李雷, 1966年5月16日出生,博士,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,研究员。2000年9月- 2000年12月加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校,纯粹与应用数学研究所,博士后。1993年8月至1998年5月,加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校统计系博士。2005年4月- 2010年1月南加利福尼亚大学计算生物及数学系,副教授( tenure终身职务) 。主持National Science Foundation ( USA ) 、 National Institute of Health/NIGMS ( USA ) 、中科院“百人计划” 、国家自然科学基金,重大研究计划“高性能科学计算的基础、科学院重大等项目。担任系统科学与数学,应用数学学报编委。CSIAM数学生命科学专业委员会,常务副主任委员。中国现场统计学会,理事。

   主要从事数/统计学和分子生物学、基因组学交叉领域的研究,一是高通量组学技术相关的可计算建模,包括DNA测序碱基辨识,基因芯片数据分析,序列映射,基因组拼接。二是复杂生命表型和复杂疾病的机制研究,包括基因表达调控机制的统计推断方法,纳米粒子[Gd@C82(OH)22]n抗癌机制,酵母的长寿机制, Alzheimer的基因表达谱分析,二型糖尿病的发病分子机制。 


彭小丁*,李雷*. 2018.治愈2型糖尿病难题的新视角:及早发现、及早治疗,医学综述. 


Wang, A, Wang, Z, Li, Z,Li, LM*. 2018. BAUM: A DNA Assembler by Adaptive Unique Mapping and Local Overlap-Layout-ConsensusBioinformatics,10.1093/bioinformatics/bty020.


Zhang, S, Wang, B, Wan, L,Li, LM*. 2017.Estimating Phred scores of Illumina base calls by logistic regression and sparse modeling.BMC Bioinformatics, 18, 335. 


Wang, B, Wan, L, Wang, A,Li, LM*. 2017. An adaptive decorrelation method removes Illumina DNA base-calling errors caused by crosstalk between adjacent clusters.Scientific Reports, 7, 41348 . 


Li, LM*, Liu, X, Wang, L, Wang, Y, Liu, X, Tian, X, Gong, F, Shen, L, Peng, XD. 2017. A Novel Dual Eigen-Analysis of Mouse Multi-Tissues' Expression Profiles Unveils New Perspectives into Type 2 Diabetes.Scientific Reports,7, 5044. 


Chen, S, Wang, A,Li, LM*. 2013. SEME: a fast mapper of Illumina sequencing reads with statistical evaluation.J Comput Biol, 20, 847-60. 


Ge, H, Wei, M, Fabrizio, P, Hu, J, Cheng, C, Longo, VD,Li, LM*. 2010. Comparative analyses of time-course gene expression profiles of the long-lived sch9Delta mutant.Nucleic Acids Res,38, 143-58. 


Wei, M, Fabrizio, P, Madia, F, Hu, J, Ge, H,Li, LMLongo, VD*.2009.Tor1/Sch9-regulated carbon source substitution is as effective as calorie restriction in life span extension.PLoS Genet,5, e1000467. 


 Kim, JH, Waterman, MS, Li, L.M. 2007. Diploid genome reconstruction of Ciona intestinalis and comparative analysis withCiona savignyi.Genome Res,17, 1101-10. 


Cheng, C., Yan, X., Sun, F. &Li, LM*. 2007. Inferring activity changes of transcription factors by binding association with sorted expression profiles.BMC Bioinformatics,8, 452. 


Valouev, A, Li, L, Liu, YC, Schwartz, DC, Yang, Y, Zhang, Y, Waterman, MS. 2006. Alignment of optical maps.J Comput Biol,13, 442-62. 


Cheng, C, Li, LM*. 2005. Sub-array normalization subject to differentiation.Nucleic Acids Res,33, 5565-73. 


Li, M, Nordborg, M,Li, LM*. 2004. Adjust quality scores from alignment and improve sequencing accuracy.Nucleic Acids Res,32, 5183-91. 


Rosenberg, NA, Li, LM, Ward, R, Pritchard, JK. 2003. Informativeness of genetic markers for inference of ancestry.Am J Hum Genet73, 1402-22. 


Li, L*. & Speed, TP. 1999. An estimate of the crosstalk matrix in four-dye fluorescence-based DNA sequencing.Electrophoresis,20, 1433-1442. 











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