
现任BMC GenomicsFrontiers in Genetics5SCI杂志的副主编或编委以及IEEE/ACM TCBB客座编委。曾获中国青年科技奖、中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖、全国百篇优秀博士论文奖、国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金、中国科学院卓越青年科学家项目等。



1.  基于优化、统计与机器学习的数据科学 

2.  针对癌症基因组学、表观基因组学、三维基因组等生物大数据的数据整合与解析 



1.Chen J,Zhang S*. Discovery of two-level modular organization from matched genomic data via joint matrix tri-factorization.Nucleic Acids Research(2018), 46(12): 5967–5976. 

2.Cao Z,Zhang S*. Simple tricks of convolutional neural network architectures improve DNA–protein binding prediction.Bioinformatics(2018), bty893. 

3.Min W, Liu J*,Zhang S*.Edge-group sparse PCA for network-guided high dimensional data analysis.Bioinformatics(2018),34(20), 3479–3487. 

4.Li W, Zhao A,Zhang S*, Li J*.Joint modeling of multiple RNA-seq samples for accurate isoform quantification. TheAnnals of Applied Statistics(2018), 12(1), 510–539. 

5.Wang C,Zhang S*. Large-scale determination and characterization of cell type-specific regulatory elements in the human genome.Journal of Molecular Cell Biology(2017), 9(6), 463-476.(Editor’s Choice and Cover Story). 

6.Zhang J,Zhang S*. Discovery of cancer common and specific gene sets.Nucleic Acids Research(2017), 45 (10): e86. 

7.Yang X, Gao L,Zhang S*. Comparative pan-cancer DNA methylation analysis reveals cancer common and specific patterns.Briefings in Bioinformatics(2017), 18(5), 761–773. 

8.Chen J,Zhang S*. Integrative analysis for identifying joint modular patterns of gene-expression and drug-response data.Bioinformatics(2016), 32(11):1724-1732. 

9.Yang X, Shao X, Gao L,Zhang S*.Systematic DNA methylation analysis of multiple cell lines reveals common and specific patterns within and across tissues of origin.Human Molecular Genetics(2015), 24(15):4374-4384. 

10. Zhang S, Tian D, Tran NH, Choi KP, Zhang L. Profiling the transcription factor regulatory networks of human cell types.Nucleic Acids Research(2014), 42(20):12380-12387. 

11. Chen C,Zhang S*, Zhang XS. Discovery of cell-type specific regulatory elements in the human genome by differential chromatin modification analysis.Nucleic Acids Research(2013), 41 (20): 9230-9242. 

12. Zhao J,Zhang S*, Wu LY, Zhang XS. Efficient methods for identifying mutated driver pathways in cancer.Bioinformatics(2012), 28(22): 2940-2947. 

13. Zhang S, Liu CC, Li W, Shen H, Laird PW, Zhou XJ. Discovery of multi-dimensional modules by integrative analysis of cancer genomic data.Nucleic Acids Research(2012), 40(19): 9379-9391. 

14. Zhang S, Li Q, Liu J, Zhou XJ. Integrating multiple functional genomic data to define microRNA-gene regulatory modules by a sparse network-regularized multiple matrix factorization method.Bioinformatics(ISMB2011) 2011, 27:i401-i409. 

15. Zhang S, Vasishtan D, Xu M, Topf M, Alber F. A fast mathematical programming procedure for simultaneous fitting of assembly components into cryo-EM density maps.Bioinformatics(ISMB2010) 2010, 26(12):i261-i268.[Faculty of 1000] 







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