张云, 1963年7月9号,博士后,研究员,生物毒素与人类疾病学科组负责人。1984年毕业于华东理工大学生物化学专业,获理学学士学位。1993 — 1995年在法国巴斯德研究所分子生物学专业做博士后研究。主持完成并正承担国家“ 863 ”计划,国家重大新药创制专项, “ 973 ”项目课题,国家基金委重点,中科院重点部署项目。现任国际生物毒素学会亚太地区理事。中国毒理学会生物毒素专业委员会主任。国家核心期刊“动物学研究”副主编。获国家技术发明奖二等奖, 2013年, .中共中央组织部和中国科学院“西部之光”优秀学者, 2006年。云南省政府,云南省中青年学术和技术带头人, 2002年。云南省“云岭学者” , 2015年。




首次报道了该复合物并阐明该蛋白质通过一条全新的细胞信号调节通路而激活天然免疫系统(PNAS封面故事,独立通讯作者,2014)进一步深入揭示该复合物具有调控细胞内囊泡酸化环境的功能(J Infec Dis,独立通讯作者,2017)通过建立小鼠表皮创伤模型来探索该蛋白在组织修复和创伤愈合中的作用,发现该蛋白可以通过促进伤口的再上皮化,增加新生上皮细胞层的厚度(FASEB J,共同通讯,2018)。研究揭示了脊椎动物防御和清除细胞内病原体的新策略和效应分子,为深入解析细胞囊泡化形成和调控的基础细胞生物学问题以及相关的生理病理作用提供了新思路和新线索。


Gao ZH, Deng CJ, Xie YY, Guo X L, Wang QQ, Liu L Z, Lee WH &Zhang Y*. (2018). Pore-forming toxin-like protein complex expressed by frog promotes tissue repair. The FASEB Journal, fj-201800087R. 

Zhao F, Lan XQ, Li T, Xiang Y, Zhao F,Zhang Y*& Lee WH. (2018). Proteotranscriptomic Analysis and Discovery of the Profile and Diversity of Toxin-like Proteins in Centipede. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, mcp-RA11 

Li SA, Liu L, Guo XL, Zhang YY, Xiang Y, Wang QQ, Lee WH, andZhang Y* (2017) Host pore-forming protein complex neutralizes the acidification of endocytic organelles to counteract intracellular pathogens.The Journal of infectious diseases, 2017, 215.11: 1753-1763. 

Xiang Y, Yan C, Guo XL, Zou KF, Li SA, Gao Q, Wang X, Lee WH, andZhang Y*(2014) Host-derived pore-forming toxin-like protein and trefoil factor complex protects the host against microbial infection.Proceedings of the National Academy of the SciencesUSA,111, 6702-6707 (cover story) 

Yang X, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Lee WH,Zhang Y*.2016.Rich diversity and potency of skin antioxidant peptides revealed a novel molecular basis for high-altitude adaptation of amphibians.Sci Rep. 6, 19866. 

Zhao F, Yan C, Wang X, Yang Y, Wang GY, Lee WH, Xiang Y,Zhang Y* (2014) Comprehensive Transcriptome profiling and functional analysis of the frog (Bombina maxima) immune system.DNA Res.21, 1-13 

Wang YJ, Guo XL, Li SA, Zhao YQ, Liu ZC, Lee W, Xiang Y*, andZhang Y* (2014) Prohibitin is involved in the activated internalization and degradation of protease-activated receptor 1.BBA Molecular Cell Research,1834, 1393-1401. 

Li SA Xiang Y Lee W, Zhang Y (2013) Naturally occurring antimicrobial peptide OH-CATH30 protects against sepsis by regulating host innate immune responses.J Med Chem56, 9136-9145. 

Zhang Y, Wang YJ, Xiang Y, Lee WH, andZhang Y* (2012) Prohibitins are involved in protease-activated receptor 1-mediated platelet aggregation.J Thromb. Haemosta10,411-418. 

Liu ZC, Zhang R, Zhao F, Chen ZM, Liu HW, Wang YJ, Jiang P, Zhang Y, Wu Y, Ding JP, Lee WH andZhang Y* (2012) Venomics and Transcriptomic Analysis of CentipedeScolopendra subspinipes dehaani.J Proteome Res11, 6197-6212. (2012 IF of 5 years, 5.413) 

Yang XW, Lee WH*, andZhang Y* (2012) Extremely Abundant Antimicrobial Peptides Existed in the Skins of Nine Kinds of Chinese Odorous Frogs.J Proteome Res11, 306-319 

Zhang Y, Yu G, Wang Y, Xiang Y, Gao Q, Jiang P, Zhang J, Lee W, andZhang Y*(2011)Activation of protease-activated receptor 1 by a frog trefoil factor and PAR4 by human trefoil factor 2.Cell Mol Life Sci68, 3771-3780 









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