李明锟, 1983年5月,博士,研究员。2005年毕业于西北农林科技大学生命科学学院生物技术专业,获理学学士学位。2013年毕业于德国马普学会进化人类学研究所,获生物学博士学位。2013年11月- 2017年12月在法国梅里埃基金会任高级研究员、生物信息学课题组长。2018年1月至今中科院北京基因组研究所精准基因组医学重点实验室研究员、课题组长。目前主持自然科学基金面上项目一项。






Yan F, Xiao Y,Li MK, Zhang H, Zhang R, Zhou H, Shen H, Wang J, Li W, Ren L. Metagenomic analysis identified human rhinovirus B91 infection in an adult suffered severe pneumonia.American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2017, 195 (11) :1535. 


Li MK, Rothwell R, Vermaat M, Wachsmuth Manja, Schroder R, et al. Genome of the Netherlands Consortium. Transmission of human mtDNA heteroplasmy in the genome of the Netherlands families: support for a variable-size bottleneck.Genome Research, 2016, 26:417-426. 


Wachsmuth M, Huebner A,Li MK,Madea B, Stoneking M. Age-related and heteroplasmy-related variation in human mtDNA copy number.PLoS Genetics, 2016, 12(3): e1005939. 


Li MK, Schroeder R, Ni SY, Madea B, Stoneking M.Extensive tissue-related and allele-related mtDNA heteroplasmy suggests positive selection for somatic mutations.PNAS. 2015, 112(8):2491-6. 


The Genome of the Netherlands Consortium. Whole-genome sequence variation, population structure and demographic history of the Netherlands.Nature Genetics. 2014, 46(8):818-25. 


Li MK*and Stoneking M. A new approach for detecting low-level mutations in next-generation sequence data.Genome Biology, 2012, 13:R34. (* corresponding author) 


Li MK*, Schroeder R,Ko A, Stoneking M. Fidelity of capture-enrichment for mtDNA genome sequencing: influence of NUMTs.Nucleic Acid Research, 2012, 40:e137. 


Li MK*and Chen SS. The tendency to recreate ancestral CG dinucleotides in the human genome.BMC Evolutionary Biology. 2011, 11:3. 


Li MK*, Schoenberg A, Schaefer M, Schroeder R, Nasidze I, Stoneking M*. Detecting heteroplasmy from high-throughput sequencing of complete human mitochondrial DNA genomes.American Journal of Human Genetics. 2010, 87(2):237-49. 


Li MK, Gu L, Chen SS, Dai JQ, Tao SH. Evolution of the isochore structure in the scale of chromosome: insight from the mutation bias and fixation bias.Journal of Evolutionary Biology.2008, 21(1):173-82. 


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