated and wild rice yields markers for identifying agronomically important genes. Nature Biotechnology 30, 105-111. (2012)

220.Q Qiu, G Zhang, T Ma, W Qian, J Wang, Z Ye, C Cao, Q Hu, J Kim, DM Larkin, L Auvil, B Capitanu, J Ma, HA Lewin, X Qian, Y Lang, R Zhou, L Wang, K Wang, J Xia, S Liao, S Pan, X Lu, H Hou, Y Wang, X Zang, Y Yin, H Ma, J Zhang, Z Wang, Y Zhang, D Zhang, T Yonezawa, M Hasegawa, Y Zhong, W Liu, Y Zhang, Z Huang, S Zhang, R Long, H Yang, J Wang, JA Lenstra, DN Cooper, Y Wu, J Wang, P Shi, J Wang and J Liu. The yak genome and adaptation to life at high altitude. Nature Genetics 44, 946-949. (2012)

221.Y Li, JH Robins, J Ye, Z Huang, Q Wen and G Zhang. Adaptive diversity of innate immune receptor family short pentraxins in Murinae. FEBS Letters 586, 798-803. (2012)

222.X Li, J Zhu, F Hu, S Ge, M Ye, H Xiang, G Zhang, X Zheng, H Zhang, S Zhang, Q Li, R Luo, C Yu, J Yu, J Sun, X Zou, X Cao, X Xie, J Wang and W Wang. Single-base resolution maps of cultivated and wild rice methylomes and regulatory roles of DNA methylation in plant gene expression. BMC Genomics 13, 300. (2012)

223.X Jin, M He, B Ferguson, Y Meng, L Ouyang, J Ren, T Mailund, F Sun, L Sun, J Shen, M Zhuo, L Song, J Wang, F Ling, Y Zhu, C Hvilsom, H Siegismund, X Liu, Z Gong, F Ji, X Wang, B Liu, Y Zhang, J Hou, J Wang, H Zhao, Y Wang, X Fang, G Zhang, J Wang, X Zhang, MH Schierup, H Du, J Wang and X Wang. An Effort to Use Human-Based Exome Capture Methods to Analyze Chimpanzee and Macaque Exomes. PLOS ONE 7, e40637. (2012)

224.MaM Groenen, AL Archibald, H Uenishi, CK Tuggle, Y Takeuchi, MF Rothschild, C Rogel-Gaillard, C Park, D Milan, H-J Megens, S Li, DM Larkin, H Kim, LaF Frantz, M Caccamo, H Ahn, BL Aken, A Anselmo, C Anthon, L Auvil, B Badaoui, CW Beattie, C Bendixen, D Berman, F Blecha, J Blomberg, L Bolund, M Bosse, S Botti, Z Bujie, M Bystrom, B Capitanu, D Carvalho-Silva, P Chardon, C Chen, R Cheng, S-H Choi, W Chow, RC Clark, C Clee, RPMA Crooijmans, HD Dawson, P Dehais, F De Sapio, B Dibbits, N Drou, Z-Q Du, K Eversole, J Fadista, S Fairley, T Faraut, GJ Faulkner, KE Fowler, M Fredholm, E Fritz, JGR Gilbert, E Giuffra, J Gorodkin, DK Griffin, JL Harrow, A Hayward, K Howe, Z-L Hu, SJ Humphray, T Hunt, H Hornshøj, J-T Jeon, P Jern, M Jones, J Jurka, H Kanamori, R Kapetanovic, J Kim, J-H Kim, K-W Kim, T-H Kim, G Larson, K Lee, K-T Lee, R Leggett, HA Lewin, Y Li, W Liu, JE Loveland, Y Lu, JK Lunney, J Ma, O Madsen, K Mann, L Matthews, S Mclaren, T Morozumi, MP Murtaugh, J Narayan, D Truong Nguyen, P Ni, S-J Oh, S Onteru, F Panitz, E-W Park, H-S Park, G Pascal, Y Paudel, M Perez-Enciso, R Ramirez-Gonzalez, JM Reecy, S Rodriguez-Zas, GA Rohrer, L Rund, Y Sang, K Schachtschneider, JG Schraiber, J Schwartz, L Scobie, C Scott, S Searle, B Servin, BR Southey, G Sperber, P Stadler, JV Sweedler, H Tafer, B Thomsen, R Wali, J Wang, J Wang, S White, X Xu, M Yerle, G Zhang, J Zhang, J Zhang, S Zhao, J Rogers, C Churcher and LB Schook. Analyses of pig genomes provide insight into porcine demography and evolution. Nature 491, 393-398. (2012)

225.X Fang, Y Mou, Z Huang, Y Li, L Han, Y Zhang, Y Feng, Y Chen, X Jiang, W Zhao, X Sun, Z Xiong, L Yang, H Liu, D Fan, L Mao, L Ren, C Liu, J Wang, K Li, G Wang, S Yang, L Lai, G Zhang, Y Li, J Wang, L Bolund, H Yang, J Wang, S Feng, S Li and Y Du. The sequence and analysis of a Chinese pig genome. GigaScience 1, 16. (2012)

226.F Chen, W Zhang, Y Liang, J Huang, K Li, CD Green, J Liu, G Zhang, B Zhou, X Yi, W Wang, H Liu, X Xu, F Shen, N Qu, Y Wang, G Gao, A San, L Jiangbai, H Sang, X Fang, K Kristiansen, H Yang, J Wang, J-DJ Han and J Wang. Transcriptome and Network Changes in Climbers at Extreme Altitudes. PLOS ONE 7, e31645. (2012)

227.R Bonasio, Q Li, J Lian, Navdeep s Mutti, L Jin, H Zhao, P Zhang, P Wen, H Xiang, Y Ding, Z Jin, Steven s Shen, Z Wang, W Wang, J Wang, Shelley l Berger, J Liebig, G Zhang and D Reinberg. Genome-wide and Caste-Specific DNA Methylomes of the Ants Camponotus floridanus and Harpegnathos saltator. Current Biology 22, 1755-1764. (2012)

228.ME Allentoft, M Collins, D Harker, J Haile, CL Oskam, ML Hale, PF Campos, JA Samaniego, MTP Gilbert, E Willerslev, G Zhang, RP Scofield, RN Holdaway and M Bunce. The half-life of DNA in bone: measuring decay kinetics in 158 dated fossils. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279, 4724-4733. (2012)

229.CB Albertin, L Bonnaud, CT Brown, WJ Crookes-Goodson, RR Da Fonseca, C Di Cristo, BP Dilkes, E Edsinger-Gonzales, RM Freeman, RT Hanlon, KM Koenig, AR Lindgren, MQ Martindale, P Minx, LL Moroz, M-T Nödl, SV Nyholm, A Ogura, JR Pungor, JJC Rosenthal, EM Schwarz, S Shigeno, JM Strugnell, T Wollesen, G Zhang and CW Ragsdale. Cephalopod genomics: A plan of strategies and organization. Standards in Genomic Sciences 7, 175-188. (2012)

230.G Zhang, Z Pei, EV Ball, M Mort, H Kehrer-Sawatzki and DN Cooper. Cross-comparison of the genome sequences from human, chimpanzee, Neanderthal and a Denisovan hominin identifies novel potentially compensated mutations. Human Genomics 5, 453. (2011)

231.G Yan, G Zhang, X Fang, Y Zhang, C Li, F Ling, DN Cooper, Q Li, Y Li, AJ Van Gool, H Du, J Chen, R Chen, P Zhang, Z Huang, JR Thompson, Y Meng, Y Bai, J Wang, M Zhuo, T Wang, Y Huang, L Wei, J Li, Z Wang, H Hu, P Yang, L Le, PD Stenson, B Li, X Liu, EV Ball, N An, Q Huang, Y Zhang, W Fan, X Zhang, Y Li, W Wang, MG Katze, B Su, R Nielsen, H Yang, J Wang, X Wang and J Wang. Genome sequencing and comparison of two nonhuman primate animal models, the cynomolgus and Chinese rhesus macaques. Nature Biotechnology 29, 1019-1023. (2011)

232.S Nygaard, G Zhang, M Schiøtt, C Li, Y Wurm, H Hu, J Zhou, L Ji, F Qiu, M Rasmussen, H Pan, F Hauser, A Krogh, CJ Grimmelikhuijzen, J Wang and JJ Boomsma. The genome of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior suggests key adaptations to advanced social life and fungus farming. Genome research 21, 1339-1348. (2011)

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234.EB Kim, X Fang, AA Fushan, Z Huang, AV Lobanov, L Han, SM Marino, X Sun, AA Turanov, P Yang, SH Yim, X Zhao, MV Kasaikina, N Stoletzki, C Peng, P Polak, Z Xiong, A Kiezun, Y Zhu, Y Chen, GV Kryukov, Q Zhang, L Peshkin, L Yang, RT Bronson, R Buffenstein, B Wang, C Han, Q Li, L Chen, W Zhao, SR Sunyaev, TJ Park, G Zhang, J Wang and VN Gladyshev. Genome sequencing reveals insights into physiology and longevity of the naked mole rat. Nature 479, 223-227. (2011)

235.AR Jex, S Liu, B Li, ND Young, RS Hall, Y Li, L Yang, N Zeng, X Xu, Z Xiong, F Chen, X Wu, G Zhang, X Fang, Y Kang, GA Anderson, TW Harris, BE Campbell, J Vlaminck, T Wang, C Cantacessi, EM Schwarz, S Ranganathan, P Geldhof, P Nejsum, PW Sternberg, H Yang, J Wang, J Wang and RB Gasser. Ascaris suum draft genome. Nature 479, 529-533. (2011)

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