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马莉   研究员
职  务: 洞穴鱼类发育与进化学科组负责人
学  历: 博士
电  话:
传  真:
电子邮件: mali@mail.kiz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 中国科学院昆明动物研究所 云南省昆明市盘龙区茨坝街道龙欣路17号626室    650201
其他主页: https://chinesecavefish.com/
  简  历

马莉, 女,博士, 研究员, 博士生导师,现任中国科学院昆明动物研究所洞穴鱼类发育与进化学科组负责人。2008年在中国科学院昆明动物研究所获博士学位;2010-2016年间分别在美国马里兰大学(University of Maryland, College Park)、美国芝加哥大学-伍兹霍尔海洋生物学实验室(University of Chicago, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole)和美国辛辛那提大学(University of Cincinnati) 从事博士后研究,跟随进化发育生物学领域世界顶尖科学家William R. Jeffery教授以墨西哥脂鲤为研究对象,对视觉及色素退化等机制进行了深入研究;2016年9月至2020年8月在美国马里兰大学生物系任教职专家(Principal faculty Specialist)。在墨西哥脂鲤视觉退化、色素发育、母源性调控和器官不对称等领域做出了多项原创性成果:1)鉴定了首个导致墨西哥脂鲤盲鱼种群视觉退化的基因胱硫醚β-合酶(cbsa), 并提出盲鱼眼部血液系统出现缺陷进而诱导视觉退化的全新机制,统一了当前学术界关于到底是晶状体凋亡退化还是视网膜凋亡退化导致盲鱼视觉缺失的争议;2)首次在墨西哥脂鲤中利用基因组编辑的方式成功敲除色素基因;3)首次揭示了在墨西哥脂鲤发育中存在母源性调控;4)首次在墨西哥脂鲤洞穴种群中发现心脏位置左右互换的现象,开启了洞穴生物一个全新的研究领域-即器官不对称的研究。相关成果发表于Nature Communications、Nature Ecology & Evolution、Developmental Biology、EvoDevo、Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B、PloS One、Journal of Fish Biology等刊物;两次受邀为世界洞穴领域最权威的书籍《洞穴百科全书》撰写《中国洞穴鱼类》章节,让世界对中国科学家在洞穴鱼类研究领域的成果有更深入的了解。迄今已发表专著五章节、论文30篇、多次在相关领域国际会议上做报告。


2020.8 – 至  今      中国科学院昆明动物研究所      研究员

2016.9 – 2020.8      美国马里兰大学生物系(The University of Maryland, College Park)

                     任教职专家(Principal Faculty Specialist)

2016.9 – 2020.8      美国芝加哥大学伍兹霍尔海洋生物学实验室(The University of Chicago, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole)

                     任兼职研究科学家(Adjunct Research Scientist)

2015.6 – 2016.5      美国辛辛那提大学生物系(University of Cincinnati, Department of Biological Sciences)        

                     博士后(Postdoctoral Fellow)

2014.2 – 2015.5     美国芝加哥大学伍兹霍尔海洋生物学实验室, 贝尔再生生物学与组织工程中心(University of Chicago, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole,Bell Center for Regenerative Biology & Tissue Engineering)

                     任研究科学家 (Research Scientist)

2010.2 – 2014.1      美国马里兰大学生物系(University of Maryland, College Park, Department of Biology)

                     任博士后助理研究员 (Postdoctoral Research Associate)

2008.7 – 2010.1      中国科学院昆明动物研究所  遗传资源与进化国家重点实验室    助理研究员

2005.9 – 2008.6      中国科学院昆明动物研究所,发育生物学马普青年科学家小组,获博士学位

2003.7 – 2005.5      中国科学院昆明动物研究所生殖生物学重点实验室与兰州大学生命科学学院  联合培养硕士研究生

2002.9 – 2005.5      兰州大学生命科学学院          获硕士学位

1998.9 – 2002.7      西北师范大学生物系            学士


主要研究方向为洞穴鱼类的进化发育生物学。通过对近缘物种和不同进化地位的代表类群发育调控机制的比较研究, 分析物种演化过程中重要类群特定表型产生的分子发育生物学机制。

洞穴鱼类,俗称盲鱼,是指在自然状态下,其生活史的全部或部分阶段必须在洞穴或地下水体中完成的鱼类,缺少洞穴或地下水体环境,其生活史不能正常完成。世界洞穴鱼类资源主要分布在中国的西南地区、东南亚和墨西哥湾东岸。中国具有全世界最丰富的洞穴鱼类资源,主要分布在云南、贵州和广西地区,主要物种为金线鲃和鳅类,迄今发现148种,占据世界洞穴鱼类资源的一半以上。起源于墨西哥湾东岸的墨西哥脂鲤(Astyanax mexicanus)由于其悠久的研究历史和出色的特性逐渐成为国际上从事遗传、发育和进化研究的优良模型:自1936年首次报道以来,研究主要包括物种的野外地理定位、新种鉴定、实验室引进、人工饲养繁育、性状和行为学描述、基因表达分析、表型功能及行为学分子机制探索、器官(晶状体)移植、基因组/转录组测序及分析、基因组编辑、模式物种的确立,以及相关疾病机理的探索等工作。墨西哥脂鲤是由有眼睛色素的表面栖居种群(表层鱼Surface fish)和没有眼睛色素的洞穴栖居种群(洞穴盲鱼 Cavefish)组成的单一物种,迄今发现30个种群,表层种群和洞穴种群可以杂交产生下一代。由于洞穴独特的黑暗环境,洞穴鱼类的生存受到了食物、定位和繁殖等方面的限制,产生了一系列与之相适应的构建性和退化性形态特征并能遗传给下一代,其中构建性的变化包括:味蕾、牙齿、嗅觉神经元、面部神经丘等数目的增加,侧线等感觉器官功能加强,体内储存更多脂肪,以及前颌骨尺寸增加等;退行性变化包括:视觉和色素的退化,成群游动行为丧失,侵略行为丧失,睡眠和警戒行为的丧失等。其中最明显的是视觉和色素系统的退化消失。这些对于环境的适应性改变让洞穴鱼类不仅成为了研究动物适应性进化的优良模型,也是研究人类相关疾病机理的天然模型。

洞穴鱼类发育与进化研究组将以中国洞穴鱼类和墨西哥脂鲤为研究模型,系统性研究洞穴鱼类表型多样性,建立室内洞穴鱼类饲养及繁育系统,全面开发中国洞穴鱼类的研究潜能,以洞穴鱼类为研究模型探索遗传学机制 (如母源性调控等)、发育机制(如视觉系统和色素系统退行性发育等)、适应性进化机制(如何适应洞穴黑暗和食物匮乏的环境等),并以洞穴鱼类为研究模型开展人类相关疾病(如视觉疾病,白化病,同型半胱氨酸尿症,器官发育不对称等)分子机理的探索。





1.  巩膜发育和退化的分子遗传分析

2.  海鞘(Tunicate Ciona):研究组织再生的新型模式系统

3.  洞穴鱼类色素退化的全基因组和转录组分析

4.  晶状体对视觉系统生长和发育的调控

5.  洞穴盲鱼视觉退化的进化机制

6.  中国科学院西部之光人才资助项目,洞穴金线鲃及高原盲鳅视觉系统退化的机制研究,2010-2012, 20万元,PI 项目负责人


1William R. Jeffery, Li Ma, Ya-hui Zhao. (2023) Cavefish as biological models in the laboratory and in the wild. Zoological Research,44(4):834-836

2.  Li Ma*, Jun-xing Yang, Fa-Kai Lei, Meng-Zhen Xu, Ya-hui Zhao, William R. Jeffery. (2023) Protection and exploration of the scientific potential of Chinese cavefish. Zoological Research  444):675-677 (*代表通讯作者)

3.  William R. Jeffery, Bo Li, Mandy Ng, Lian-wei Li, Špela Gorički, Li Ma*. (2023) Differentially expressed chaperone genes reveal a stress response required for unidirectional regeneration in the basal chordate Ciona. BMC Biology 21 148.  DOI: 10.1186/s12915-023-01633-y(*代表通讯作者)

4.  Bo Li, Yuan-wei Zhang, Xiao Liu, Li Ma*, Junxing Yang*. (2021) Molecular mechanisms of intermuscular bone development in fish: a review. Zoological Research 42(3): 362-376 (*代表通讯作者)

5.  Li Ma, Mandy Ng, Janet Shi, Aniket V.Gore, Daniel Castranova, Brant M.Weinstein, William R. Jeffery. (2021) Maternal control of visceral asymmetry evolution in Astyanax cavefish. Scientific Reports, 11:10312

6.  Li Ma, Aniket V.Gore, Daniel Castranova, Janet Shi, Mandy Ng, Kelly T. Tomins, Cornelia Maria Van, Brant M. Weinstein, William R. Jeffery. (2020) The hypomorphic cystathionine beta-synthase gene controls eye loss by disrupting optic vasculature in blind cavefish. Nature Communications  doi: https://rdcu.be/b4zwB

7.  Li Ma, Ruby Dessiatoun, Janet Shi, William R. Jeffery (2020) Incremental temperature changes for maximal breeding and spawning in Astyanax mexicanus. Journal of Visualized Experiments e61708, doi:10.3791/61708

8.  Li Ma, Mandy Ng, Janet Shi, Aniket V.Gore, William R. Jeffery. (2020) Evolutionary Changes in Left-Right Visceral Asymmetry in Astyanax Cavefish doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.05.15.098483.

9.  Li Ma, Mandy Ng, Corine Maria Van, Masato Yoshizawa, William R. Jeffery. (2019) Dual roles of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium and Lens in cavefish eye degeneration. Journal of Experimental Zoology PartB: Molecular and Developmental Evolution DOI:10.1002/jez.b.22923

10. Pengcheng Ma, Ning-Ning Song, Yongxin Li, Qiong Zhang, Lei Zhang, Longlong Zhang, Qinghua   Kong, Li Ma, Xiangcai Yang, Biyu Ren, Chaocui Li, Xudong Zhao, Yan Li, Ying Xu, Xiang Gao, Yu-Qiang Ding, Bingyu Mao. (2019) Fine-Tuning of Shh/Gli Signaling Gradient by Non-proteolytic Ubiquitination during Neural Patterning. Cell Reports 28 (2): 541-553

11. Li Ma, Allen G. Strickler, Amy Parkhurst, Masato Yoshizawa, and William R. Jeffery. (2018) Maternal Genetic effects in Astyanax Cavefish development. Developmental Biology, 441(2): 209-220. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2018.07.014

12.Aniket V.Gore, Kelly T.Tomins, James Iben, Li Ma, Deniel Castranova, Andrew Davis, Amy Parkhurst,   Sara Soueidan, William R. Jeffery and Brant M. Weinstein (2018) An epigenetic mechanism for cavefish eye degeneration. 13. Helena Bilandžija, Lindsey Abraham, Li Ma, Kenneth Renner, William R. Jeffery. (2018) Behavioral changes controlled by catecholaminergic systems explain recurrent loss of pigmentation in cavefish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2018.0243

14. Tao Liu, Huaiqing Deng, Li Ma, Ning Xiao & Jiang Zhou (2018) Sinocyclocheilus zhenfengensis, a new cyprinid species (Pisces: Teleostei) from Guizhou Province, Southwest China. J Appl Ichthyol. 2018;00:1–9. https://doi.org/10.1111/jai.13629

15. Xiaoliang Liu, Yingjie Xia, Jixin Tanga, Li Ma, Chaocui Lia, Pengcheng Ma, Bingyu Mao (2017) Dual roles of Akirin2 during Xenopus neural development. Journal of Biological Chemistry DOI: 10.1074 / jbc.M117.7771109.

16. Joshua B. Gross, James Weagley, Bethany A. Stahl, Li Ma, Luis Espinasa, Suzanne McGaugh (2017) A local duplication of the Melanocortin receptor 1 locus in Astyanax mexicanus. Genome Jul 24. doi: 10.1139/gen-2017-0049.

17. Li Ma, (2016) The eye development of Astyanax cavefish. Cave Research 2016, 2:1

18. Kowalko, J. E., Li, Ma, & Jeffery, W. R. (2016). Genome editing in Astyanax mexicanus using transcription activator-like effector nucleases (talens). Journal of Visualized Experiments (112).

19. Li Ma, Jeffery J. Essner, William R. Jeffery, Johanna E. Kowalko. (2015) Genome editing using TALENS in blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. PLoS One2015 Mar 16;10(3):e0119370. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119370. eCollection.

20.  Li Ma. (2015) Think about caves globally. Cave Research 2015, 1:1

21.  Li Ma, Amy Parkhurst, William R. Jeffery. (2014) The role of a lens survival pathway including sox2 and alphaA-crystallin in the evolution of cavefish eye degeneration. EvoDevo, 5:28

22. Suzanne E. McGaugh, Joshua B. Gross, Bronwen Aken, Maryline Blin, Richard Borowsky, Domitille Chalopin, Hélène Hinaux, William Jeffery, Alex Keene, Li Ma, Pat Minx1, Daniel Murphy, Kelly E. O’Quin, Sylvie Rétaux, Nicolas Rohner, Steve M. J. Searle, Bethany Stahl, Cliff Tabin, Jean-Nicolas Volff, Masato Yoshizawa, Wes C. Warren1. (2014) The cavefish genome reveals candidate genes for eye loss. Nature Communications, 5:5307. doi:10.1038/ncomms6307.

23. Xiao-Fu Pan, Xiao-Ai Wang, Li Ma, Zai-Yun Li, Xiao-Yong Chen and Jun-Xing Yang. (2014) Artificial Fertilization and Embryonic Development of Sinocyclocheilus grahami (Regan) from Dianchi Lake, China. J Biodivers Biopros Dev, 1: 1-6

24.  *Helena Bilandžija, *Li Ma, Amy Parkhurst, and William R. Jeffery. (2013) A potential benefit ofalbinism in Astyanax cavefish: downregulation of the oca2 gene increase tyrosine and catecholamine levels as an alternative to melanin synthesis. PLoS One. 8 (11): e80823. (* indicate the first twoauthors contributed equally to this work)

25. Peng-cheng Ma, Yin-jie Xia, Li Ma, Shu-hua Zhao*,Bing-yu Mao*. (2013) XenopusNkx6.1 and Nkx6.2 are required for mid-hindbrain boundary development. Dev Genes Evol. 223:253-259

26. Li Ma, Qing-hua Kong, Shu-hua Zhao, Yun-hu Wei, Bing-yu Mao. (2009) Post-transcriptional control through 3’UTR of XenopusSox2 gene (in Chinese). Zoological Research 30 (6): 633-638

27. *Li Ma, *Xiao-fu Pan, Yun-hu Wei, Zai-yun Li, Chao-cui Li, Jun-xing Yang, Bing-yu Mao. (2008) Developmental stages and eye development of the cyprinoid fish Anabarilius grahami in Fuxian Lake of Southwest China. Journal of Fish Biology 73: 1946-1959(* indicate the first twoauthors contributed equally to this work)         

28. Li Ma, Shu-hua Zhao, Qing-hua Kong, Bing-yu Mao. (2007) Temporal and spatial expression patterns of Sox1 gene in Xenopus laevis embryo Zoological Research 28 (4): 403-405


29. Li Ma, Ya-hui Zhao, and Junxing Yang. Cavefish of China, (2019) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CAVES, Third Edition. ELSEVIER, Academic Press, Chapter 28: 237-254

30. Li Ma and William Jeffery. (2015) Eye development (vertebrate) McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia Yearbook of Science & Technology. Mc-Graw Hill Education (invited) DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1079.6004

31.B.A. Stahl, C.R. Sears, L. Ma, M. Perkins, J.B. Gross (2018) “Pmela and Tyrp1b contribute to melanophore variation in Mexican cavefish.” Evolutionary Biology. Volume 21. P. Pontarotti and M.-H. Rome, editors. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.

32. William R. Jeffery, Li Ma, Amy Parkhurst, Helena Bilandžija. (2014) Pigment cell regression and albinism in Astyanax cavefish. The Biology of Mexican Cavefish. Elsevier Press

33. Li Ma and Ya-hui Zhao. Cavefish of China, (2012) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CAVES, Second Edition. ELSEVIER, Academic Press, C: 107-125


1.  Li Ma and William R. Jeffery, Global Analysis of Maternal Transcripts in Astyanax Cavefish Eggs. Sixth Astyanax International Meeting, Cine Teatro Rosalio Solano, Queretaro, March 17-20, 2019

2.  William R. Jeffery and Li Ma, Evolution of Left-Right Axis Astymmetry in Astyanax Cavefish. Sixth Astyanax International Meeting, Cine Teatro Rosalio Solano, Queretaro, March 17-20, 2019 

3.  Li Ma, Daniel Castranova, Brant M. Weinstein, Aniket Gore, and William R. Jeffery, Molecular Mechanism of Eye Loss in the Cavefish Astyanax. The Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, January 3-7, 2018

4.  Li Ma and William R. Jeffery, Paralogous Cystathionine ß Synthase Genes in Astyanax mexicanus : Functional Diversification and Evolution of Cavefish Eye Degeneration. Fifth Astyanax International Meeting, Cine Teatro Rosalio Solano, Queretaro, Mexico March 12-15, 2017

5.  William Jeffery, Li Ma, Kelly Tomins, Brant M Weinstein and Aniket Gore, Analysis of the Eye QTL Gene cbsa Reveals the Role of Cranial Vasculature in Regression of the Cavefish Visual System. Fifth Astyanax International Meeting, Cine Teatro Rosalio Solano, Queretaro, Mexico March 12-15, 2017

6.  Li Ma, Stahl Bethany, Adams Hannah, and Joshua B. Gross, Molecular analysis of melanophore lineage genes in cavefish depigmentation. 23rd International Conference on Subterranean Biology, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA, June13-17, 2016

7.  Li Ma and William R. Jeffery, Molecular analysis of an A.mexicanus Eye QTL reveals a potential role of Cystathionine beta-synthase A in cavefish eye degeneration, Fourth Astyanax International Meeting, Cine Teatro Rosalio Solano, Queretaro, Mexico October 26-28, 2015

8.  Li Ma, Brian Carlson, Bethany Stahl, Hannah Adams, Amanda K.Powers and Joshua B. Gross, Candidate genes analysis for pigment development in Astyanax cavefish, Fourth Astyanax International Meeting, Cine Teatro Rosalio Solano, Queretaro, Mexico October 26-28, 2015

9. Bethany Stahl, Li Ma, Joshua B. Gross, High-resolution genomic mapping reveals genes contributing to complex melanophore variation in Astyanax mexicanus cavefish, the Fourth Astyanax International Meeting, Cine Teatro Rosalio Solano, Queretaro, Mexico October 26-28, 2015

10. Johanna Kowalko, Li Ma, William Jeffery, Jeff Essner, Utilizing genome editing to explore the genetic basis of evolution in the cavefish Astyanax mexicanus, the Society for Developmental Biology 73rd Annual Meeting, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA July 17, 2014

11. Li Ma and William R. Jeffery, Role of aA-crystallin in Astyanax cavefish eye degeneration, Third Astyanax International Meeting, Ciudad Valles, Mexico, March 19, 2013

12.  Li Ma and William R. Jeffery, The function of aA-crystallin in lens degeneration in Astyanax mexicanus cavefish, the Second Astyanax International Meeting Ciudad Valles, Mexico March15, 2011


1, New research identifies how blind cavefish lose their eyes

(Public Release: UMDscience, May 30, 2018)

Link: https://cmns.umd.edu/news-events/features/4146

2, Blind cave fish may provide insights into human health

(Public Release: Science 24 Jun 2016)

Link: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/352/6293/1502

3, Blind cave fish may provide insight on eye disease and other human health issues.

(Public Release: UMDscience, October 21, 2014)

Link: https://cmns.umd.edu/news-events/features/2545



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